mhe Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 26,1999 -13 Lawsuit looming A littiee from ITS on page 1 Partnershap Incorporated tro.m Toronto, and [he (iuarante. Company of North Amenica Also namned are Mel Mekinda and Douglas Snyder principals of the Mekinda Snyder partnership. Reached in his Toronto office, Mr. Snyder a'elùsed to talk about the lawsuit. ýFoÜt"nye&-o1 Tey btw No commnent, he said. "(Mel Mekanda) as not in today and 1 M40 sinewodeof encoaw. tbank you' Il find bis position is thse same." Io cïnpeingli, h«, A representative of Granville Constructors could flot be eOt- rlk,'êéÏý of-té B iVo- reached as of press time. c bh** e ltifl e811The statement of dlaim has the Region seeking damages for PhpobyGR4HA PAN breach of contract and negligence from, botb Granvulle and Mekinda Snyder Partnership. Save on a goeat selecton of floorinej WOOlD & IA MI\AS Natualbhaadvod an oak & nuple %xm Latizon & Ma~nno flooas faao Formica &Mannùstjn. & per carton on IanJ.nate specis. -'leana Mannington and Congoleumn vinyl fiooring. *Easy o dean, *reaists stains Choose from the newest stone & ceramnic styles. SuSfing a9%. R #1 CHOICE FOR FLOORING SINGE 1925 Mississaa BurinmtoGeticeto >2222 South Sherdan ~ky 870 Ap I>.L <Southdown aI (IEW) <Just South of QEW> 823-9410 639-4934 Open Mon-Fi 9-9, Soit9-6, Sun 12-5 OaemYcar GICloa at tjit 5law PRIME! Bonua Jauu $5,OO or mooe in m RISP GIC. lm*k inafora 24 o 5ymtm,ad wc'ig imyen.. INI'EREST POSTE» ]RATES MILTON ACTON GEORGETOWN 44 Main St.eet F. 273 (baaen Street E 187 Guaelph Somee (905) 8784168 (519) 853-0911 (905) 877.4926 HOURSa Moa.&IIaa. 9-5. 1-5Thu. & FaL 9-8, Set 9--I C1EM1NCONDITONS MAYAPP5Y asmasOFFERUBJaCr1T>CHANGEVitHOUT NOTICE. M