-u The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 26, 1999- Heft hel1p Members of the Milton Knights of Calumbus recently passed aiang a cheque for $6,OO0 tram their fait golf tournament ta the Arthrltis Society. Presentlng the donation to, the Arthrttis Society's Milton branch chair Audrea Lear- Costigan were (trom lait) Tom Pepper, Pat MeManus and Jtm Powers. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Sec Tonr CT IDIRCTSCHOOL.BAR an Bevcsofru ishop Redin ahoi Catholic Secondary School 1600 Main Street East, Milton Principal: Mrs. Leta Yarema Telephone: 875-0124 Date: Thursday, ian. 28, 1999 rme: 7:30 p.. Fo« further information pleine telephone the School Principal. James V. Sherlock Fred L Sweeney Chair of the Board r(9 Director of Education THE CENTRE in partnership with STI. Introduces... Computer & Intemnet Skills Training ONLINE! Learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere! Unlimited trainng for 6 montbis! As an added BONUS, ait programs inctude: 4 progranis ta ctsoose front: A) Microsoft Office 97 B) Microsoft Office 95 -Introducing tht Internet -Life andTime Management -Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 - Netscape Communicator 4.0 C) Corel Word Perfect with Lotus 1-2-3 D) An Introduction ta websiee design with Programrming: We rely on the commu- nity for story ideas. Many arti- cles are the resuit of some- one cal!- ing in. Don't hesitate ta con- tact us with a news tip, big or small, ait 878-2341. Who should APPLY.) If you have access ta a computer with Internet accesa.* If you ace seeking work where computcr skilis are required. If you want ta become more efficient with the moat current software. or If you want ta leacn how ta, develop websites. Etigibility: Unemployed, currenely receiving Employmnent Insurance Benefits (or thoae who received benefits within the last 3 yeara or 5 years in the case of maternity or parental leave.) Funding is provided by Human Resources Developmene Canada. Candidates muat have acceas ta, a computer with Internet accesa. This programi indludes a 1 day orientation dlaas, support services, an online newsletter and 6 months of urlimited training. * A free Internet access kit wiIt be offered ta, those who need an Internet connection. To register cail (905) 333-3499 (or 878-1240) or visit the program website wwwsti.calhrdc -TICa ,f, The Centre Online Institute R M D&.bPPdud Yorchoice of these monthily publications... FREE!O AiR Canadian Champion Service PLUS customers are now eligible to receive free delive%{of your Fo ~choice of pu lication. Ie Simply call our office orf:ll out theform below. INamne Please ADD my naine ta the growing number of 'Champion supporters who are Service Plus members. Addrss _______________________ Enclosed find $35.00 <me. G..T< aa my yeac memherssip. AdPhoes Cheque is enclosed _____Bih my Visa___ PhneMastercard ___ I1evc lsCstmrUys~ l Signature Credit Card # Expiry L tfset4ce Plus payment goe towards ristflbuton osts lmprowng the qually of the paper, and oewarding your Bard woklngecarder ServiePlus 88-2341 Cauabtmt cbrnnvio M