6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 8,1998 SCOMMENT THE CNADIN CHMPIO Like it or flot, searches justified A Randomn drug searches of students' lockers are an unfortunate neces- sity in today's society. While many students may feel that their privacy is violated or that they aren't trusted, they must understand that the problemn of drug abuse, which often begins in youth, is a serlous malter that requires I19M 1E E strong measures to control. -ý fl Many youngsters wisely avoid the use of drugs. Others experiment,?> becomne dependent and the abuse can lead to harmnful effects that take years to reverse, if they are reversed at ail. The recent search at Bishop Reding Secondary Sehool reported else- where in this newspaper today can't be compared to a search of a pri- vate home. Lockers are school property and the system is funded by taxpayers. The search, which fortunately tumned up nothing, was allowed by the school's principal, who is responsible for the wellbeing of students and for keeping his facility safe for everyone. And considering the number of youths who experiment with drugs these days, his actions were justified. Searches are reportedly conducted only about once a termn. The action hasn't been overdone. Students who oppose searches should try to think of it from that per- 1948 *M I .RROUNDEI) 1998 FLIRMY $UkIRUNDEt spective. ~~~Karen SmithY E V SY C a ,LG 0 OUR READERS WRITE Struck bv cotWaetin #w «i They were there for us at the hospî%fdtal THE CANADL4N CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The. Caail. Champion, publshed every Tuesday and Friday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 t 191 Main St. E., Mitton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Boaa 248), la ana af The Metrland Plnting, Pubishing & Distributing Ltd graup of sub- ~ 1~41uban campanies which Includes: Aax / Pickering News (905)878-2341'~U Advertlser; Aliston HeradlCaurier, Barrie Advance; Brampton Guardian; Buringtan Post; City Parent; Collingwaad I Waaaga Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Cannectian; East Yorki MIrrr Etabicake Guardian; Gergetown Independentl Actan Free Press; K(ingtan This Weeit; Lindsay This Adverising Fax: 876-2364 Week; Markham Ecanamist & Sun; Midland I Penetanguishene Classified: 875-3300 Mirrar; Mississauga News; Newmarket 1 Aurara Era Banner; Nrthumberland News; North Yorkt Mirrr Oalcvilie Beaver, Odilla Ian Oliver Publisher Taday; Oshawa / Whitby I Caringtan I Part Perry This Week; Peterborough Thils Week; Richmond Hill I Thomhili I/Vaughan Neil Oliver Associale Publisher Liberai; Scarbarough Mirrar; Uxbridge I Stauffville Tribune; Big Begin General Manager Todays Seniors. Advertlsing Is accepted on thn candition that, ln the event of a Rab Klly Eisortypagrapitical error, that portion af the advertislng space accu- Kare Cran Circulation Manager pied by the erraneaus Iemn, togetiter wltl a reasonale aliateance Ted CUaa Office Manager for signature, will ot be charged far, but the balance of the adverisement wl be pald for at the applicable rate. Vie publisher flm Colln Production Manager reserves the right ta categarize advertsements or decline. Dear Editor: Ail too aften we hear criticisms of aur hospital sys- tem - baw patients gel overlooked and Isow nurses don't bave time ta do their jobs. The challenges are many and tIse rewards too few and far between. But we want ta commnend the staff at Milton District Hospital for the autstanding care aur daughter received in emergency last week when she was admit- ted with a concussion. As an athiete, she bas had ber sbare of sprains and bruises tbat were weil tended in emergency in tbe past, but we've neyer experienced tIse ftigbtening unknown of a Iead injury befare. In the course of aur ovemnight stay, aur daughter was treated, cbecked and cared for by seyerai nurses, ail of whomn were thorough, professianal, caring and help- fu. Speciai tbanks ta Lois wha made sure we, the par- ents, were aiso comfortable in aur night-long vigil. Would we have gotten the same level of care in a busy downtown hospital? We dan't know. We do know that we were very glad the people at Milton District Hospital were there for us! Tbank yau. Keep up thse good work. Carol and Bob McDonald Milton Wants ans wers at meeting tomorrow night Dear Editor: We will find out why tomorrow. There is a public 1 arn writing about tbe proposed development of 32 meeting being held by Town staff ta discuss the pro- acres of land behind E.C. Drury High School . The posai. 1 urge anyone who is concerned ta attend. The plan cails for a senior complex and residential housing meeting is on Wednesday Dec. 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the that would obliterate the soccer fields and thse majonity Games Room, Senior Centre, Allendale. of open space at thse rear of thse high scbool. Mo! Cutier There are far more people than just those living Milton close ta thse property who will be adversely affected. al thse land around Miltondlhat will soalbe developed, 878-4943. Tkey mst why are they going ta spoil a lovely oasis inithse heart b ive. of town? b ind Pud by Steve Nease