The Canadian Champion, Friday. December 4, 1998-17 in Ph Pel gPin f Ph ilton Chamber of Commerce Tuesday December 8, 1998 Visit oui Member & Volsanteer Town E Appreciation Night low me] 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. sored b- Chamber Office & Lobby Thursi' AU welcome!!! Jomn us for an eveming mAYO of friendship anid Christmnas cheer!!! 7:30 -9 During the evening we thank mem- Bavarli bers for their support during the past Second year and single out a few extra-spe- Busineý Cam Peters - Secretasy Douglas]1 DESANTEX SERVICES LIMITED PADGEI 318 McNabb Cres. 17 Wilson Milton, ON Milton, 0 Phone: 691-468 Phone:6 Desantex express courier will pick up or deliver Padgett E documents and packages on a rush - sasne day - financiali or overnight service throughout Southern zation. W Ontario. We can also deliver industrial parts, owner-op small maclsinery and computer equipment. We ansd we p feature personal service for fragile or delicate deserve. objects. We also offer editing and wsiting ser- The largE vioes for brochures, public relations, articles, business etc. business Elaine Conway - Owner unqe ELAINE CONWAY ENTERPRISES LTD. =M 2156 Base Une Road, R.R. #1er inrma Milton, ON L9T 2X5 esi h Phone: 878-4889 Lamont' I have 20 years experience working in career PRUDE counseling, faciitator/conflict management Carniage with corporations, teams and individuals to 245 Mai, break down communication barriers, achieve Milton,4 desired results and deliver measurable results Voice: 8' in 21 days. mail: las JohunsKoletic - President, Designer re tc KOEEH DESIGNS rurat ca 3027 No. 3 Sideroad, P.O. Box 242 rr a Campbellville, ON poet Phone: 854-3727 Koletech Designs is a designer snd manufac- turer of premiums burl wcod giftware for *galle gift shops snd for incentive gifts ansd Chamber members and dignitarses offliy opesedta Street office of the Cahmber on Octbe24,l19%. c-MRNEW Web site: www.chamber.miltofl.ol.Ca Mail: infoechamber.miltofl.ol.Ca ir new home located in the old Hall and say hello to your fel- embers. This event is spon- by M&M Meat Shop iay December 10, 1998 iR's BREAKFAST 9:30 a.m. ian Chalet lary Plans for the Central ess District and the îoutheast Urban Expansion Francis - Partner ,T] BUSINESS SERVICES in Drive, Unit #8 693-8777 Business Services is a locally-owned reporting and tax consultation organi- Ne special*z in thse unique needi of serated service and retail businesses provide thse personal service they ier Padgett organization bas heen in since 1966 and is one of fise leading services firmi in North Aunerica. Our Reality Check- helpi small businesies uwthey are really doing by giving them ion showing how they compare to oth- ,eir industry. tLeone - Vice President ENTLAL TOWN CENTRE BEALTY ;Square Plaza ùn Street E. ON. L9T MP 878-9100 Fax: 878-8777 e- tial Town Centre Realty is a full service ,ompany specializing in residential, nums, estate, commercial and industrial ties in Halton and surrounding areas. Busriness After Houri, October 27th, hosted SGoodLife Fitness Communications e Van DeHaar, GoodLife Fitness (Co-Host); Ries Boers, Chamiber Member; Steven Polisuk, Telehop Communications Milton (Co-Host); Gennifer VanDeHaar, GoofLife Fitness (Co- Host). the Main at the Decemnber Mayor's Breakfast. If all things proceed as planned the Milton community will see shovels in the ground b y mid 1999 in prepara- tion for new housing starts in 2000. The lime is now to ahape our new community. Tickets: Members - $1600 Non-members -$20.00 Cail 878-0581 to order yours today. UPDATES MoBILE CIJTOM WELDING LTI). Mito , Nlississ Rea U sl TIM DONMN MNCIAL COOUFIC T'he lnvesbnt Cenltre 310 MelsStreet, Milton, ON Phoe873366 F= 875-3574 Hlm alde, CP,GLU, CH.C. Bob ReidNancy MaNelll AR1mU TEUEAcWS Duteto areSillnethSe owie of the ArhTeacher's Fsh &Gblp frawhw at0 Mrloet drve, Mlto rgrt th lsigo tertaurant berf sssicie. Jr.Z Thank you to aIl the members who renewed their membership in August and September. e appre- ciate your contisiued support. Aero Supplies Appfiance Depot, The Bob's Auto Concepts to Applause Derlan Aerospace Canada Dr. S. jany E.C. Drury Hligh School Grant Mitchell & Associates Halton Automnotive Industrial Supply Mayrose Holdings Mercer Hildebrand & Zehr Milton Community Resource Centre Miltowne Insurance Agency Ltd. O.E. Cannon Peggys of Milton Region of Halton - Business Development Richardson Chevrolet Oldsmobile Ltd. Springridge Farm Ted Chucleigh, MPP a Let us help you: - Review your RSP and Investment po - Consider your Life Insurance and1 requirements. orifolios. Estate Plan - Ensure that you receive the best available Mortgage Rates and GIC Rates (CDIC Insurance on GIC's). - Start your Registered Education Savrngs Plan - up to 7,200 Government Grants. - CALI NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION We regularly work extended hours. Abbey Plaza Third Une at Upper Middle Road, Oakville (905) 827-8009 »+ esunIin en Electrolysis College of Canada Inc. .AFFILIATE <DF -THE BARE BEAu7YvTViNTTurE ivCý. Canada s Leader in Training and Treatmentfor Professional Electrologyi and Laser Hair Removal "The Professional Skias and Hair Technologist- Continuai Enmollnset For infortnation oeil us at (905) 878-9113 Treaiment also avoulable Monday tbrougb Friday 9am - 9Qpm J HNSON Johnson Controls Ltd. Automotive Systems Group 8205 Parkhill Drive High Point Business Park East Milton (905) 875-2128 Bob L ee: (90O5) 8 7 8-5786 - * RaerLazo:(0)8B- MI j~LTNCAMBER 0F COMMERCE M iltowne MEMBERSAN HIEmLYS Insurance Agency Ltd. Save up to 55% on M MITON HAMBR OFCOMMRCEuto and Home Insurance! GROUP LIFE & HEALTH PLAN P2l4yrice 8ssamntcep GIféatures 'ASSURE CARD» oiysrieBmt P ite Insurance - Long & Short Term ailtn Aaron MacFarlane * Ken Armstrong * Doug Peddie Accidentai Death & DismembermTent * Dental Plan Extended Heafth Care - Dependent Lie Phone 876-4607 or Fax 876-1001 Avallable to ail member bualneaaes with as féw as on. Person Rya nsrac Computehzed quotes now avalable wo l nuac Cali today for an intoeview to diacuas you needa. Our expertisae ie our best olicy 8 1 ing