Tati Tres Lumber Company is a whoiesaie lumber company located in Oakvilie, Due tuo mrcool ctd succe's andi growih wc curi enily have 2 positions avail[able for: ACCOUNTING CLERKS The ideai candidates wi have fine years Dt recent office experience. Yoo sutl provide assistance ta tire inventnry contrai depariment, ire computer literate, have knowledge of inveetory contrai, innoicing, arder entry and various other dulies. These positions are ideai opportonities for individuais who thrive on the chaltenges yod encitement of a busy teamn envirosment. We reqoire good prohlem sotving aililties, superior communication and interpersonai okitis as weti as excellent aptitude for figores. We aller a campetitive saiary and irenefits and apportonity for growt h within the Company. Ooaiified uppticants are inviied Io detiner or moil their resusses ta: TALL TREE LUMUER COMPANY 481 Mordes Rd., Unit 2, Oakviiie, On L6K-3W6 Affention: Office Manager Raiflada Inn Oakville iras as opeving fora PAYROLL SUPERVISOR Knowtedge orf AOP payrott, computer skiffs, WCB & henetits administration an asset. 3SrW k Please fax resusse. 845-9450 LE kVULl I l I Peona opilonsired We Offer: -Choice crf Assignmests/ Hours For Interview cail 847-1025 or fax resume t0 847-1038 IRPTA RECODTALE... Join the OAKVILLE & BURLINGTON area Future Shap teams and enjoy a LiveIy, Interactive, Fun and Exclting work environment. We need enthusiastic individuals who have electronios knowledge, exceptional people akilis and the "lire" ta be a succeas as fuil-time: Computer Sales Associates Video or Audio Sales Associates Appliance Sales Associates Besides being a terrifio place ta work, Future Shop offers paid training, employee discounts and competitive wage/cammission plans for ail fuli-time associates. Appty in persan at the OakviIle or Burlington Future Shap store or fax your resume ta Human Resources et (905) 501-5677 or e-mail your resumne ta ont-hr@futureshop.com a EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR Reqs:red for costract position in Milton or Oakvitte. ECE Diptoma required. Sesd reoumne iry Feir. t2ith The Fuînity Place PO. Bon 373, Miton, Ont L9T 4Y9 "JOBS Availabiet' tf you are between tire ages of 18-30, ivant tati- time hours and a com- petitive saiaiy ..caet tire JOY Program. (905)333-3499. Spos- sored by Humas Re- sources Oevelopmest Canada. GO GREEN THIE, WEEK, EVEKY WEE(, REDUCE, REU51E, RECYCLE ' lup SAiLES & LEASIN NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELI - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 1991 MERCURY Grand Marquis L.S., 4 door, 8c- tinder, tutty, tonded, rear wheet drive, perfect condi tion, low kms. $5,995 certitiei. Stessor Motors, Mit- ton. gff5-875r-.M1l. INDOOR Shopping Mat space for toane, suitabie f turei), books & giffa. Boa entabtishod dlientete,exce ty. (905)825-0719 BUSINESS Ol fc PART TIME Hi Coli CHR Salon in th 878-2383, o 878-f INCOME TAX Proporo- flan. Ron Neweit. $20 per retum. Phono 878- HELPI Two bedroomn a pt. or bouse noeded by M arc h lst . Excellent hialory and roferencea. Please Cai 875-0965. SINGLE mate requirea accommodation close f0 tire Karmax Ptant. Smatt apartment/roomn & board/shared accom- modation. Poase catt cottect, 705-286-1692 aller 6 o'etock. -l'ho Ca edlan"Chawpieh, Twesdi REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL P'ROVISION OF ARCHrITETURAL SERVICES AND CON- SULTONG SERVICES FOR THE EXISOTONG REGIONAL CHILD CARE CENTRES PROPOSAL 99-P-061 The Regional Muaiicipality of Halton invites Architecta and Consultants 10 submit a proposaI for "PROVISION 0F ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE RENOVATIONS 0F TWO CHIELI)CARE FACIELITIES IN OAKVIELLE AND ONE CHIILD CARE FACIELITY IN GEORGETOWN" The project witt include the provision of Total Architectural Services for pro design, preliminary design, detail design and contract documents, projece management, project aupervi- sion and project closeout. The TERMS 0F REFERENCE for the above services may be obtained from the Manager of Purchaaing Services ai the Address below after Fehruary 8, 1999. There in a non-refundable depot of $15,00 plus $1.05 C.ST. There will be a MANDATORY SITE MEETING on Wedaesday, Febrnoaay 10, 1999 as follows: 9:00 a.m. ai 65 Maple Ave., Georgetowna 11:00 a.m. ait 345 Margaret Drive, Oakville 12:00 p.m, at 1256 Sedgewick Cres., Oakville Ail proposais by inieresied firms muai comply wiih the Region's TERMS 0F REFERENCE. Firms wishing to, be con- sidered for ihis projeci should submiî six (6) copies of their proposai. NO LATER TRAN 2:00 P.M. OAKVILLE TIllE ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1999 to: Andrea Mindenhali, Manager of Purchasing Regional Municipality of Halton 0151 Bronte Road Oakviîte, Ontario L6M 3Lt LATE PROPOSALS WIU DE REJECTED. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL FAICSIMILE OR E-MAILED OR OTHER ELECTRONIC PROPOSAIS DE ACCEPTE» OR CONSIDERED. ]INTERVIEWS WILL BE HELD, IF REQUIDED. DATE T.B.A. Any questions relating to this Requesi for Proposai or the Termns of Reference are to be dfrected to Mita Jokie, P.Eng., Purchasing Analyst at (905) 825-6000 ext. 7038. The succesa.ful proponient will be noti- lied by March 4, 1999. A. URBANSKI A. MINDENHALL, CPPB COMMISSIONER 0F SOCIAL MANAGER 0F AND COMMUNITY SERVICES PURCHASING SERVICES t, West Oakvitte. Rotait 82 MILLSIDE DR., or Ladies fashion ffulty fis- MILTON tuty salon, operating witir NOW LEASING rttent busineas opportani- 2 Bedroomns PPORTUNITY route, freshty dec- r orated, 2 appi- AIRDRESSER ances, on-site ISTIANE taundry, inctudes e Hospital at ultilties (except Ext. 2425phone & cab e.) r pets. References 5902 eurd ONE bedrolom apart- COUNTRY executive. ment, 5 apptianceu, 2 Large bungalow. Decks, parking spots. Feir. fireptacea. Woods in 15/99. $900. 878-9136 back yard plus mocir after 6 p.m. more. $1850. Marks Mat- tatieu, Commonwealth ONE bedroom, 64 On- Real Estate Services. tario St. N., Milton. Re- 876-0633/876-0460. oerved parking, dlean, brigirt and modern. Stove/fridge inctuded. $745i/montr ptus hydro. First/tast. References reqoired. Avaitable Feir. COUNTRY near Mit- 15 878-8123. ton/Georgetown, Avait- abte Feb. 1sf. 2 bod- rolorn basernont apart- ment, $800imonth in- dlusive. FirstAast roter- RIRNISHED roorn with enoes required. Cati fnidge, stove & sink $85 (905)876-4552 leons a weoky. Gentlemen pro- message. forrod. 878-0225. FURNISIIED roomn Wti T.V., mrcrowave, fnidge, separate washroom. Air & inground pool. Non- smoker preterred. $100/week. Cati 878- 7953. INDOOR Shopping Mai, West Oakvitte. Re- tait space for teaue, suit- abte for Ladie's fashion ffutty fixtured), books & gifts. Beauty salon oper- ating mitir ostabtishod ctientetle, excelent busi- nieso opportunity. 11Ronnre-71 o Lake. 77 Northr Taytor Dr. (off Hwy 48, acroso from Shattamar Gos Station). 3-bdrm take- FOR LEASE. 400 sq. ft. front cottage, vinyt sid- Office Office space, 2 ing, CON, 2-air condi- private offices mitir pri- tioners. Broadtoomned. vate entrance & wash- Comptete kitchen, room. Ground oete. Cat w/tridgo/stome. 4-pce 905-878-8860. bath. Large deck. Fox us your Electric heat. $99,900. Cu sîes Att offers consideredý i .ssfi Bur. (905)632-0068 8626 ~-3~ 875-3300 te lIst yogi, m WFebruary'2é1099ý-21 ICelebrating a Birthday Wedding Anniversary? IPhone thel IClassifedsl r7-30 N#Sw *Ç,wfftqSurew speciatizing in enpedrted courier! cargo monos witin Naor America and intemnatiunaiy. OPIERATIONS) LGGISTICS CO-ORDINATOR The saccesofat candidate witi ca-ordisate the affersoon and weekend activities ut aur terminai iv Oakvitte. Flexible, computer-f ilerate and skiiied ut proiriem soling In a tasf-paced, deadiine-driven envirooment, yoo wttl supervise tire PM Domestic und Intemnational wareirouse aperatians and direct tire uctivities af tire atternoon driarng staff. You wiii ose yoor superior communication skiiis to tiaise witir costumera, agents and internat departments. Vaur arganizatianat and ataytica skitis are comptemented hy a past-secondary educutios in Business and/or Transportation and ut teast 3years orf sopervisory experience sn operutians rote in the transportation industry. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE You wili empioy yoor excellent tetepirane maoner and weii-devetoped interpersosui skiiis ta faster close reiatiansirips with clients wiie using your proficiency iv datu eotry (AS/400 and t BM PC) ta provide rates information and ta record cesiomer pick-up and suppiy reqoests. Yau wiil aci as liaison hetween asslgned customers and company departments f0 ensare a irigh level af custamner service. The ideai candidate will have a Secovdary Scirnol Graduation Oiptama (or acceptable eqoivaient) and at teast 1 year of retatçd expedience, within tho transportation indnstry. Good Canadian geograpiricat knawtedge and flesihitity wflh respect f0 departmeefai ca-operatian and teamn worr woutd ire an assei. QOaltied candidates are ,nrited to appty tcr SWIFT SURE GOUP R491 Royal Windsor Or., Oakvllle, ON, LSJ 4Z2 Fm.: (WS OS-9632 Attention: Liz Wumeai »» U. lm M, #ée are an elqual oppusrtuoity employer We thank a#tcan~* %r Ûi<nrest, howeve ont tttose candidates under considieration t il cgc-gences or phone catts, please Did you have A Baby A Graduation? Are you Iooking for a new job? wanting to hire? Do you have Something To Buy? To Seil To Trade? Are you Iooking For a New Home? an apartment? a townhouse? Want to Sell Appliances? Fumiture? Treasures? Did you lose your pet? or maybe you found a pet? Need a new car? truck? boat? trailer?