The Canadian Champion, Frlday, January 22, 1999l- 9 Deal risky Fewer drunks drving on Chita olidays for Town efrom CHIEF on page 2 become more and more able to meet this," she said. "Until then, I think we'd be sug- gesting a level of comfort thlat we're flot prepared to meet." Mayor Gord Krantz noted that making the deal would put the Town at fault should the worst occur. "If someone loses their life or limb, we're responsible for that," he said. "In my opinion, we're there to assist, flot bear the brunt of liability due to downloading." Some other Halton municipalities have signed such agreements Chief Penson reported. "Burlington and Oakville have full tiered response because they have full- time staff around the dlock," he explained. "Milton and Halton Huis do flot." Until it does, the Milton department doesn't.have the proper equipment, per- sonnel or training to make a tiered response feasible, Mr. Penson said. Not yet, at least, but they're working on it. A fire master report issued by the Milton department late last year has a step-by-step guide to increasing both personnel and training. Already the department has been boost- ing training levels of both full and part- time staff in areas of ambulance assis- tance. That was good news for Councillor Rick Malboeuf, who said that a tiered response systemn is the way of the future. "We're going to have to move toward this. It's coming," he said. "We're not equipped, we're not trained, but I hope we're moving in this direction." The committee agreed to leave the letter unsigned for now. Mr. Penson promised to retum with a more detailed report on the matter at a later date. Patience is running out efrom PARENTS on page 4 side their children." Instead, she said, PAO is planning to pressure both the teachers and the board toward an immediate settlement. "Your time and our patience have mun out," she said. "Our objective is to restore the quality of education that our children are owed and deserve, by forcing this board 10 seille the dispute immediately." The group, she said, is currently devel- oping a petition and operating a fax blitz to various govemment, school board and union officiais. PAG also has lawyers looking into a class action lawsuit that would naine the Minister of Education (Dave Johnson), school board officiais and union members, for breach of contract. The group may even go so far as to con- sider a boycott of the Catholic school sys- teri, she said. "We, as parents, firmly believe that nei- ther side in this dispute has concemn for our children at the heart of its actions," said Ms Slomka. 'Me board and ils high school teachers have been negotiating a new contract for 11 months. The main stumbling blocks in the dispute appear to be salasy and work- Ioad issues. PAG held a meeting Wednesday night and has another one planned for next week. AIl concemed Catholic parents are invited to attend. Cali 335-5603. Fewer people are driving dirunk, according tu 1998 holiday RIDE statistics. While Halton Regional Police stopped 13,000 more vehicles in their annual Christmas and New Year's spot check blitz, fewer charges were laid. "Event with the increase, drinking and driving charges were down," said Sgt. Bill Cota of the ser- vice's public satèty unit. Eleven people were charged with impaired dri- ving in the 1998 holiday RIDE programn, while 23 such charges were laid in 1997. And 56 12-hour suspensions were issued in 1998, compared to 91 in 1997. "We are pleased that members of the public are At MILT1ON CHRYSLERB ALL YOD NEED Es JUST 0...U AND YOU CAN DRIVE A o, BRAND NEW VEHICLEA - ~ 'Canada's Best /26T Pkg. /7 Passenger/ vent Ail you ne.d la $590 and for 35 more /3.01L V6 l-eadrests windows; months you puy only.. J/ Auto. O/D IFloor Mats TitCie $ J Ar Gond. /Power windows, IAnd Much J A/F Caa. doors, iocks, Morelli Duel Slldmg Drs. mirrors and rear 4 1 4SNLUE TAXE I0LDD a / 22D Pkg lAi Ir 2.OL Engins Fl / Auto. Trans. Ir C IAMIFM sierea C AIl you need la $1500 and for 35 more monthis you puy only ... Phus Chlnt, getting (ie inessage about drinking anîd driving,- Sgt. Cota said. "We thank them for their co-operation in helping to keep oui region's roads sale." A total of 89,303 vehicles were stopped in the 1998 blitz, compareto 176,433 in 1997. Make a GREAT Milton Chrysier Deal from Chrysier r Cond. /Split Fold I22C Pkg /Floor Mats door loclîs coor mats Rear Seats r.200 HP V6 Centre mirrors and entre / lt steening .1 Auto 0/D Console ltunk xsoie AnMd Much I AMIFM/ass I 3/Oise IAnd much Morelil Air Cond / Power wsndows more!'... .. 21 $5W an for ________ $3 Man" more monthis you Ma7 e TAXES INCLUDED puy only .. TAXES INCLUDED r PARTS -O - * FF* DEPARIMENT 9%M OL JANARYMOPAR *SPECIAL Musi present couport Olter expires .Janu> 1999. lhpset Gold Key ase. Due on deiveny 555plus Oisf waî F1 1 ~Goda 20,40055ms paryr ira Moi Derainwu RmayI Rabl SOIn JOO Cricllk enssaclsdad lan lowr eoiN lmier Sud Glissa DoOlInsîra DodMaMa fllbre i'YILTIJNlih il