10 -TVhe Canadien Champion, Tuesdîy, Jînuîry 19, 1999 This is the year for senior citizens: United Nations Thse United Nations bas designated 1999 as thse to deterinine how best to spend $20,000 avail- Year of the Older Person and Halton Region wiIl able for local projects attached to this special join in the celebration. event. Halton North MPP Ted Cbudleigh recently 'It would be wonderful if we could leave some announced tisat s comnssttee bas been establisbed lasting Iegacy to the Year of the Older Person," O The Communt Care Access Centre (CC CCAC of Halton The Community Cr cesCentre of Hilton bas recently completed thse Requcat for Proposai (RFP) process to determine thse organizations that wilI provide homemiking and personal support services to CCAC clients for the neit three years commencing April 1, 1999. Bette Martin, Chair, Community Cire Access Centre of Hilton Board of Directors, is pleased to announce tisat subsequent to dhi RFP process thse Board lias ipproved the awirding of contracts to the Canadian Red Cross Hilton Brandi, Para-Med Health Services Oakviile Brandi, and Victoria Order of Nurses Hilton Brinch. The implementation of tihe Request for Proposai process is in keeping with thse Ministry of Healthls mandate to introduce a process to ensure the purchase of the highest quality cire at the best price. The CCAC looksi forwird to working dlosely with these organizations in continuing to provide high quality community based cire for Hiton citizens. The Community Cire Accesa Centre of Hilton coordinates home Cire services for Hilton residents, offers information and referril to community services, and provides information and placement into long-tenu cire facilities. Services accessed through thse CCAC ire funded by thse Ministry of Health. For furil nfonnaon conac: Jan Gdffil, Diroctorof Pumhasd Serice 440 Eiziaet Sbt t4th Floor Burlington, Ontulo U7R 2M1 (9ffi>639.5M8ext 8742 or ... if lon distn did 1«40.10.0M0 Thinking of borrowing for for your RSP? 1BbRi There are a number of considerations mn deciding to borrow for your 1998 RRSP contribution. the most important is how long it will take to pay hte loan back. It generally mnakes sense to horrow if the loan will be entirely paid off within a few months, or at most withir' a year. THIS IS NOT ABOUT RIRSPs If you have already made (or plan to maice) a contribution BUT stili have room to contribute ore, an effective strategy is to borrow an amount that will equal your tax refund. How much can you borrow and have the tax refund pay out the loan completely? It depends on a number of factors, but we cnia prepare an accurate estimate in juat a few minutes. IT'S ABOUT YOUR RETIREMENT PLAN Did you know that my office is equipped to provide you with an RSP loan, usually with instant approval? G.reat aduice, great service and now, great convenience too. thIle DONAJDSON FINANCIAL GROUP Suite 101 -310 Main Street East, Milton Ontario LOT IN4 Voice 90W-875-3366 fax 905-875-3574 e mal reîdhÊLcfg.comn Bob Reid hENEI1CEnI Mr. Chudleigh said. "Such a legacy would flot only remind os ot the valuable resource we have in seniors but also help improve thse community in a very tangible way., 30B WID le:'B, B oT L FAcE _fflýýtff1.,ri #^T"5 noi Er:H,s-., _1 The committec wiIl look aI projects that wiIl assist seniors and cornmunity groups. To receive more information about projects or make a suggestion, contact Annse Berry at 878- 1729. Pmssed for time? Checkc out Dateiue to get a - -~ qnuck of whats geiug on' in town. Dateline is a Iist of1local non- profit events brotaght to you free'of charge by thls paper every Âoeeek. F36 8;1 lis EE 'Hs EE 2711 WIDIH ii '0