The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Decomber 8.,1998 - R9 Real Estate Board Home for the Holidays offers more to sellers and buyers Oakville, Ontario, November1 30, 1998 - The Oakville,1 Milton and District Real Estate1 Board bas taken the unprece-i dented step of distributing alil properties and business for sale1 which are listed on the Board's MLS (Multiple Listing Service) system 10 alI Realtors in Ontario thrnugh thé internet. The MLS system is a com- putertzed database of alI prop- erties currently for sale and sold in the Oakville-Milton area, including colour exterior and intenior pictures. It is wide- ly used by Realtors for the dis- tribution of property informa- tion and matching that infor- mation witb buyers. Most of the Provinces 48 Real Estate Boards each run their own MLS systemn and, until now, that information bas been avall- able 10 only that Boards Members. The Oakville, Milton and District Real Estate Board already bas information- sharing agreements in place with Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Burlington, Hamilton, Guelph, London-St. Thomas, Kitchener-Waterloo, Barrie, Cambridge and Sudbury. Board Presîdent Peter Tullocli remarked, "This will give aIl of our 'property for sale' information 10 a targeted group in the Province. Every real estate salesperson Provincially will have access to those properties through the internet. We believe Iis 10 be an unprecedented and valuable service to the public." Somne information on proper- ties is already avallable to the public and Realtors through the Internet at and, but this informa- tion is not complete enough 10 be used by salespeople when they have buyers relocating bo the area. With this new yen- ture, any salesperson that bas clients moving to the district will be able to give tleem coro- prebensive information prior to their arriving. Tulloch went on to say, "Gone are the days that we had to caîl long-distance, locate a salesperson and have information faxed or sent by courier 10 us. The information is complete and immediate". The Oakville, Milton and District Real Estate Board is the only Board in Canada, and perhaps intemrationally, that is offering this service. The Board also bas indicated that if the program proves successful, they will distribute the infor- mation tirst nationally and then worldwide. There is absolutely no cost 10 any Realtor 10 acceSS this information provided they have access t0 the Internet. The Oakville, Milton and 1District Real Estate Board rep- ,resents about 530 real estate 1salespeople and Brokers, all of rwhom are also members of 1OREA and CREA, the rProvincial and National kAssociations. It was one of the tirst Boards in Ontario 10 have a computerized MLS systemn and is seen as a leader in infor- mation sharing. You may visit their website aI If's dttre of year when familles corne together to share the holidays. What better time to get the house looking and feeling warmn and festive? Here are just a few sug- gestions to gtve your honme a cozy, roman- tic glow. A good place to stat is the entrance since this is where first impressions are made. Dress up the front door with a diied floral wreath. Ta your front hall welcoming with good lighting and a convenient place to hand coats? Mirrors and candlelight bright- en a foyer nicely, and a rice oriental or bralded nag adds a warm touch. Moving on from the foyer, family and fniends usually settle mnto the living or fam- ily room. If you have a fireplace, consider a damask mantie scarf to add rich texture, accessorized with lighted candles and fami- ly photos. A big, brass contalner is wonder- fuI for holding extra flrewood. Look at the furmiture arrangement. Aie pieces arranged AMiIt@n'sN in comfortable conversational groupings? hn the dining roomi, your goal should be a delicious atmosphere for home-cooked meals. Drape the table with holiday linen. You caiî easily create at table cloth out ol any fabric that suites your fancy. For an enchanting combination, drape the table with two coordinating table cloties - a nicb solid as a base topped with a shorter coor- dinating pattern. The centerpiece should be lively but not overbearing, as you dont want il 10 act as a barrier between guests. Among these, there are dozen more ways 10 make your guesîs and family feel at home for the hoidays. Put your own fane- lys personality mbt everything you do. Preparing t0 welcomne family and guests 10 your bouse is a lot of fun, if not a great excuse 10 complete that long overdue deco- rating project! Tihis article is broughti to you by thre Decorating Den. NOW HASE rwo m RO)YAL CITy REALTY(519) 853-2074 (905) 450-9344 Locally bulit by Peter li o s NClru l t. à a huIIv BuiInou Traillom 311cm1904 Ask about our excitîng new modeIs. BUNGALOWS on 40 o ot lots fr$1 795900 iu d« 9 C'lu S-K 1 u 1 L 1 L-( mrs IAN OU VER, Pubisher General Manager: Bill Begin Real Estate Rap: Kathy McLean Pubished by: TheG Canadian Champion, 191 Main St. E., Miton, Ont., L9T 4N9, 878-2341 Fax: (905) 876-2364 Adtrtiint Acis amoW onihcnditio ln t heiievent etea lyç- grattrlcal err. tifinalptltionoftire edertiisiaci rcctpidby ire errirerît tem, tetrirrelt a reariratte aitreaici tir sgratri, rei nui te citeri tir,bt th ie balatre il tire uivertteleelrl rel t paidr tir ailtitiappictibit rte. Tirepiblinter r terrve t t tr t t ati- Irrite tnd repcit advertiren. lrtire tvant oi f yMtitlttiCiIur. adver- tisltg gîer or servics ette wunitprc, gridi n of erey rit te nild. Adetsinl j ieireanor tsit and at e withtidrewn ai tty tire. 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