Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Feb 1999, p. 25

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Blue Buxcon Truck Wash ix nom hiring, Fuit & Part-lime 8 arn - 4 pue and 5 pue - 12 pue. The successfut applicants mont bu able 10 work wenekenuls. Starting wage is $7.OOIhr. with bonus incentives averaging your wage up 10 $8.50-$9.00 pur hour. No phono catI s ploase. Pleine appty in porson behind Fîfth Wheol. STRANO SYSCO O18 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR CLASS "AZ" DRIVERS - Hamilton Area Strano Sy.vco Foo)dvervice Limited is a Peterborough based. full line. leading foodservice divtributor .vervicing Ontario and Quebec customers. We are looking for energetic. responsive ndividuals lo make deliveries to aur customerx on assigned routes in and around the Hami lion area. Resposisib . ilies may alsti include running our "B trainsIo Peterboroughwand back. You musut have a proven record in working with minimal supervision. If you are customer-oriented and gel satisfaction from a hard deay'v work. then we are nterexted in hearingfrom you. You musi have a Class "AZ" driver's licence and have a minimum of two years accident-free driving. If you are interestedl mn exploring this exciinge opportuniuy. piease submu your resume, iu confidence tà: Sirano Syxco Foodserrtce Limiied Ruon Resources Dept. F. Box 6000 Feterborough, ON K9J 751 (Fax 705-74840025) interview. w-ii hcn.,rnnd. W, wish ta th».,k ew',.vn, ..h» n.po..deine ihis Wem n jal,,ù,».rn.r mpv The Canadien Champion, Fndcay, February 12, 1999-25 GENERAL LADOURERS LIGHT PACKAGERlS LîNE ASSEMBLERS REQUIRED I MMEDIArELY Day & Atemoon shifts availabte. Ride an assef. APPLY IN PERSON 9AM-3PM DAt LV Lighthouse H.R. Services 1500 Carporate Drive, Buriington Tei: (905) 319-3498 LOCAL COORDINATOR Red Leaf Studenf Prngrams requires allenible'people persn wîfh sense oI humor Io coordinafe a-summner ESL program in Milton. P.R./ Sales enperience an assef. Part-fimeflenible hours now tiII June & flI- time July. Worlifrom houerecruiing local familles tu -hostf oreign teenagers Ihis sumnirier. Seuil re- sfale te: Red Lut Stuient Pregra.. 202-180 Ileer St. W. Tarente, Gtarieý M5S 2V6 No phone calls please. »~44 THE DICKENS isn currenly accopfing applications for Lino Cooks. xpernonce ta nof necennary but la dofinitety an annet. The rtghf people nhould have tho foftowing qualifies: Good poniflive attitude * Toam player Hard worker - Strong work ethica -Work weil wift othera Wagon f0 nfarf are bofweon $8.OOIhr. to $9.OOihr. doponding on experience Appiy In porson between 2 -5 prn 189 Miii St., Milton AIMCO ' NEEDS VOUIN FOR VOUR CONVENIENCE, WE WILL BE OPEN: SAT. FEB. 13, BETWEEN 9AMI AND 1 PM PLEAS JOIN US FOR IEXCELLIENT LONO-TERM AND TEMP. TO PERM. OPPORTUNITIES: " SHIPPER/RECEIVER * ORDER PICKERS " DOCK WORKERS e MACHINE OPERATORS " LABOURERS a CERTIFIED REACH OPERATORS " COUINTER BALANCE OPERATORS e ASSEMBLERS " OVERHEAD CRANE OPERATORS e FORKLIFT OPERATORS *Att nhifts avaifabl e and top raton paid * Benofit pl an inctuden 100% dental *Woekf y draven for prizen * Direct deponit Corne to îpply wilh your SIN card and PHOTO IDI 700 Dundas Sf. E., Suife 10 (Dundas & Ciwthri) 8 ar n 2 pm, Monday to Friday CANADIAN le RED CROSS Halton Region Hornemaker Service requires MSMEMMERS in Milee, amtefun Action, enilt ina A *Ile UM ML>EVUS: Desiue f0 work with communitp huth care service; Availablu f0 share non-tradilional houi's, evgs & wknds; Exp. worfiing with the eldeuly in community sutting: Access tn transporfaiorveicle; Excellent communication and organizationaf skills; HSII, HSIII, HCA, PSW an asset. IEPNIIIIS Pursonaf caru; Social and famifp support; Laundry: Childcam; Caregiver relief; Houseiotd managemeunt; Met planning and prep. APPLICANTS ARE INVITED TO APPLY IN PERSON: 676 Appieby Lin., Burlingion St«c Cierks/Cashiers FIT - 37.51bkm., G"ikvie pfr-16-20/rs., Oak. & Bud. Education: Grade 10 or euiovatent experience in refait sales andl cashierivg, good flair for men's, ladies and childruv fashion & customer relations must bu able fis perforue a variefy nf physical fasks, tilt up fo 25lbs, work evunivgs, week-ends & Sxndaps. Apply in persan by Februaîy 16, 1999 la: 4051 Mem Street, Burliton 407A Speeu Road, Oakviiie Fax: <905) 333-4215 for expanding i!!!0iW A f Oalevilie ciu n if'IiUt1i,: Lom arler Assitant pesohC fax5M33OOo Experiencod Paintors for Resj/Comwork. students wtlcore, Faux finishes and murals a bonus. Send resumes to: THE FINAL TOUCHES 2964 sycuoreSt. MILLSIDE RESTAURANT Roquiron KITCHEN HELP, WATT STAFF, & BUS PEOPLE. Maese apply In persn fa: 243 Main St, E., Miifon. TOURISM MI LTON is hin. Summarfirna Toumu Suparvinor. Summertirno Tounnue Ernploya. Open fa highschool & col- togaunvaraify tudouta. Enfhunianttc, frtandty, organizoul. Frenchi fan- e>adine 28 Febrary 1999. Fax remume f0 905-876-0430, Attn: Tournun Milton. No fofe- phono caf f plana. YEAR round ampfoy- ment for R.V. Techinicien or mechanicafy indlineul pemson f0 ropain/main- tain traites, mofor- homes and instal hlfch- on, etc. Wif f train night Traiter Saflai & Ronfuf a Ltd., Georgetown, Ont. 905-877-4266. H AIR DR ESSE R S Massage Thenapaf. Top g y or commission. f ase caf t 905-693- 9888 or 905-876-066. lsetand delvry ivn 5r day ls eae unchmithes incerible prinome Line# have iosetver sen Balac aadea exclusiven nuew, t ral tabr thelok n your Balane opportuniyt enrt Ciii ~ ~ ulmie laiern Ruusei Terni Fr.. home.5-66 x. ALflDMOflVE SALES PROFESUIONAL. MALEIFEMALE " wiliing f0 train * excellent pay plan/bonun " demo/car ailowance " benei package Contact Gary Lydien, Saies Manager PEEL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Missiseaugi, Ontaria Phone (905) 278-6181 Fax (905) 278-9656 JOIN THE AREA'S #1 IMPORT DEALER Exceptional Opportunity Avaifubte for an energeusc, ambutious NEW & USED CAR SALESPERSON Apply in confidence to: Box 1639, c/o The Post 2321 Fairview Street Burlington, Ontario L7R 2E3 Milton baaed cornpary: Meehan's Industrial Ltd han immediate opening for the Iotlowing skilled personnel: Certifiod Miilwrights 3rd or 4th year Apprenticea Experionced Fittere for Custom Applications Certif lad Welder&/Pipeftters Competitive wagon and a benefit package ara includod Ploes fax reaurne f0: 1-905-875-0M2 or E-Mail foi: mneeindQinterhop.net Licenced Truck Mechanic Wanfod for large fooet. Top wagon and bonefits. APPLV IN PERSON: 2111 Lashr Rai West MîSSîSSAUGA, Ontario $30K FIl EXHAUST SPECIALIST Required for a noe 30 bay nhop. Profit nhaning and benofttt. Appt y f0: ...SERVICE MANAGER y Canadian Tire Uf~'3230 Fairview Sf. WBuriington, On LiN 3H5 Weeta lfhank ail apphicants, but vie will repli' only ta Phase wha are being cansideced. 1115 FAME TRANSMISSION RE& RE porson veantoul. Ex- ponoenco roquiroul. Fult- firno. Milton. 905-878- 8156. IIRINHoey- care ouvimrnmet avait. able for one. 876-4415. DAYCARE avatab o. Full firne dayn. Wood- yard & Wil son. 876- 4978. DAYCARE in rny bome. F.T./P.T, non-snokor. Henuf of Campbftwlf o. Evoninga & wooleonds wetomeul. 854-3617. PROFESSIONAL cou- ple wth neveu year olul daughter require bouse- keeper/hounocleaner daify 3:00 - 6:30 pu. Start firn nogotiabo. Occasiona overnighf roquired chiflcare. $l5tsour. 854-2887. M' M L ui N A N 1 r Decialona f0 make? Ca I us w'ro fiera f0, fiston. 875-1245. 1968 MUSTANG Excel- tout machanical condi- tion. 8 c%1, automate. Onfy noada intantor work. Must ba sean. Asktng $5300. 854- 1016. 1900 Dodgo Shadve, 4 dr, 4 cyf, auto, air, star- eo, p.ai/p.b., 150,000 kors. Excellent cond., aconomica, $2995. cor- tifiaul. Siansor Mafors, Milton. (905)875-5010. ACCOUNTINO CLERK Dufies include the direction and controI of daify electrxoic postings and accounts payable pro- cessing. Applicants require a high commilment te qualify service and the preservation and advancement of a team environmenf. Send rosurnes fa: Mii. Shepherd, V.P. Finance Naion Credif Union PRO. Bux 40, Miions ON UTf 2Y3 E-mail: haionciu@giohaieerve.net Fax: 05-7-2465 EXPEDIENCEDPART-TIME ADOMINSTRA 9 TIN IS TNT Our clients reqairu fhe services of an oufgoing, ener- gufic individual, wifh incentive, and a nafural aptitude working wifhin fhe mental hualfhfi eld. " Candidate musf bu a correnf or pasf consumer of mental huaIt h services. " Muisf bu proficient in Windows 95, Microsoff, Lotus and Infernuf applications. " An excellent teluphonu manner wit h a posiftlve attitude, and good work ethic is maudaory. " Must bu a team player, and work wdthiv fie strict clienV/contiduutial guidelines. " Efficient tiling skills a plus. Pluase mail or fax rlsume by March 5, 1999, iv confidouce fa: T.E.A.C.H. SComent fer Cment Balset Euet Sit 08 Mlten, Datai LOT 1M0 Ait Chrisdin Kaweqyk regru. Direoter, FiaE (D05) 60-8771 Only those selected wili be inlevmewd FULL TIME AIR CLERK For a ternporary poston (6 rnfhn. - 1 yr.) for n buny truck ntop office. Munt have good reconcifiation akitîs, Excel '97 and Windown. Ponnesn a good snne of humour and good communication allîs. Pionne vend rosume f0: Box 2308 c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main St. E., Milton, ON L9IT 4N9 PerfIde yamugf LW15 caow5 adg"etf Wul-Mart Pharmacy has opportenifies for PHARMACY TECHNICIANS iv sur »vreille and Beergefe locations. Ce.peifilusanay. Sxbmit your resume in confidence f0: (Georgetown) Eric Chow Fax (905)-702-9015 (Qakvitte) Haresh Gupta Fax (905)-257-028 7 Join Ual-Mu the Pharmacy of the 21sf Cetury door, 5 spoad, 151,000 fuma., $4,995. 1993 To- paz, 2 door, autamatic, 93,000 kfrns., mint, $5.495. 1989 Probe, 2 door 5 ape,157,000 kfra., C playar, $2.995. 905-693-9223. GRAND CHEROKEE Jeep, 1 yar lems for franafor. cioodlfe Marri- berahip for fransfar. 854-3229. sition yournotf an ana ot the tirnt fa infroduco a Global Tefoommunica- fions Co. fa Canada. Opomng Match 1 s. CaI 24 bts. 1-800-576-0085 Exs. 500. INCOME TAX Prepara- flan. Ron Hayon. $20 per return. Phono 878- 8251. Home o f0rouf mme- diatofy. Phono 335- 0078. 3 BEDROOM, birnpfaoe, AIC, dock, flarge foncod yard, cenfrafy focafeul. $1,150Oironth+. Avait- able March 28. 878- 6748. Contrîuod on nued page JOHN DEERE CREDIT iNC, ove of Canada's leading Fînaucial Institutions, cnrrently bas a rewarding caruer opportunîty iv their Burlîngton offîcç: BILINGUAL WHDLESALE CLERK PQ3jflQlL As a Bilingual Wholesale Cterk, pu wîll provîde clerîcal support services f0 the Credif Departreent. flespxnsîbîlitîes include respondîng f0 cusfomur/ dealer inquires, inpulting account information inIe the interna computer spsfem and preparafion of lugal documentation fer dealer files. REOUIREO QUALIFICATIONS: Must have excellent inferpursonal, communi- caties and xrganizalional skills. Must bu farniliar wifh PC applications (MS Word, Excel, T-Value) and turne specialized software packages as prxvided bp PPSA On- fiu and variocu credil reporting ugencies. Flueucp in English and French ix a must. A rexumu ut qualifications and cover futuer shoutd bu lorwarded 10: Human Resourcen 1001 Champlain Ave., Suite 400 * JO N D EREBur1ington, Ontario L7L 5Z4 CREDIT E-mail: hm200l7@ doore.com We fhank ail aplîcants for Ibuir luttant, but onlp thosu seluct(e or an interview will bu conlacted.

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