'22 - Thse Canadien Champion, Fniday, February 12,1999 Houle sharp rei afrom RUST on page 20 However, those punches were landed witb the attacker's back turned to the broadrns judges so points could flot be awarded. After t "ýComputer sconing bas to be done by at opeiig least tbree of tbe fOve judges witbin a sec- and aa ond of tbe puncb," Houle noted. Houle's Wlel opponent also pressed borne Uhe fight witb Bfett M body punches wben his opponent was theCnsSIv along the ropes. Tbat's flot allowed. fiedsi 'Tbose body shots be got in duning the Iast BY the round wben 1 was along the ropes weren't town de legal eitber," Houle noted. YpyI9Ws Houle delivered a bandful of solid jabs cl in eacb round and completely dominated goal nu Use Usird, during wbicb be landed a punisb- ing uppercut. I-is figbt was one of Use most scientific and entertaining of Use toumnament, wbicb featured several fernale and pre-teen box- ers. Eacb bout sts only about eigbt min- utes, but according to Houle tbis is more Usan enougb Urne to pbysically drain par- ticipants. -One round of boxing is tbe equivalent of being on a two-minute breakaway in hockey. Times that by four and you get tired pretty quick," be said. "You're flot tbrowing puncbes every second, but your beart is racing tbrougbout tbe whole tbing." A former student at E.C. Drury Higb. Houle's introduction to Use sport carne at age 15 wben bis family tirst oelocated to Edmonton. His new bigb scbool didn't bave a wrestling prograrn. That sent bim looking for anotber aUsletic outiet - wbicb pre- sented itself a few miles down Use road at a club in St. Albert's. Wbile bis fatber bad boxed for many years and always bad a beavy bag around Use bouse, Houle didn't bave a wbole lot of expectations wben be first laced up Uhe gloves. W r "I was just looking to stay in sbape for wrestling. It tumed out Usat I was a much better boxer tban I ever was a wrestler," be recalled. After months of training - including 300 sparring rounds - bis debut came at tbe Bronze Gloves in Drayden Valley wbere a quick, effective jab belped birn prevail. Since then be's bad 26 bouts, 18 of wbicb were victories, including tbree tecb- nical knockouts. His list of accomplish- ments include tbree Alberta provincial cbarnpionsbips as well as a gold medal performance at Use 1996 Golden Gloves in Los Angeles. Contrary to popular opinion, be said, not ail boxing is brutal and antimalistic. Wbile even tbe amateur level can be dangerous, a number of safeguards like rnandatory beadgear and aborter figbts help minirnize Use risk. -The referee can make aIl sorts of calîs to protect a figbter in amateur boxing. In tbose big pro figbts you see on pay perE view tbe referee is just there to count to 10" rernarked Houle. "Tbey (pro figbts) can give people a negative attitude about tbe sport. 0f course tbere's somne danger in amateur boxing, but ail I've ever bad were a few black eyes." He's currentlY sporting one sucb shiner - a small price to psy really to be boist- ing anotber cbampionship) tropby. "Saturday's figbt bas got me really moti- j vated for future cballenges. I'm a lot far- tber ahead than I bad Usougbt," be said. Added coacb John Melicb, "Brad did exactly wbat we bad woirked on and did a Pfe great job. His stamnina could use a little work, but otherwise I've got another national champion on rny bands." Together the two goalies were assaulted witb 52 shots. wbile Useir visitinii couniteriart was chaI- A Retirement Financial Specialist office with 24 years of experience and the coffee's always been great! * Security of investments (100% fund guarantees) " Competitive segregated and mutual funds. " Competitive G.I.C. interest rates. " Personalized ongoing consultations. " R.R.S.P. lans available at prime, with deferred payments. " Appointments available days & evenings. Robert Lee InsurancelMltowne Insurance Agency Ltd. Tel: 878-5786 Fax. 878-3692 Serving Milton since 1975 -l 245 COMMERCIL ST. ssioal Ubiliy Inuredemail address: robertlee@aztec-net.com ssioal iablityInsredwwwrober-tleeinsurance.com CAL FO NO: OBIATO CONI TAL COSLATIN- In the know sports fans read The Canadian Champion twice weekly to keep up with developments on Milton 's sports scene.