Transit study causes controversy 18 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, February 9, 1999 Bocly c~ Sole would like tai welcame França, aur newest esthetician ta aur team. Book your Omni Spa Pedicure with Franca today. Milton (905) 85-0508 By ~Ppires By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A $50,000 study of Milton's transit sys- tem came close to stalling Town budget taiks recently. TMe study became a bone of contention at a recent special administration and plan- ning committee budget meeting when Councillor Ron Furik requested that the item be pulled out of the $6.2 million capi- tal budget until a later date. The $50,000 study would likely pay for a consultant to review Milton's 20-year- old systemn as well as predict the Town's future transit needs once growth is fac- tored in. Questions need Funding the study just doesn't make sense if there's a possibility the whole sys- tem could be scrapped after operating bud- get meetings, scheduled for later in the year, said Mr. Furik. "I don't want to fund a transit study if we're not going to have transit," said Mr. Furik. "I'm open minded on the issue but I will ask for a deferral on it until the oper- ating budget." In thse end Mr. Furik didn't get bis way, but not before other counicillors weighed in on the controversy. Council bas toyed with putting the brakes on the municipal bus systemn for years. It is characterized by low ridersbip and annual operating cos of $250,000. Notbing in tbe study will likely change. that, said Councîllor Rick Malboeuf. "Wbat will this consultant's report tell us that we don't already know?" be asked. "We already know we've been losing our shirt for years." Grade 10 students involved witb Big Brothers and Sisters of Canada sbould sharpen their pencils and get ready for tise CIBC Youtbvision Scbolarsbip Program. CIBC bas committed $6.5 million over the next 10 years to a new programn that provides tbese studenta witb financial and mentor support througb to the completion of their post-secondary education. Scbolarsbip recipients will also partici- pate in a community intern program tbrougb YMCA Canada. To receive an application form, or for more information, caîl Big Brothers and Sisters of Canada at 1-800-263-9133 or Youthvision at 1-877-968-8499. shuld go back to the contractor, say it's not worlçing, come back to counicil witb a oeview." Councillor John Challinor said that wuld likely lead to a report in favor of the "He's going to come back witb a report that says we sbould keep it," said Mr. Challinor. A tborougb review by a third party could seule the transit question for once and for ail, he said. "We're at the point in my view that we eitber continue the transit or we don't," said Mr. Challinor. "Let's get an outside, neutral authority to view it for us." Look long termn Town treasurer Jim McQueen said the sdy is a valid expense regardless of wbat decision is made on the present system. Ron urik"My view is that (the study) is a separate Ron urikjob that isn't predicated on wbat we do Mr. Malboeuf suggested that any study witb this transit system," be said. "Tbere's should be done at thse expense of the con- stili a need to examine the longer term tractor, Stock Transportation. needs of the Town." "We see these busses on our streets ail Thse commidttee eventually opted to keep the time and tbey're empty," he said. "We the transit study in the capital budget. Students could get break thanks to bank scholarship CLEAN %WEEP AO 9MECHANIC IM M PROFESSIONAL AUTO SERVICE KEAT TEE EMI#IMEIOSTT uwiiiog W - Y W LS 45 Ontario St. N. CALL 815-3333 TODAY'