I V/ The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 8, 1998 -15 I igns are looking good for this business owner By IRENE GENTLE1 The Champion2 ('ail lti îsgîtof the t[1010% Steve Miller of Miii Town Tire leamned what a difference a yeari maires when he returned to square off against Milton council in a iongstanding sign squabble. Mr. Miller applied last December for relief from a sign bylaw in order to have the sign of choice instaiied outside is 675 Steeles Ave. E. business. At the time council refused is request. Hfis retumn to council recently resulted in a heated debate among councillors on procedure, precedent, and the perception that coun-1 cii hobbies local businesses with red tape. I the end council upended the previous decision - largeiy due to zoning changes to the area proposed by the municipal officiai growth plan. 'Me plan was not in place at iast December' s meet- ing. The original dust-up was over a proposed sign that was too intrusive for the bylaw covening the property. That would be too1 Please support thse Salvation Army %Chmritmas Bureau Fund by dropping off a che que at thse paper. Any amount is welcome. AUCTION SALE NOTICE SALE #1 For [ho estale of the laie Kar OConner of Streetsville - Wed., Eve., Dec. 9th at 6pm sharp. Preview startsaai 4:30 pm. SALE #2 St., Dec. 12 th t 10 am. Important auction sale of ALL antiques for a norfh Buringion retired school teach8r, excellent glass & china pos, pnints, collectibles and quality antique fumifure. Preview and registration will stan ai 9 arn for this sale. C) lBoth sailes to b. held in thre Agricultural Hall on Robert St., Mîlton Fargrounds, Milon, On. Don Colling, Auctioneer & Appraiser (905) 877-0117 Fax 877-7895 GILF A LL PAYR The Georgetown Girls Fastball Association is seeking girls interested in playing competitive REP fastball for the Georgetown Gems in the Peel-Halton Girls Fastball League./ Indoor practioes/try-outs will start in January 1999. The GGFA would like to field 5 teams ( this year for girls born between 1981 and 1990. Coaches are also required ~ for some age groups. If you are interest- ed in trying-u or would like further information on the Georgetown Gems please contact one of the indMvduals below or visit our website at httpi/www.icomm.ca/gems Scorr LINDSAY 877-6237 MONICA MASTALERz 877-1520 Makeyur rsvastnk taMlto 9876-499 okdsl chefDorinr a= be fat atisaffoinviterVon to ca0l B5 coka 7823 our ma Hot&Cld fe t nld bay obald 90 lb. bingfbeef g 7. akSeley fornMsaissaugtawdailtebeuiu cutrneros fr oosimi hefdingtocerterNewa Year's Gala in the Mississauga Condo Hall. From tbe bottorn o Marna Gisa, Cbef Dorinic & bis staffs hearts e wisb aIl of you tbe besr tbis season. Thbank Voul Fttsra ion.o lïse id i Oclil high, too close to the property line and permitting too much advertising. Mir.Miller w t. hoinog to erect a ine square metre, lreestalidirig iiiuminated sign, much of which wouid be used to advertise prod- uct carried by the business. This was not in compliance with byiaws for the Steeles Avenue-Harrop Drive area, which is slotted as both residential and industriai zones. According to the byiaw, industrial signs can be used for identifi- cation purposes only. Recentiy, Mr. Miller retumed to spar again. "The sign I actualiy wanted to put up did not go through. We had to make some adjustments to it and that's flot what I'd like," he toid council. "I'd like to have the sign I'd like, basicaiiy." 'Me sign he asked for is no different from others in the area, he said. That was corroborated by Ward 4 Councillor Ron Furik, who popped over to the property to take the measurements himself. I have a pmobiem that we can't treat him the same as we treat bis neighbor on the other side," said Mr. Furik. "Let's give the guy what he wants. What's the problem?" A ray of hope was offered to Mr. Miller courtesy of Milton's new offcili plan l'or growAth. In the plan, the Mill Town Tire property is in a designated busi- ness, flot industrial, area. A suggestion by Ward 4 Councillor John Challinor tbat the issue be referred back to Town staff for study was opposed by Ward 2 Councillor Waliy Hunter. "I'm flot in favour. 1 don't see why we're sitting around dis- cussing this. We're micro-managing this issue," he said. -This is what gives council a bad name in the business community." Councillor Barry Lee aiso favoured immediate action over wait- ing for a staff report on the matter. "I just want to informn council that I'm getting a headache. Miii Town Tire may not even need a sign afier ail this," he said. "I think we should get on with it. I also think we shouid go back and review the sign issue in the area." Eventually, counicil opted to grant Mr. Miller relief from the current byiaw. ________ one PAce les ns ON ALL IN STOCK 1999 WINDSTARS FINANIING RA t3SAS 0/0.9 LOW AS à-i THIS IS A HUGE SAVINOS OPPORTUNITY ONE WEEK ONLY AT UyLIdE Basetlon3 month Red Carpet leas. 20,000 krnsyesr. Ail pic., va plus fixes, admin., lcences a tees, tînt month and Rdt Securlty Deposit. 0EN U TOY DRIVE AND IELP FILL à 199VINITAR WITM NEW TOYUT FOR .65MINSTU E..MILTON.e- -87543673.