6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 19, 1999 SCOMMENT Someone out there knows something - eau the police It goes without saying that the arson at the E.C. Drury sports build- ing early Friday morning was senseless and is taking a needless toli on numerous people. Taxpayers' money is being spent funding a police and fire investiga- tion, sports groups are being inconvenienced by the loss of their facili- ty and school officials are putting in substantial time and energy deal- ing with reconstruction and replacement of equipment. We strongly urge the arsonists to confess and face the consequences of their cowardly and destructive act. They are fortunate no one was in the building and a firefighter wasn't injured battling the blaze. At the same time, it's likely someone out there who may not have been involved knows something and they have a responsibility f0 report the information to police. Either way, we trust the cuiprits will eventually be caught as the police investigation continues. Anyone with information can contact detectives at 878-5511, ext. 2419, or can provide information anonymously for a reward through Crime Stoppers of Halton at 825-TIPS. Karen Smith OUR REA4DERS WRITE Put your newspaper in my malibox Obstetrîcs closure affects whole communit Duar Editor. I find il inicomprehensible that The Champion would flot onsiy condoine, but encourage pollution in our region by sys- tematically discarding plastc bags fuI of newsprint in aIl our streets. For an item to be considereti delivereti, it must bc p1aced 'in a mail deposit box, tiot lbrown in ditches and roadsides. If TIhe Champion is as dedicated 10 thse consmwsity as it says il la, then you would ensure andi enforce tIsat your dis- tibeators act inga aresponsible manner, andi plae yotgr matetial in thse mail boxes. Receeitly, your plastic bag ofnnewsprint ended up chewed up by my snow blower and strewn ail over the moadside. I hope that Ilarougb my writing will revise your deliven procedure bucome a responsible membur o communily. If you cannot comply witb Ibis n then please dsotneelivery of garbage atmny atidress. Yohan Chd Campb.l Editûr'e note: 2lnere appears to bi contradiction in your letter. If thep is garbage, why do you snill want ite long a itei delivered it a ma7nnern to yoeer likl>tg? THE CA VADIAN CÎIAïPI Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadien Champion, pabisited every Tuesday a Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 at 191 Main St. E., Millton, Ont., L9T 4N9 <Ban 248), iso Metroland Printing, Publiohing & Distribating Ltd. gnou Q'Q>)78 -2 41 arban companies whlch incluties: Ajax / Pickeren (905) ~Advertiser; Alliston Herald/Courier; Barrie Adoance; t Guardian; Banlinglon Post; City Parent: Collingwond / Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Connecelon: East York Mirror; tobicoke Guardian; Gen Advetisng Fx: 76-264 lndependent/ Actan Free Press; Kingston Titis Week; Lian AdverisingFax:876234 vueti; Markham Economisi & San; Midianci / Penetan Classified: 875-3300 Mirror; Mississaaga News; Newmarket / Aurara Era Northumberland News; Northt York Mirror; Gakville Beav Ian Oliver Publisher Today; Ositawa / Wititby / Claninglan I port Penny Tit Peterborought This Week; Ricitmond Hill / Tharnhili Neil Oliver A.tsaciate Pablisher Literai; Scarboraugh Mirrnr; Uobnidge I Stouttville Bill Begin General Manager Today's Seniors. Advertising ns accepted on the condition tit, in lthe e Rob Kelly Editar typograptical error, that portion of lthe adnertising spa Karen Cross Circulation Manager pied ity tite errofleous item, togetiter witit a reasonable a Ter Caas ffAe Mnagrtor signature, will flot ite citarged for, bot lthe balant Teri asas Offie Maageradvertioement will te paid for at tite applicaitte rate. Tnhe Tim Coles Prodaction Manager resetves lthe rigit t categorize advertisements or decline Dear Editor: y u It is with great concemn that I write you Ibis letter. n ni The recent closing of the obstetrics unit ai Milton andis District Hospital has affected the entire community. for Au a first-time pregnant woman, I, quite naturally, luest, have many things to wonry about. Being able 10, use yor my local hospital sbould flot be one of them. 1OI cannot believe that I live in a town that places a errier higher value on criminals than it doeo ils citizens. I vle watch daily as we spend millions of dollars 10 build a na new super jail -just so0 we can have the distinction of iper having the largeut jail in Canada complete with both as maIe and female prisonera, ail of who wilI have the tore privilege of using our local hospital. Meanwhile, I, a law-abiding, tax-paying citizen of RXK Milton, have to, make arrangements 10 go t0 another hospital 10 have my baby. What's wrong with this pic- - ture? Will tbe dangerous inmates gel priority in the emergency department so tbey don't have 10 wait with )TT the poor public? 1V My family physician bas suggested that 1 go 10 - Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital for my deliv- ery. n rdy Based on other expeniences there, along with the neot The coverage given in the Canadian Champion, 1 have p fsuit- refused. Iknow of women who were sent home while g News they were in labour because "they were too busy" and Irampton Wasaga orgetown dsay Titis goisitene Banner; er; Orillia is Week; Vaugitan Tribune; vent of a ce occa- illowance :e of lthe pubtisiter didn't have enough bedu. If I have to drive 45 minutes 10 gel 10 the bospital while I am in labour, 1 cannot take the chance that they will send me home. I also know of women who delivered laIe in the evening and were sent home the next moming, lesu than 12 bours later. This is flot the childbirth experience I want 10 have. The Oakville doctors have understandably refused 10 work at boîh sites because they are already working 80 10 120 hours per week. I fail 10 understand how adding 350 extra deliveries 10 tbe 2,200 already done in Oakville annually is considered a solution. When 1 read Dr. Walter Koslowski's letter in The Champion, saying that an obstetrician had been found, but the board of directors found the salary expecta- lions were too high, il made we wonder how bard Ibey are actually trying 10 resolve Ibis. I also read the full page advertisement in the local paper and called the number that promised more answers and a retum phone coul as soon as possible. It bas been weeks and I still baven'î beard bock. I bave now chosen 10 go 10 Joseph Brant Hospital in Burlington for delivery, but I still bold out hope that over the next four montbs, an obstetrician will be found and I can bave my baby in my home town. Julie and David Hall Milton Pud by Steve Nease 1* iV .1f