1 The Canadien Champion, Fday, January 22, 1999 IChief says he needs more to sign provincial deal 4qIbope as our By IRENE GENTLE ,muicialty ros w'. The Champion munepmotga"wsmwrt The Milton Fire Department should b~54W Mrefuse to sign on the dotted lime, aaid Fire able t meet this. Untl Chief Harold Penson. thetu 1 hlsk we'd be At least for now. sugsi 5 evlo Until the Milton departmnent plumps up cofot that wee o ita fuli-tirne staff, it can't afford to sign a letter of agreement with the provincial ............. ........government, Chief Penson told the Town's cornmunity servicea committee Queen's Park has heen urging the Milton deparnnent o jouiS in a tiered respunse pro- gram with ambulance services for some time, he explained. Ticrcd response means the tire depart- ment would be routinely dispatched along with ambulance services in order to per- forrn medical assista. This would likely happen in cases where there is a difficulty or absence of breath- ing, unconsciousness, severe bleeding or heart attack. The tire departrnt would also be sent out to assiat at vehicle collisions. Evert without an agreement, the Milton Fire Departanent bas been rushing to emer- gency sites whenever there is a known delay in ambulance response time. Lately the pressure to make a deal bas becomne mnore forrnal, with the Ministry of HealtIs issuing a letter of agreement for the department to sign. Trouble is, it is unlikely the Milton departrnent would be able to keep up its side of thse bargaln, said Chief Penson. The reason is staffing. Ensuring speedy response times means there bas t0 be 24- hour compleiment ready to hi the road. Currently, the Milton force has omly seven full-tirne firefighters. Ail of thern work the day shift. The night hours are covered by 45 part- timers. That means when a caîl cornes in, they respond from their homes. Adverse weather conditions and the drive to the station can seriously handicap the departrnent's race against the dlock during emnergency catis. "There' s a delay when staff have to corne to the tire hall ansd put on their gear," Chief Penson said. Under those circurnstances, Chief Penson said he believes the departrnent should mot sign the provincial offer. He bas handed the matter over to the Town's solicitor for further study. That rnove at well with Councillor Cindy Lunsu, who didm't wamt the depan- ment taking on more than it could reason- ably handle. 'I hope as our rnunicipality grows we'l esee DEAL on page 9 10-66% OFF! For a very limited time get unlimited savings at La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleriesa LA-ZDse GUARATEED -- - - - ---- OUR lt'a our once-a-year event where you'll ind remarkcable deals on 00DIGESI the largest #Wm selection of Y~mLWquality La-Z-Boy- - Ontario. discontinued NO INTEREST FOR ONE YEAR* items, floor modela, one-of-a-kinda, and returns. 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StartlEnd Dates: Febnaary 1 - May 26, 1999 lime: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. DIGITALMNEDIA STUDIFS NM WEEK PROGRAM * Evening classes - 5:30 - 9:30 p.m.; * Training for junior or intermediate level of employment in tise printing field; * Topies include: page layout, lime art production, digital irnaging and document distribution in digital format; * Software applications include: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe illustrator, QuarkXPress and Adobe PageMaker.* StartlEnd Dates: February 8 - April 13, 1M9 Time: 5:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. LOCATION: ADuLT LEARNING CENTR 2350 TRAFALCA RoAD OA.Vuu.E Eligibility: Prerequisit Unernployed anti receiving Ernployrnent Insurance benefits, or have receiveti benefits in the past tduee years (five years in the case of mater- mity or parental leave). Canadian citizen or permanent resident. es: >- A completeti Retumn b Work Action Plan and/or one of the following: ». Previous experience in the graphic or desktop publishing trades as a free-lance designer; layout artist, publisher, editor, writer, photo joumnalist, or other graphic, or print communications experience. >- Be able to dernonstrate aptitude andi stmong interest for an entry level position in the ares of thse Internet (for Web Magic Prograrn), or graphic or print communications trades (for Digital Media Studies Prograni).