Region raises $ 125,000 Dateline for local United Ways - rmDTEIEo By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Proving tisat sometimes bigger really is better, a teamn of Halton Region employees have managed to raise the bar when it cornes to charitable contributions. Tise dedicated band managed to generate a whopping $1 25,000 during tise Region's annual corporate campaign for Tise United Way. Tise big cheque marks a 27.5 per cent increase over the Region's previous efforts, a still impressive $90,000. "Tisis committee went way above and beyond what bas happened in tise past," said Regional Chair Joyce Savoline. Tise Region's workplace campaign has been on a roîll, raking in about $400,000 over tise past four years. Joyce Tise payoff came when Halton's United Way committee gatisered at regional council recently for a ciseque presentation. On isand to receive tise donation was Julia Dumanian, executive director of tise Oakville United Way. Tise Oakville United Way handies tise regional account on behalf of ail tise United Ways in Halton. "How succesaful. How incredible," said an overcome Ms Dumanian as se looked over tise donation. "isese are tremendous dollars." Tise Region's tally represented tise largest single fundraising increase of any workplace campaign, said Ms Dumanian. "Hats off to you," ase said. "You're probably one of tise single most energetic and entisusiastic teains." Tise Region's contribution was tise sec- ond isigist of ail corporate campaigns in Halton, com- ing in just beisind tise Ford plant in Oakvilie. Tise money was raised tisrougb a variety of events, including Ms Savoline's golf tournament, wisicis netted $60,000 ail by itself. 'Mse rest of tise money was scraped up in smaller doses, tisrough bake and craft sales Savoline and two Casino Niagara trips. Overaîl, $3 million was raised by a num- ber of corporate campaigns througisout Halton's four municipalities. More tisan 50 agencies and 75 programs will receive money tisanks to tisat fundrais- ing effort. Even so, tise need continues, said Ms Dumanian. "We stili isave a isuge job out tisere. Our community is stili vuinerable. Togetiser we can create a isealtisier com- munity." 'The Canadien Chamnion. Tunndav Jan-an 26. 1999 -17 page 16 Thse Halton branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses hosts Special Steps Prograin Orientation at its office, 2370 Speers Rd., in Qakjille from 6 to 9 p.m. The six-hour course designed to assist volunteers and students to work with people with Alzheimer's disease and/or related disorders and their famidly members wiII continue Fehruary 8. For mrore irat iton or to rgs ter, cail Joanne McMeekin or Linda Pinkncy at 827- 8800. Women's barbershop chorus A Cappella Showcase offers free 'how to sing' lessons. Tihe group meets for rehearsals Mondays st Milton Alliance Church, 2850 Derry Rd., st 7:30 p.m. For more information, cail the bot line at 876-4093. WUUE WAUE UL ras. 1 r W V mi SMMIF - W3-qIV Enftumua Mbetof gf& NEW LMo PATURNS t&mdu* ke.d V- mm deâm Sk~iWèLWo2S-MOM M1 1 a. LkrdlOmrD.roe. mUrd Wbmgukmh 1