8 - The Canadien Champion, Fdiday, January 22,1999 r M Bosnia peacekeepner gains new appreciation for home country ARE YOU OR SOMMOE YOUI KNOW AFFECTED BY DEPRESSION OR MANIC DEPRESSION? Mood Disorders Education & SeIf-HeIp Croup. A 6-week seminar Monday evenings froro 7-9 p.m. beginning Februaay 15 - March 22. Location: CMHA 217 Main Street East, Milton Cost: $30.00 per family, eaui to register Topics to be covered: Medical treatmnents, community resouroes and more. CM HA has volunteer opportunities available throughout Halton Region. If you can spare an hour or two each week to help a charitable organization in your community please call (905) 693-4270. *CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTI- ASSOCIATION LASCAINCNAIENNE 9PRLA SANTÉ MENTAL CLAR CLAR1IFY TOU RSP'0 T HI1N KIN tiO INVESTMENT PLANNER PLUS. Looking for the ideal inveatmnent strategy for today's uncertain financial environment? Look no further than lnveatment Planner Plus. If you have an investment portfolio over $25,000, it can help you refine and build it. We start at the beginning, with a conversation about your objectives and comfort level. Then we create an investment portfolio. Not off the sheif. Custom tailored. At no charge. Properly diveraified, its based on a proveti asset allocation proceas that balances your objectivea againar risk, growth and security. Itfs designed to fit you very, very comfortably. We do aIl the work for, you. Your inveatments are monitored every month. Automatie adjustmnents are made to ensure that your portfolio always reflecta your original, agreed upon strategy. And you receive regular, detailed, up-to- date aratementa. lnveatment Planner Plua. Itfs a partnership between you and the investmnent experts at CT Inveatment Management Croup. A partnership that helps you refine, build and expand your portfolio. A partnership that plots your portfoliosa path and keeps it - clearly - on rrack. It will help ger you where you want to go. Ivs en lnePlsadCanada Trust Mutual Funds C euiisC iaca suac ar fee yCT Pinvateneanaent ClropI l ge nvestment Planner Plus andi Cw.anadatrust.Msa ud r fee y c m oern anaemn LrupI M. Canada Trust susday Iypopcu ny.Obaitacoy t an and rust brah' read it carefully hefore investing. Unit values and returns urill fhictuare. Mutual fond investments are nor guaranreed by Canada Trust or insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Regie d'assurance depots du Quebec or any arIser govemment insarer. CT Private lnvestment Counsel is a division of CT Investasent Management Group bec., a Canada Trust Company. e fr'om MILTON on page 5 way to his current peacekeeping vide an intense aecurity block." assignment. Supervising political rallies and With the poasibility of violence making vehicle checks for ever present in war-tomn Bosnia, he weapons have become routine for and his platoon mates are always the soldier, whose teenage years in on cati and can't have more than the Lome Scot Reserves paved Uic two alcoholic drinka per day, even Snowboards hot items e from THIEVES on page 1 That scenario is inviting to thieves, who can easily walk off with pricey snowboards and selI themn cheaply, she said. Equipment thefts are an annual problem at Glen Eden and other ski areaa, but the current popularity of snowboarding has created an underground market, said Bob Edmondson, dîrector of corporate support services for the Halton Region Conservation Authority, which operates the facility. ",We just ask people to lock rip their skis and boards, and if anyone sees one (outside the chalet) and they don't know where it came froro, please ask about it," Mr. Edmondson said. CHRYSLER CANADA CONGRATUL.ATES SEAN G. GIBSO:N of Milton Chrysier Dodge Limited on his recent appointment to the Chrysier Canada Sales Guild Senate. Sean has earned this prestigious appointment through a record of outstanding sales performance, overail professionalismn and a dedication to customer satisfaction. We invite you to drop in at Milton Chrysier Dodge Limited to visit Sean G. Gibson, or cali 905-878-8877 and see for yourself why we' re as proud of our great people as we are of our great products. I i when they're not on active duty. Prîvate Herder explained that most Muslims, who comprise the majority of the population around his camp, have been receptive of the Canadian troops - but flot aIl. "We get somne people who give us Uie finger and tell us to go home. You just try flot to let it bother you, which ian't that bard when so many more of thero are generally under- standing." Pivate Herder said it'a the wide- spread poverry and destraction for which lic waa leaat prepared. "Sometimes it's just so hard to believe how bad it la, particularly since the fighting ended two years ago. It's really made me appreciate how good we've got it in Canada," he said. GE supeE 'esilswt e ' Chmion Guaa 1ee 'g ce clsi Ilet' IU IlU ONL 'IO ACE Il Cal your local instructor ait <905) 878-1310 Kumon Maith and Reading Centres offer con- venient, affordable learning programs ta help stuclents ochieve better math and read- ing sicilis, stronger concentration and improved self-confidence. IOKUMONW MATH & READING CENTRES Leamning How To Leurm ~.v a *meu £TADT <~.& ~nî lITIONS wm ~ ~--- .. - -- Credit Card Problerns Loss of Job or loved ose Repossessions Ma1or Cash Flow Probleris Wage Gamistiments Eiections Persistent Bill Collectons Judenents, Law Suits "tdnt Loan DelinquentTaxes Foredlosaoes Divorce Related Finanoial Prablems * 4 PADDON + aanwupty cE. be EVEEdeE CaE aa! No ehoegefEr ii eansuiieaefl YORKE INC. 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St.) Milton A better solution! i~ I