12 - The Canadieni Champion, Friday, Janury 22, 1999 Do you have an arts or entertainment story that should be told? Contact the Canadian Champion news department at 878-2341. ljiBmx»apr, 1-t PRESENT y' B.w.ma, liai. i2 Dv huma. (waufr, RWUN~IER THEATRE IFebmoea 6o Ils 13 Bar opens at 6:30 p.m. e Dinner 7:30 p.m. e Curtain 8:45 p.m. $30.00 per person, includes Dinner & Show $1 0.00 Show OnIy Fb. les il *Doors open 7:30 p.m. a Curtain 8:00 p.m. $1 0.00 Proentsdl ait he Milton Seniors Activity Centre 500 Childs Drive, Milton (Located across tram Mail) ykkeds aalle ami DeIa<ouwent For mars infuton pieuse cmii 905-875-0629 Prnducd by Spcamragemen mtt Playrlts unie f oCanada B3on vivant's barrel of laughs bumps up against 'Big Event' By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Scotty Templeton is a barrel of laughs. He's also the lead character in the Milton Players upcoming show, Tribute, running Fridays and Saturdays, Feb. 5, 6, 12 and 13 for dinner theatoe and Wednesday-Thursday Feb. 10- 11 for the show only. AU shows rns out of the Seniors Centre, 500 Childs Drive. Tribute is written by Bemnard Stade. It was made into a movie of the samne namne many moons ago, with the lead mile played by Jack Lemmon. As played by 10-year Milton theatre veteran Geoff Ford, Scotty Templeton is tie life of every party. "He's kind of going through life without taking a lot of responsibility for thinga," suggested Susan Cranford, Trmbute's director and a decade long veteran of thc Players herseif. "He's king of the one liners, a kind of hall fellow weil met." He's also shiftless, managing to avoid steady employmnent as skillfully as he avoida being Uic kind of father they fashion Hallmark cards for to his 20- year-old son, played by David McPhail. At least up until The Event. That's capitalized to ilitastrate Uiat thc event is very big. [t is a cataclysmic, life-changing, thmow every- thing in Uic trash and start over again kind of event, implosive enough to make even Uic life of thc party stop and refiect a bit. Neyer mind what the event actually is. It's a secret. Suffice to say it happens near the atart of the show. That leaves the play plenty of time to trace Scotty',s wild and woolly days through a series of tlashbacks. It's a funny play. There's lots of funny moments, but it's also touching," said Ms Cranford. As the titie suggests, there are also tributes tossed like confetti around the mari. They come, appropriately enough, during a party throwri to celebrate Scotty Templeton's birthday. That the party occurs after the Big Event impacts Mr. Templeton himself some, but doesn't stop anyone else from prattling on about what a lfun guy he is. Or MON., JAN. 25v" at 10:30 arn Prevlew f rom 9:00 arn At the. Agrieultural Hall, Milton Falrgrounds, Rob Presenting an exceptlonal sale featuring a quantity of antique f glass, an exceptional selection of Chintz (mnci. breakfast set, condiment set, tea pot, etc.), Moorcroft, Doulfon figures, W Military items, toys, crocks, primitives, lighting, decoratives, etc Terms: Cash, Chaque with 2 pieces I.D. No reserves, no buyer's For furtiier sale or conaigninent mbf., Fax or Phone: JON MEDLEY, AUCTIONEER (905) 878-2647 Mlton Players veteran Susan Crantorcd teck- les dlrecting In the upcoming comedy-drama Tributs, stertIng February 5 at the Seniors Centre. was. Whatever. As the song says, it's bis party and he can cry if he wants to. Not Uiat he wants to a lot, assured Ms Cranford. "We don't want the play to be a drag because there are sad moments in it," she said. "So we really play up thse comedy part of it." That's easy enough with a character like Scotty Templeton. For him, larger than life is just a littie too small. The Milton Players themselves are a pretty l'un group. I their l9th year, they're busy gearirig up for a dual celebration next ycar. ses PLANS on page 13 Support your Lgbse, local arts groups, urnishinga, of a creative edgewood, community -a i UI01 ADAN P Friday& Saturdsy Mghtyat 7:0pm & 9:15pm Sunday - Tfsrsday Nghty St 7:00 pm Sunduy Matt aut 2:00 pm Fniday & SSSJrday NigMt ut 7:00 &915 pst Sunday - Thursday Nighty at 7:00 pst Sundsy Matinea at 2:00 pst PRday & Saturday N<gt at 7:00 & 9:15 Pmc Sunduy -Thuisdsy Nighdy St 7:00 PMt Sunday Madne at 2:00 pst Sunday Mutinea t 2.00 pm /P