6 -Theo Canadien Champion, Tueaday, January 26, 1999 ~COMMENT Tail order for Foundation It looks as if the Milton District Hospital Foundation has a chai- ,lengig new mandate to fulfihi over the next several years. A story elsewhere in today's paper mndicates that provincial fund- ing will likely pay for only about haif the costs associated wtth expanding the hospital. That work will be done sooner rather than later, as Milton's dra- matie growth spurt, now imminent, takes hold in eamnest when the new millennium begins. There is no question that the hospital is held in high esteem among Miltomians. Witness the controversy surrounding the deci- sion to close the obstetrics unit. I time that, and other services, will be offered at Milton District. One need only look at the numbers of people anticipated for the community -- approximately 75,000 before 2020. The Foundation has risen to dauntmng challenges before to meet the bealth care needs of Miltonians. Undoubtedly, with a lot of hard work, they will come through yet again. But it will not happen by magic, and it is not somebody else's problem or somebody else's responsibility. We will ail bave to tend a hand i some manner to help fund our own future health care.- R.K 'O UR READERS WRITE ft's a smial worldcnfmsrdr Doctor's comments dfisappoint citizen »Ur Eo Yoa doet know me aand have probably never heard of theo city where 1 live in Callfonia, but 1 thougnt you'd be inter- eated to know how 1Iknow of yoee and of your newspaper, 'The Canadian Chamion'. P rom his siater, my father received for CIhristas a 1999 calendar, mug and an electric nug warmer. Innide thne mtag was a pacxket of mocha fudge coffee, aonie brilliant yellow shoedded paclcing paper, and stuffed Iightly itothe bottoma of theo anug were two eigint-incn by 12-mach aec- tions of your newapaper dated Septenaber 1, 1998. 1enjoyed readiang snippeta of articles fronttio e 4s of pages five, six, seven, and eight, and being ateacher, 1 especial- ly enjoyed tine political cartoon about Bill 160 on page six. Neither my aunt nor my dad are Canadien. Theo mug and theo warmer wpre madIe in China. Strange woaid, eh? You cen now proudly andI truthfeally edvertise that your newspaper is read intee.iationally. I thotigit yona'd like to know about tino travels of iThe Canadien Chamopion. Happy new yeand god lack toyou chfisa Sarndr ftedwood CI4y Caiffornie THE V4ADIAN CHAMkPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadien Champion, pubtlshed every Tuesday and Friday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 at 191 Main St. t., Miltan, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Metroland Printlng, Publishing & Distribatng Ltd. group nf sub- Q~Q ~ fl1 urban campanlea which includea: Ajax / Pickering News (905) <.,It, M 1 Advertiser; Alliatan Herald/Courler; Barrie Advance; Brampton Guardian; Barlingn Post; City Parent; Callingwoad / Wasaga Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Cannectian; tant York Mirrar; Etabicoke Gaardian; Georgetown lndependenV/ Acton Free Press; Kingstan Thtis Week; Lindsay This Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Week; Maricha Econamist & Sun; Midland / Penetangaînhene Classified: 875-3300 Mirrar; Mlssiasauga News; Newmarket / Aurara Era Banner; Narthambertand News; Northt York Mirror; Oakville Beaver; Orillia Ian Oliver Publisher Tnday; Oshawa I Whitby / Claringtan I Port Perry This Week; Peterborough Thtis Week; Richmond Hill I Thorehili I Vaaghan Neil Oliver As.nociate Peblisher Liberal; Scarbaroagh Mirror; Unbridge / Stouttville Tribane; aBi Begin General Manager Today's Senlinrs. Adoartiaing la accepted on te condition that, in te event stea Rob Kelly Edit<,r Cypographical errar, Chat portion nf the advertiaing space occa- Karen Cross Circulauion Manager pied by the erronenas Item, together with a reasonable allowance Teri Csas Ofice M ar signature, will not be charged Car, bat te balance of tht TerICann OficeMangeradvertisement wili be paid Cor at the applicable rate. The pablinher Tien Celles Production Manager renerves the rigbe Ca categeaize advertisements ar decline. Dear Editor: 1 waa mont diaappointed with commenta by Dr. Gamnet Maley in a recent loUter to your nowspaper. Dr. Maley suggested healtn care has flot improved undor the curront provincial govermoent. I waa sur- prised that ho foît able to spoak for A his patienta and colleagues, insiating they are unanimous in their deaire to retum healtn services to theo state they were in prior to theo June, 1995 election of Mike Harris. l would men tino Dr. Maloy advocatos a rotraction of 650 long-term-caro beda for Halton and wants the govomment to ronego on a promise for almoat 1,000 more. Lt would also men that Dr. Maley would like tino province to reduce its MRI machines from 35 back to 12, roduce breast cancer acrooninga by 80 per cent, reverse a 50 por cent increase in homo care and com- munity supports and cul total healtn care sponding by $1.5 billion. In addition, given Dr. Maley's intogrity, I'm sure it waa an ovorsignt winen ho failed to mention bis desire to retum to tino days of a 10 per cent govornmont clawback on bis billings. It's important to note that somo of tino doctor's points on healtn caro, sucn as omployoo morale, are simply his opinions. Othor points, such as tino lack of obstetrics care in Milton, are long-standing problomai that have nothing to do with provincial policy. StilI, other pointa are simply incorrect. Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hoapital has a halancod budget and doos not rely on Milton District Hospita's monoy to achiove it. Porsonally, I have beon a fan of Milton District Hospital for 33 yoars. I am son-y Dr. Maloy feels as ho does. Peter C. Berry Milton 'Snow an gels' appeared Dear Editor: We who livo in Milton often road accounts in tino newspaper of disgusting random acta of violence on theo atreets of Toronto. In fact tino newspapers those daya are fillod witn atonies of violence, unkind acta and deapair. A différence phenomona bas occurred in Milton. This past wook alone our family has exporionced on three separato occasions random acta of kindnoss by total strangors. The lirat incident occurred theo moming aller theo big storm. My wife and I were reaching theo point of exhaustion, having only shovolled out half of our dri- voway, whon a young mans driving a back hoe ahowed up out of nowhore. Ho wastod no timo in taking over theo clearing of our drivoway. ,see THREE on page 7 Pud by Steve Nease