The Canadien Champion, Fdday, December 11, 1998 - 5 Help in looking good could lead to better things By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Beauty rnay be only iskin deep, but when it cornes to getting a s job, appearance counts. So says Nancy Curow, self-styled fashion guru and dynamic champion of the down but flot quite out. 4 These days, Ms Curow donates her talents as a make-up artist and natural clothes horse to On Track, a programn aimed at easing& people on welfare back into the workplace. Her involvement carne frorn reading an article on personal shoppers - people who coordinate shopping for affluent clients - that set ber to wondering why such expertise should only be available to the welI off. She found she had a natural ernpathy for wornen who were struggling to go back to work, or were mernbers of the working poor. "They don't have clothes and they don't have any rnoney for shoes" said Ms Curow. 'l teach thern how to shop on a shoe- string." p)oto by GRAHMAM PAINr She does it by rounding up near grads of an On-Track class and . uo op hauling thern over to a neighborhood consignent store. There, w tmn ith fiau c om for about the cost of a tank of gas, she can fit thern in a killer back drs o aces to work outfit. sfdr*s hemai AsofB hes TIrn a natural with clothes," she said. .. *see CUROW on page 19 Redeem Your GM Visa Points Here! No UPTO48MONTH$S~ Z ON MO$TNEW ...... 8am-8ç'hl Mon.-Fil ...... am-p