Under his speli Johnny Toronto captivates s young audience with hNs juggîtng talents Saturday af Milton Malt, where a number of entertaîners pertormed during s circus thom evant GRADE "A"%, NEWS MIUIGN DISTRICT Mie SCEGOL JwqulinBms - RrIma Choskey Grade "A" News at MVDHS By Jacqueline Basa and Marissa Cheskey Welcome back! To sahool thaf is. We hope thaf everyone enjoyed their "snowdaze"! The snow is great but at the same time causes a lot of problems. As much as we expect that everyone had fun in the sriow, we also hope thaf everyone was safe. Speaking of sfl0w and problems, M..H.S. experienced sonne problems wifh one of the wafermains due fa the abundance of coldness. Since everything seems ta be back on frack now if is time f0 get down ta business. Many students aftending our school have missed four recent school days and need fa bear in mind that their teachers may be making up for aost time. Wifh exams being so close, if is crucial that everyone is attentive and back info a focused and ready f0 work mind set. The next tidbit is for any students who have signed up for the Senior Friends Program. Il is crucial that you go fa fthe guidance office righf away ta hand in your police checks. If you haven't yet had a police check, please follow this simple procedure: 1) Go to the police station. 2) Make sure you have $15 in correct change 3) Ask for a police check for the Senior Friends Pragramn 5) FuIl ouf somne forms. 6) Fi ouf somne more forms. 7) Go home and waif a couple of weeks for if f0 arrive. If you follow aur fool-proof guide, we guaran- tee your success. As for our upcorning events in February, Milton District High Sohool is hosting a Drug Awareness Session on Monday, February 1. The session will be held in the school library at 7:30 pm. If is a greaf way for students and parents f0 get an undersfanding of the kinds of fhings that foday's youfh are facing. Sa corne on ouf and get involved! We know thaf if's a liffle lafe fa inform your thaf buddy photos were rescheduled f0 today, January 22 insfead of January 21. We're sure thaf everyone had a greaf time gef- fing their photos faken wifh their buds. Have a great weekend, even fhough if probably won'f last quife as long as the last one! Why U [N do ote drivingL! core sI5K1 ¶Iay te're Lju1t iMt1YouInDriers? SMaybe it's because Young Drivers has thirty years of instructors over the pas( 10 years. experience teaching collision avoidance. il And has achieved Registration to the coveted IS0 And over half a million graduates, coast to coast. Pa r'Â 0S 9001 Quality Assurance Management And more than a million dollars invested in dri- Standard. ver training research, plus another million invest- No matter what they say, no one else is anything à=iiiLSJIpA.~ali U U FEBRUARY 15 MARCH BREAK MON. & WED. EVENINGS 6:30- 9:40 PM MARCH 15, 165,17 & 18 4 WEEKS 9:00OAM - 3:45 PM - 4 DAYS 875-0480 Young Drivers of Canada WWW.youngdriver's.com Thats what parents are for. E.C. DRUET mie SCUSOL Dateline Drury - Friday, January 22, 1998 by Jessica Wellstead and Katie Murzin We corne ta you on a serious note this week, and based an recent events we're sure you'l undersfand why. As most of you have already heard by naw, last Friday, January 15th, E. C. Drury feul victim ta a stupid and senseless crime as someone brake into the E. C. Drury Sports Building and lit the wresfling mats in the girls gym on fire. The tire began around 2:30 arn and by the time it was over had caused nearly $1 million in damages. The investigating ofticials have nof, as of press time, released any information regarding suspects or leads. As a resulf of the tire, many students and staff tram bath the high school and the Schoal for the Deaf have been greatly incanvenienced. In particular, Drury sparts teams have been leh scrarnbling ta tind alternate tacilities in which ta practice and compete. We knaw that rnany students are angered and frustrated by what has happened, and we would like ta thank yau ail tar yaur ca-oper- atian and understanding in this diff icuit tirne. Surprisingly enaugh, this unfortunate incident daes however have sonne positive side etfects. Students have realized haw much truth there really is ta the saying, "You don't knaw what you've gat until it's gane." Bath students and staff were privileged ta have access ta such a wonderful facil- ity. This willtul acf of vandalism will hapefully teach people ta respect and appreciate ail that is avail- able ta them. If is haped that this experience will teach people ta think twice befare daing samething reck- less, as surely there cauld nat have been any motive great enaugh ta justify this acf of vandalisrn. The damnage dane ta the building can be repaired, and the mats and equiprnent can be replaced. Hawever, there were aCher things in the building that rnaney cannot replace or repair: the Wrestler's Wall af Fame and the nurnerous Charnpionship pennants earned in many sports tram years gone by were also damaged. The meaning and hisfary these items held can neyer be replaced. We iust hope thaf fhe vandal fully realizes exactly whaf they've faken t ram the Drury family. %.IV, L'a VILI FiLuè;jLaIJLLib JL VUL uliè; Vulb