Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Feb 1999, p. 26

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puy, February ¶2,199 26-The chdan Champîon 'Frid ér uy1,' 9 - - - - - If YOu value IatagdiY, anu al mesact and ponal commlôbneat, you will wanf to loin our team! Being an integral member of the Scot, Batenchuk & Co., team, means you wiii strive la deliver innova- five client services with a teamn of progressive, motivated and talented professionals, in an atmosphere of continuai learning. We reqaire the services oftan ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (FIT) Von wiii possess a positive attitude, solid commanication skiIls, have gained experience in general office procedures mitti training in reception responsibilities. Working knowledge of Microsoft Word is essentiai. Von con provide detailed attention to pfrotocopying, collatiog and document preparafion mithie time sensitive deadlines. If this oppantunnty appes to ynu, ptease fax your resume in confidence along with salaîy expectaf ions ta: LZ ý- I1llScott, Batenchuk & Co., Chartered Accauntants koýBatenchuk & CO. Fax (905)4632-9068 Quofe File JKS 402 VWRELESS COMMUNICATIONS We are a fast gro wing public organization with exciting opportunitiles in Surrey BC & Seattle, WA for experienced professionals in the Iollowing areas: Structural Engineers: * Required f0 design ail aspects of communications sites, including rooffop sites, fomers, monopoles, co-tocates and founidations. * 2-5 years experîcot in analysîs & design. Structural Detallers *To assisf tn preparation of engineering and fabrication dramings. *2-5 years eupericne as drafter/detailer TOcU5ficiafls " Qnalified civil engineering fechnicians " Minimum 0f 2 years of relafed field experience These permanent POsitions wif h an indnsfry leader included competive salaries and benef ifs, If you mont f0 grow vilh us, please respond in wrifing only f0: WssTower Communicationms Ltd. 17886 55th Avenus Surrey, BC VUS SC8 OTHE COMMUNITY CARE ACCESS CENTRE (CCAC) 0F HALTON lu Looking for a QuaIIty and Standards CCA DeveI@epm..et Manager liA LT ON (Satary Range $46,832 - $58,540 - under review) Tht CCAC of Halton seeks a highly skilled, motivated and client oriented individuai ta join their management team. To be con- sidered you shouid have a Bachelors Degree in a Heaith Related Discipline along with 5 years experience in Quality/Risk Management programo, program development, prograco planning and evalu- ation in the health sector. An equivalent combinatian of experience and education is acceptable. Computer proficiency lu required. In addition, yau shauid posseso excellent interpersanal and group facilitatiori ukillu, be wveil arganized and manage yaur ime effectively, be a strong communicatar lboth oral and writ- Cen), be analyticai and demonotrate effective prablem-salving skills. You must possess a valid Ciaso »G' driver's license and have the use of a vehicle. Reporting ta the Directar of Planning and Deveiapment, the suc- cessful candidate will facilitate programn develapmient, and evalua- Clan, policy/pracedlure and standards development and performance impravement initiatives ta enhance aur pracesses, and systems bath internally and externally. Inherent in the raie is engaging staff, clients and key stakehalders in pragram develapment and quality imprave- ment initiatives. Ta be considered please forward yaur resume by February 22, 1999, quoting Competition CCAC #50, to: CCACof Halton ,Attention: Wanda Gosiin, Humah Resources Manager 440 Elizabeth Street 4th Floor, Surlington ON L7R 2M1 Fax: (905) 639-5320 Note: Only anccesfu appicanta wuifl be contacted for an intervewe. Pensuna information coiiected from p lcants reili be used to determine qualificatins for employmtot. Questioru about t is collection of inormation shouid be dlrecttd ta thn CemmueitY Core Accrs Centre of Hon ut the abovt address. COUNTRY Ex- ecutivo. 3 f ire- places, 4 bedroomu, strean lard pond, moodu, garage & bamn pla rrch more. $1850. Mark Mutlation, CammolnOatti Real Estate Services Corpo- ration. 876-0633/16- 0460. ONE bodrooarupuri- ment, $750imonth andi 3 bedroom tohonse $1,050. manth. Avait- able Apnil lut Ta nier: Conradi. 539-8777. Classifleds Firrut TWO bodroom hanse. Fddge/stove/dishmash- or andi above g round pool includeri. Waiking distance ta domntamn. Availabto beginning ai Aprit $950. pins utititios. Reforencos required. 905-878-1843 or 905- 878-4478. monts. $795. andi up. Cai 878-8097. BACHELOR Apt. caun- try dlose ta loren, $475. + hydra. tnc. heaf & hat mater and appliances, cablo uvailablo. No pets. Relorencen re- quired. Anailablo March 1sf. Cail Sylvia 854- 2294. GUELPHt Une, Mitian. 1 bedrooru apf. Nemiy decorated.Fhdge/stove, $595./manfh plus. 1- 416-787-1125 Evo. 1- 416-781-9410. area, auitablo for cou- ple, nan-amakora pro- lerrei. Ulliltis indludod. lstflaat. $lSOlmonth. 905-854-0534. MILLSIDE TOWERS 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 2 Bedrooms avail- able ont bus rouie, freshsl decorafed, 2 appliances, an-site launidry, indludes ail ufilities (excepf phn& cable.) Free prig, no pets. H e foer e n c es required. 90586-1249 By appuintrneri onfy AQUARFNE "Ganada's Water Store" n beomng a Certified Wafer Consuttant onbthe Aquafine feam . This is a uni ne sates opporfunity for a higbty motivated, onganioed and retiabte individual, seeking a long lem sales caeer with a potenlial for management adeancement. Tfrrough the building af strong and successfut client relationobipo, youlIl mar- ket a tait range aI qaity iodustry recognized mater sotteners, flters and droingI mater systemo. Jobn a leamn aI dynamic Consultants that has an estab- lished track record second f0 none in a groming indusfry. No layoffo and no cafbacks. Earning potenfial is only limited by your drive, initiative and creativilt. A comprehensine produc and sales training is provid- ed, along %vith a compntitive compensation package, thaf includes an attractive commission structure, a guaranfee dram, first year bonus opporunity, excellent henefits and a vehicle allomance. If you are interested iu joining the fastest gro wing and moot dynamic mater Inealment fearu lu the industry. Plamas caii 1-800-465-5423 for a porsonal and conflidntlul lntorvlsw. BARTIMAEUS INC. YOUTH WORKERS REQUIRED $1 5-$21/Hour Bartimaeus nc. provides highly skilled and experience workers ta a variety of settingo that moiti mith children, adolescents and adulîs milth special needs: QUALIFICATIONS: *CYW *DSW *B.A. Minimum of 5 years expenience providing hehavioural management, social skilîs and Ilte okilîs training. Please fax resume foi: Paf Gaughai, Coordinator of Services Bartimaslus e (905) 634-6682 MANAGER, RECREATION SERVICES Churchill Place, a tuxury retrement resi- dence in Qakvjîle, requirea a friendly and high energy individual for Volunteer Administration and implemeneation of a dynamic recreation pragrami for seniors. Two yeara' experience in a similar posi- tion reqtaired and computer knowledge an usel. Candidates must posuess or be working towards a diploma in recreation and leisure atudieu, gerontology or a related discipline. Fax or e-mail resumne f o: Sheldon Goutd 905-338-7117 CHPIWICAN.NET We appreciate ail applications, however only those clioren for an interview will be contacted. j We aoe a service company centralty located rn Milton. We have an immediafe opening for an lntermediate Accountant. With tht benefit of 2nd or 3rd level CGA and a minimum of 3 years in generat accountiug fanictions, yoa milI be a part of a motivated, high energy tearu handllng accoants receivable, accounts payable, invoic- ing, payroll and generat office administration. French as a second laqguage is beneficial. As the ideat candidate, yon wlt have strong oral and viritten skiffs, pertorran meti with Slmpfy Accoanting and/or ACCPAC and have strong skilîs in Excel, Access and Word. You pay close attention 10 defail and have sfrong reconciliafion and investigative skilîs. Von also enjoy the challenge of a basy morti- tond. If yoa moatd like f0 farther yoar carter mitti a steadily groming company, send yonr resame toi: Box 2307 t/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main St. E. Milton, ON L9T 4N9 Thank yoa for your interest. Only qnalified applicants wlt be contacted. Deadfine for applications is Ftbruary 19,1i999. MAKE MONEY NOW NOT SOMEDAVI. O4q F CANADA North America's fasteat growing telecom- munications company neoda repu in this ares. Great financia opporunity for fuît and part-time positionu. Cai todlay! 876-3018 ment. ln basement and parti main fioor, use 0f maher, dryer, fridge, atone, $700ilmonth in- dluclts heaf & hydro. James Snom, s aies Rep., Century 21 Reatty Professionals lnc., 875- 1110. ONE bodroom base- ment apartruent. $650.fincluaive. No Smok i or pets. April 1siC.îM 876-0623. ONE bedroom, 64 On- tano St. N., Milton. Re- aerved parking, dlean, bright andi modemn. Stovefridge included. $745imonth plus hydro. First/taat. References requirei. Avaifable Feu. 15 878-8123. UNE bectroorn. Nem" renovafed. $650. att in- cluine. Acton. Avaitable April 1sf. Cai Peter (519) 853-3788. SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 bedroorus. Freshly painted, bright. Com- peririve rent. Bur ington high rise. Well main- fained. Convenient lo- cation. (905)333-9846. Noon - 8 pr. TWO bedrooru apt. Goori location, main floor. Avait. May 1sf. $990ialt inclusive. Non- smoking, no pets. Ret- erences ptease. Repy: Box #2306, c/o Cana- dian Champion, 191 Main St.E., Million, Ont. L9T 4N9. TWO bedrooru base- ment. Shared kttchen. 1 ý arkcinig. Anailable arch lut. $650.mnctu- aive. Phone extra. Firsf/last. Non-amoker preferred. Dune 878- 1833. Milton home. Sharei kitchen, bath & living- opaca. Nvn-srunker. $385.lruonth. 1-416- 953-9413. B ED SI1TTI1N G room/ahared bathroom. $475. inctudea ufilites. Anaitabte lenmediatey. Gloria 875-1806 aller 5:30 pr.. ROOM for rent. Sharei use ai non-smoking hanse. $400. inctudes utiltfies. Femate pre- ferred. 702-8744. FOR SALE, four bed- roara, executive style home, Gowliand Crea- cent. Immacutate condi- flan, many ext ras, suni moom, ingrannd pool, etc. Asking $275,900: Intereatei bnyera cati <905)878-5090 for ap- paintruent. HOUSE, Timberlea.' Brick, 2-stare, 3-bed- roam, 2-maahroams, fireplace, central vue, mec moru, decis, spot- leus. $177,900. 878- 9586. fil, ihîiý ,wTC,

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