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Registered Massage Therapist [7 1 We Frovide Health * Relaxation Speech-ILanguae* -liydrotherapy I.kI Servces to Ciren i -Swedish L.Ei and Aduits W Accupressure HALTON HILLS W alth - Reflexology SPEECH CENTRE 55TaagaCor Milton, Ontario L9T 3A8 Te:(0)8380 F:(0)8385 (905) 878-3037 SAvco Financial ELECTROLYSIS COLLEGE Se vices0F CANADA INc. ~>erviCanada's Leader in Traning and Treatment for Professionai Electrology Profrasional Electrologista Speilzn ' in consolidation andl Advanced Students peciaîg ~ (Nota Accepting and personal loans Appintuenlts tailored speciallyforyou. Gift Certificates Treatmnent aso available Mon. Fr1. 9-9 420 Main St. E. Ph: 878-9113 878-3945 2nd Floor 550 Ontario St, Ste. 203, Milton 878-2891& Milton Ontario Registered& Appoved as a Prvat Vocational ShSlwit,,h the Pivat,, Vcatassal Sahools At ANNA FINlLAN Regstered Massage Trherapist iv" IKeflexologlst This holiday season, "pamper & your Ioved one with a relaxing ..â f W professional therapeutic massage. 074,6~ M MWM(MifflTo advertise YOUR Day and evening appoittTents professional service Cati avallable. rNew clients Welcome 31-550 Childs Drive WENDY MCNAB (90,5) 693-8785 878-2341 Covered bY MOSt extended heath care plans. rjC bunCapo Focus on math after tests A strong focus on mathematics will continue at thea Halton District School Board, says the superintendent nniîrii Le Grade 3 eî îsui Halton students recorded above average scores in the provincial testing, which covered math, readingN and writing. "The students have achieved very weIl," said super-1 intendent Kit Rankin. 'These resuits tell us we're on1 the right track." She had earlier noted the board's Grade 3 studentsi did well in math testing. But she agreed they could1 improve in some aspects of that subject such as com-1 munication and problem solving. "Problem solving cuts across alI aspects of the sub-1 ject," Ms Rankin said in an interview. "And some kids can't explain their reasoning. That's what communi- cating involves." 0f those completing tests, 60 per cent of Halton stu-i dents made the provincial standard (levels 3 and 4) in reading and writing, while about 55 per cent met thei standard in math. Results were somewhat lower in the math categories of problem solving and communication. Ms Rankin said the Halton students' lower scores in math are part of a province-wide trend. She said a longer-term focus on early literacy in Halton may account for better results in reading and writing. But Ms Rankin cautioned the provincial assess- ments only represent a brief look at how students are doing. "I hope no one is making judgments about a pro- gram or school on the basis of this snapshot .... it' s much more complex than that," she said. "With my own children, I'm much more concemed 547 Main St. E. Milton 878-093 about how they do over lime," added Ms Rankin. "How do they performn over a two to three month peri- od and what arc Iheir v.ork hbit,; like'." Ih lesupel ntendenfatted ihe p ut I Il. I . valuable as an independent evaluation. "But I know principals, staff and parents are the greatest experts ... my job is to work with them," said Ms Rankin. She does feel provincial Grade 3 testing is on the rigbt track. Last May's evaluations were based on new language and math curriculums. They were done over five half days, instead of 10 full days required in 1997. I strongly support the design of the tests, which provide opportunities to show understanding and learning," said Ms Rankin. "I was very worried it would be multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank testing, which involves a much narrower range of knowl- edge." The superintendent would not directly compare resuits between individual schools or areas. But Ms Rankin noted many factors can influence results, such as demographics, a child's health and wellbeing, parental participation and the size of the class. For example, Percy Merry School of Milton, which had the lowest percentage of Grade 3 students meeting the provincial standard, was also the region' s smallest class with 14 students. As for other factura, affluence doesn't necessarity help children, but parental involvement does, said Ms Rankin. "Parents reading with kids at home is one of the things that enrich children's leamning," she said. "But parents spend time with children in different ways at different times and 1 would not say just one or two ways are the best." .b 4l m U .atI.a e An8 hav 1 - MST...De ISAo- E M rMUG a-ie----un iw%-.- ie -wm met .--- ('T (:T: , 'SLARGEST "MIN 'All'IC 11STRIBUTOR customerAppreciation Thank-YouSavings! December 7-12, 1998 Only! spcc A si,,ecý -'ý' LTWT. POLYESTER SOLIDS - ONLY 2.22 m 1 15CT December 14-19, 1998 Only! POLYESTER PRINTS - OHLY 2.49 m The @mat la £Maotlon end Price Anvwhwe 1