The Canadien Champion, FridaYDeCmberi11.1998-17 The Elites' CD revists blues giants from SMOOTH on page 16 in vaious rock bands and jam nigbts. He opened for Glass Tiger and The Nortbem Pikes when tbey were in town. His first band was The Tennessee Mudcats, a blues steeped group that played everything from Dylan to Hendrix. "TMeir crowd was more tie hell-raising, beer-drinking type that would yell 'Play Lynyrd Skynyrd' and then pass out on the sidewalk," joked Mr. Burton. Somewhere aiong the ime he got serious, taking singing lessons in New York and studying classical guitar at Humber College. Learning classical guitar tauglit bim a thing or two about finesse, said Mr. Burton.1 "It gives you the faciity to play certain1 things you normally couldn't have," he said. "It's the epitome of finesse tech-1 nique." 'hat stood im in good stead with The Elites, who released their debut CD Uptown Blues last summer. The CD revisits blues giants like Muddy Waters and injects them witb jazz and swing. It was rated numnber seven on HMV's top 10 Indie Nation list for November. Since forming, the band bas played The Beaches Blues Festival and appeared on City TV's Breakfast Television. They're thinking of holding a CD release party at the Hardball Cafe i Milton in the next few months. The banid's solid play schedule ought to keep everyone on their musical tocs but the unflappable Mr. Burton ail but busts a gut laughing at the notion that it could make daily guilar noodling unnecessary. "I try to practice four hours a day," he said after composing himself. "It's ail part of this neurotic perfectionismn that 1 have." Somehow Mr. Burton finds spare Urne to write is own R&B songs, which he hopes to release on CD some day, teach guitar, and produce the young Halton Hilîs rock band, Holli. "I spread myself too tibm," lie said. "A lot of musicians do that." MNR BIOLOGIST TO SPEAK AT LOCAL CLUB MEETING Ministry of Natural Resources biologist Warren May will be speaking at the December 16 meeting of the Four Season Anglers and Hunters. The club cordially invites interested members of the public to attend this meeting which will start at 7:30 pmn at the Hilton Optimist Centre. Four Season Anglers and Hunters is a local angling and hunting club with a strong tra- dition of community involvement and resource stewardship. The club is currently accepting new members with similar interests. 4x XT hot oxSue Cab, ow pakage sn o aKid Black with grey leather, handling package, ABS, power seats. Drive in style! Povjer viindovil., lock,ý and driver ceat. Wïnter drivinq Vý cominq! 1 Oniy 30J,500 km., air coun., p. wi- dows, locks, mirrors, plus, plus. Laefor$3%54/monjth* Stck#1252A 3.8L, quad buckets, keyless remote, 3.8L, quad buckets, cruise, tilt, M pwrgop ny28,000 kmns. power group I G5, loth intenior, ABS, loade Lesfor$299 /month* Lease for$27 8/month* Lease for$288moi Stock # 1 268A Stock # 9200A Stock # 9909A *Bsed on Red Culiet lue.. 200 down plus taxestIret month s peynn. Ref. Sec. Depost, sintin. licence à tees *36 monthe "24 mnte erwviwag mcton iwce 1967 r 4-,-ne/ rMERCURYE *655 MAIN ST. E., MILTrON e 875-3673 j