The Canadien Champion, Fnida ,Jan 81~- oesex abusei being reported to tpolice, stats show By KAREN SMITH The Champion Violent crimes in Milton rose last year in part due to an increase in reported cases of sexual abuse, a police officiai said. Sex offences alone rose about 75 per cent, mostly because more cases of abuse were reported by youths, said Det. Sgt. Jackie Gordon of Halton Regional Police. She said she doesn't know if more youths are being sexually abused or more are reporting incidents. "I can't specu- late on why, but 1 can tell you that's what's happen- Det. Sgt. Ja ing," she said. If more youths are reporting incidents, Det. Sgt. Gordon said it's because police have developed better relationships with the Halton Children's Aid Society and school boards. "We'oe getting more reports through the achools," she said. Many of the cases involved youths being assaulted by rela- tives and babysitters, she noted. Robberies and assaults were also included in the category of violent crimes, which along with sexual assaults overail rose 9.5 per cent - from 240 incidents as of the end of November, 1997 to 263 at the same time in 1998. The number of local rob- beries declined by 22 per cent, but police saw more incidents of youths forcefully stealing from people on the street. Det. Sgt. Gordon said. "We've seen an increase of y ouths commit- ting robbery," she said. Asaults rose a minimal 4.6 per cent from 192 in 1998, while *domestic assaults increased by 13 per cent from 23 in 1997 to26 in 1998. Idle Gordon Property crimes - including break-ina, thefts and frauds - dropped 12.5 per cent. While 101 cars were stolen in Milton from January to November, 1997, thieves had only driven off with 75 vehi- dles by the same time st year. "That's because some of the people who are known auto thieves in this jurisdiction are currently incarcerated," Det. Sgt. Gordon said. Propersy damage declined 10.5 per cent, she noted. "I think we put more ese. FRAUDS on page 9 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Orlana Naldoo-Harris lots out a mighiy yawn as proud mother Indira looks on. Orlana waa Mllton's first baby of 1999. She was bom ai 3:26 p.m. on New Year' Day. Motherfeit strange going to Oakville e fromn MILTON'S on page 1 Ms Naidoo-Harris and others have been She said, "I guess it was nice to be forced to go out of town to have their indoors, but Randy had some trouble get- babies since Milton District Hospital's ting to and from the hospital yFsterday." obstetrics department closed in November. a M MIII-W "Living only a couple of blocks away from Milton District Hospital, it felt strange driving past it to Oakville for the delivery," she said. 0 s655 MAIN ST. E. MIN Ill5.67 FOR ÇThe BEST Bird Seed in Town (no wheat filler) SThe BEST Sellection in Town (on feeders, accessories and seed) ~)The BEST Price in Town (and more savings with our customer value card) H1EA-D TO... MacKINNON WATERFALLS & PONDS 724 MAIN ST. (NEXT TO THE GO STATION) 1-905-876-2836 www.haltonhills.comimackinnon c