4 - The Canadien Champion, Fniday, February 12, 1999 eq -, IR. 11 ma U6Ï LET BRIAN'S AUTO ThEAT YOUR CAR LIKE YOU ThEAT VOUR FAVOURITh VALENTINE -. 'ROTATE & BALANCE $24,95 (otas Before You Pay For Your Next Brake Job For Safety's Sake Have Our Licensed Technicians Evaluate Your B3rakes AirMoe. i Players are out in the cold Monarch Basketball players are quickly munning oui ci Venues ini whivhi lu conpete. First the local boopsters were bumned out of E.C. Drury igb Scbool by a blaze lasi month. Now tbey've been booted out of Bisbop Reding Secondary School, due to the Halton Catholic District Sebool Board's teachers lockout. This bas Marths and Pat Gleeson - wbo run the programt comprising rougbly 200 participants at tbe rep and bouse league levels - scrambling to find yet anotber place for gaines and practices. 'mn not sure what a lockout of teacbers bas to do witb us. Why are we being locked out too?" said Ms Gleeson. "Tbey (tbe scbool board) say it's for safety reasons, but bow can tbat be wben our coaches super- vise our kids, not tbe teachers? I just don't understand Before tbis week Monarcb Basketball used Bishop Reding's gym for bouse league competition on Tuesday eveniiqgs. Milton District Hfigb Sebool is uti- lized for rep teain practices on Tuesdays and bouse league gaines on Tbursdays. The Gleesons may be able to move the earlier week gainles over to MD,. but duiîs wottld severely cut iuto the rep team's practice ime. Another option is moving to the Milton Leisure Centre, althougb in tbe past floor time could only be secured aliter 9 p.m. Said Ms Gleeson, 'Tbat's too late for the younger kids. We might be able to get sorte gamnes in at W.I. Dick or maybe the one gym at E.C. Drury la usable now. Things are kind of up in the air rigbt now." Councillor Ron Funik -who has tbree children playing local basketball -said be's quite frustrated by tbe situation, stating that "it's sad that this is coin- ing at the expense of kids." Also concemied about tbe lack of facilities is Sheila Nikolich, who bas two daughters in tbe bouse league ranks. 1I don't know mucb about tbe wbole lockout situa- tion, my cbildren are at public achool. It's juat disap- pointing tbough, to tbink that tbey miàght not be able to play because of this," sbe said. "Anytbing tbat hurts tbemt hurla me." Wondering what Segregated Fund& are ail about: Wondering what features Segregated Fund& offer? Wondering if your portolio needs Segregated Funds? Donald ]Bell B.A., LL.B., CFP, LR.P has the answer to these and many more quesfions. BERKSHIRE As a valued member of jerry Santucci's Wealth Management Team at Berkshire Securities IflC., Don "I help you:, # Find out how you can access the long-terni performance of AIC investment management, with a guarantee on your invested capital. * Discover the other benefits segregated funds offer such as: *Death and Matu *t Guarantees e Reset Options e Potential Creditor Protection e MWnmization of Probate Fees Thursday February l8th 7:00 PM The Provident Building 5420 North Service Rd. (at Burloak Drive) 'IktANSAMEICA UI DiJRAM»XE S.COMPANY 0F CANAMt Burlington, Ontario Seating is limited. Please cail Ferry at 319-9000 ext. 327 to reserve. Transamrneca Lite Insurance Company of Canada is the sole insurer of the individuel variable insurance contract provlding for investment in AIC Segregateri Funds. A complete deacripton of the key featurea of the individual variable insurance con- tract la contained In the AIC Segregateri Funda Information Polder. SUBJECT TO ANY APPLICABLE DEATH AND MATURI- TV GUARANTEE, ANY 011-ER AMOUNT THAT IS ALLOCATEO TO A SEGREGATED FUNO IS INVESTED AT THE RISK 0F THE OWNER AND MAY INCREASE OR DECREASE IN VALUE, ACCORDING TO FLUCTUATIONS IN THIE MARKET VALUE 0F TH4E FUNO. OTransamerlea and the pyramid design are reglstered trademarca of Tranaamerlc Corporation. Traneamerica Lite Inaurance Company of Canada la lcenseri f0 uae sucti marksa. This ad la broughf f0 your In part by AIC Group oI Funds and Jerry Sanfucci of Berkahire Securfles Ine. SEGRECSATED FUNDS*