Crime Stoppers 0CF H A LTO0N Harrop Drive. reward of up 10 $$1,000. A number of snowboards valued at $4,400 were You need flot give your name and your information snatched. can be taken with complete anonymiîy. During the Monday night of November 16, an iden- Crime Stoppers does flot subscribe 10 cali display. tical break-in resulted in an estimated loss for the store Cail 1-800-222-TIPS or 825-TIPS. of $8,000. In addition to snowboards, clothing was Crime Stoppers of Haiton is operated by a board of also taken during this entry. . directors made up of 18 civilians from ail areas of the If you happened to be driving by either night and rgo.Terwr udrslsfo h iaca saw something suspicious, or if you know someone rgo.Terwr udrsisfo h iaca who suddeniy has snowboards for sale, Crime support of business, industry, service clubs and private Stoppers would appreciate receiving a cali from you. citizens. If you have any information that Ieads 10 an arrest in The board of directors raises the money, decides on this or any other case, you may be eligible for a cash the amount of rewards and actually pays the rewards. Many meetings, littie progress e from NOWHERE on page 1 reached for comment as of press time. The board had until Monday (Dec. 7)10o provide ils budgetary disclosure 10 the Ministry of Education. Unt! then, says Mr. Pece, the board stands fast that il will flot divulge the information. "A balanced budget bas already been presented 10 the board," said Mr. Pece. "There is no reason they can'î provide Ibis information." Anoîher meeting has been scheduled for loday (Tuesday). Mr. Pece said Mr. Stewart told both sides 10 re-evaluate their positions and show up for these talks ready and willing 10 negotiate. "It's difficuit 10 do that when no information is forthcoming," said Mr. Pece. Mr. Pece said his learo used the remainder of last Wednesday 10 pore over recent selîlemenîs by both Catholic and public boards across the province. "At least il was productive from thal point of view," he said. Mr. Pece also said Mr. Stewart suggesled both sides adhere 10 a media blackout regarding the talks. Mr. Pece said his latest commenta apply 10 only tihe lem- perament of the taiks, not substantive information. -Nolhing happened 10 warrant a media blackout," he said. Including last Wednesday's meeting, the lwo camps have met 28 imes since liese tari of school. In the meanlime, the majority of both Catisolic and public boards have settled or are close 10 ironing out Iheir dif- ferences. One main slumbling block in negoliations has been the requirement under Bill 160 thal leachers' work- loads be increased 10 1,250 minutes per week. The board has interpreled this by lelling secondary school teachers lisey must teach seven out of eigisl classes, instead of six of eight as in years past. Teachers originally refused 10 teach the fourtis class of the first semester and are still not engaging in extra- curricular aclivities. Victimized twice in rive days A sporting goods shop in Milton was targeled by thieves twice within five days and Crime Stoppers wants 10 know who was invoived. During the Wednesday night of November Il, a iock was Ihrln' thrîutli a\Îde ,lass window dL Ail Sorts of SportsfBoardtopia on Steeles Avenue near The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 8, 1998- Pk-,,U>tlwarngeissuetd Heult4Caa as issued a i rnung to, Cnners are asced to take the foi-~ paretst and caregivera regarding thse lowiig preîautions: potential danger of playpens.- Examine the upper perimeter of your The safeîy organization advises that child's plavpen for any possible protru- certain types may pose a hazard that can sions, such as metal rivets, plastic knobs, Iead to strangulation wben pacifier boits or other small piecesif present, dis- strings or loose clothing worn by chil- continue use. tiren become cauglit ont protruding rivets, - Neyer place, tie or attach cords, nets or bolts on the oter edge of thse top. strings or ropes awounti tIse neck of a rails. child. SHERIDAN Provido porsonal cars and support te pooplo living at home or in long-tomn cars facilitios. Sheridan ca. provido you with the train- ing through the. following program: Personal Support Work(er Some of the skills that you wil Iearn are interpersonal, household management, assisting with personal hygiene, medications and ongoing conditions. These skills are taught in both the classroom and clinical setting. Cost: $1,168.50 Location: Sheridan College SkiIIs Training Centre 407 Iroquois Shore Road, Oakville SturtjEnd: February 1 - May 28, 1999 Contact (905) 845-9430, ext. 8052 SHERIDAN