1-Te Chnadlan Chatnplon,.Tuesday, Jànuary 12, 1 g9 SCOMMENT nII Another sad footnote In the latest turn surrounding the board-teacher dispute within the ~* Catholic educational system, a Burlington man has opted to sue the two quarreling parties. He wants approximately $1 ,000 as compensation for the expenses he bas incurred to hire a private math tutor for his son, now that teach- ~ ers have withdrawn that service. It's just the latest sad footnote in a battie that has lingered far too long, and mostly at the expense of students. This week the two factions are scheduled to meet again, and hope- fully significant progress will take place._____ While we have no doubt the seen'ungly interminable dispute weighs jj9 Mra1.,j heavily on both teachers and board members, the unfortunate fallout IN I?1(O1yat of it bas a genuinely detrimental effect on parents, as well as students. .Â/R MIjNI Students see the potential enrichment of their education taken away EU RpO 5 as extra-curricular activities and instruction disappear. Parents feel an additional financial burden if their children require academic assistance that was formerly offered by instructors. - The board is probably in a position to wait out the teachers in that the core educational requirements are being fulfilled, so kids will graduate without too much if any compromise on that front. However, relative to other boards where such disputes have been settled, taxpaying parents are being short-changed. OUR R FADER S WRITE t410/ stc inhoe ur4 - sor u Association criticism wasn 't personal: Chailinor, THE C LNADIAN CHAMïvPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canaien Champion, patished every Tuesday and Friday Mutton, Ont. L9T 4N9 at 191 Main St. t., Mitton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), ns one ot Tht Metroland Printing, Pubiishing & Distribatisg Ltd. group ot tub- Q'7Q I,41 urban companien which inclades: Ajax / Pickering News (905)878-2341JW Advertlner; Aitiston HeraldlCourier; Barrie Advance; Brampton Guardias; Burtington Post; City Parent; Coltingwood / Wanagu Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Connection; East York Mirror; Etobicoke Guardian; Georgetown Independentl Acton Fret Press; Kingston This Week; Lindsay This Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Wetk; Martcham Economist & San; Midiandl1 Penetangaishese Classified: 875-3300 Mirror; Minnissauga News; Newmarket I Aurora tra Banner: Northumbertand News; North York Mirror; Oakvilie Beaver; Oriiiia Ian Oliver Publisher Today; Oshawa I Whitby I Ciarington I Port Perry Tthis Week; Peterborough This Week; Richmond Hiii I Thorahili I Vaughan Neill Oliver Ass<>ciate Publisher Liberai; Scarboroagh Mirror; Unbridge I Stoutfvitie Tribune; Bili Begin Genera! Manager Today's Seniors. Advertising is accepteit on the condition that, in tht evant of a Rob Kelly Eduror typographicai error, that portion of tht advertising space accu- Karen Cross Circulation Manager pied by tht erroneous item, togethor with a reasonubit aiiswanco TeriCass OficeManaertor signature, wiii ot ho chargeit tor, but tht balance ot tht TeriCoaa OficeMangeradvurtisement wiit bu paid tor at tht applicable raie. The pubiishor Tim Cotea Production Manager reserves tht right to categorize advertiaements or decline. Dear Ediitor: The purpose of my writing is to respond to information th 'at appeared in a front-page article entitled 'Group credibility ques- tioned, councillor, Kelly trade barbs', in the December 18 edition ofThle Champion. lI the article, local resident Paual Scherer is quoted by reporter Karen Smith as saying that my motivation in questioning the abili- ty of the so-called Milton Ratepayers Association to fairly, accurately, objectively and honeat- ly deal with municipal matters is ....a personal thing between John Challinor and Pat Kelly for what- ever reason." Mr. Sherer's attempt to minimize my concems by boil- ing them down to, simple humant conflict flues in the face of some harsh realities about the "associa- tion's" conduct, some aspects, of which he admitted to Ms Smith when she wrote that "he believes some of Mr. Challinor's criticism is fair in that it's been a long time since the organization held a for- mai meeting." My motivation was simple. How could an "association" that pur- ports to represent the i ntcrest of Milton taxpayers file a legal appeal with the Ontario Municipal Board without properly consulting its members - especially when th.ose saine members, like ail Milton tax- payers, would have borne the potentially expensive brunt of that appeal because the Town of Milton would have been a party to it? And, of more concern, how could this samne "association" not properly survey its members for their views on the appropriateness of an appeal in light of the fact that they, as members, would be hiable to pay ail legal fees if the Ontatrio Municipal Board (0MB) were to award costs? In that regard, Mr. Kelly told Ms Smith he consulted a lawyer and was advised that such a situation would be unlikely as it's unprece- dented. On December 22, 1998, 1 consulted the 0MB, which advised that the board has the authority to award costs and if Mr. Kelly or his unnamed lawyer believe doing so ix unprecedented, they should read some recent 0MB decisions in Carswell's and other legal joumals. For those few who are still active members on the three-year-old membership list trotted out by Mr. Kelly for Ms. Smith, don't worry about the "association's" frivolous appeal. It was set aside as part of a Ministerial Order on December 18 by AI Leach, Ontario minister of municipal affairs and housing. Proceeds from the slot machines will be used to support charitable works in our community as well as pay for any sdditional policing costs, road maintenance, or any community fundraising shortfalls that accrue at the bingo hall because of slot machines. 1 fully intend to ensure that happens. In closing, while the article did not cover aIl the questions 1 posed esiee SLOT on page 7 Pud by Steve Nease