21 Christmas 1998 ...... -- .................. 2 Deck ffie halls with boughis of holly.. Contiuedfium page 20 erous filUer, white pine, spruce, fir, and cedar can be used. lb add a splash of colour, choose from the bright golden yellows of the goldthread false cypress, the golden yews, cedars and junipers, or the lovely xisty blues of the Koster blue spruce, globe blue spruce or the blue foliaged junipers. The dark, rich green of the yews look great, teo, especialy if you can nip off afew boughs with the berries. The broad-leafed evergreens add a mice texturai con- trast te the coniferous plants. Boxwood adds a delicate, fine texture te the composition while the gold tip and emerald gaiety euonymus can be used te add a bright teuch of colour. Holly is always a welcome addition te any arrangement with its glossy leaves and bright red berries. Interesting twigs from deciduous shruibs a also be added te your arrangement. Corkscrew hazel oa be used and we love the brown, green and gold conterted branches from the corkscrew willows la our pots. Red and yellow twig dogwoods make a nice contrast te the evergreefls. The most stunning accents twigs, of course, are the pussy willows. Pussy willows should be cut two or three days before you are ready te use them. Place them lnaa pail of water for a day or two, and then gently peel each bud, being careful not te pull themn off. The imm-ature buds are silver la colour, adding a magicail sparkle te your arrangement. Dried hydrangeaflowers add an elegant teuch teyour arrangements, as do the lovely dried seed heads of the . . Santals littie helpers just keep getting smaller each year. At just seven weeks old, Lauren Masters already seems uery interested in Santa, whe hap- pened to be at Burlington Mail for this photograph. varjous species of ornamental grasses. This year, we foiird rich, hurgundy red ýunac 'seed heads, soft-tass1ed pampas grass, and dnied, bird-shaped milkw eed pods to add te our arrangements. As we continue te plant and develop our garden each spring, we always keep our winter garden in mind. Whenever possible, we try to add a few new plants that bave interesting foliage or twigs, dried flowers or fr-uits that we can use in our winter arrangements. We also have a wild area ia the garden for growing things like sumac, milkçweed, goldenrod and thisties that wiil pro- vide us with more fun things te colleet for our creations. Once we have fished our winter containers and wal mangers, we spray the foliage with an anti-dessicant spray such as "No-wi t t prevent the foliage fr-om dry- ing out too quickly. Every few weeks, we water each con- tainer, making sure that only the moss is moistened and not the foliage. This way, our arrangements last well inte the spring, giving us many months of pleasure. As the Christmas season approaches, we will be using ail our left over élippings and boughs te create table cen- terpieces and other decorations for inside our home. Most of the materials used te create our outdoor master- pieoes can also be used for designing lovely indoor arrangements. Select a few different boughs and twigs, compose and staple them te a piece of plywood, add one or more can- dles and a sprinling of festive decorations, and you wil have a uniquely beautful centrepiece toenejoy la your home, or te give as a special handmade gLft from your garden. Whbla vahici. ut Fiai *gmnt's... Top 12 L6ist!e 12. EASY ACCESS from 401 or QEW 11. LEASETO OWN program on select vehicles 10. TOLL FREE CALLNG (1 -888-852-7740) j 9. Simple COUNTRY DEALS 8. FRESH OIL, LUBE & FILTER - on ail purchases 7. LOW PRICES - because we don't have used car salesmen, we don't have thie overhead associat- ed wi typical car dealers 6. FULL DISCLOSURE - alt known tacts and repair records are made available 5. As a customner Ot Fred RegenfS Cars For Lease, any reterrals trom tamil & triends will get you a M300REFERRAL FEE N stock Units only 4. NO DEALER handling and administration téee 3. DISCOUNTS for cash 2. CHOICES - bu y as is and save, or purchase pre- oertitied and fufly reconditioned 1. SELECTION - over 2,000 vehicles available - al makes, years and models' Tm PM U D 1 Y I ~ <" ~ witti approved credit Cs Diacunts Same Dy beey PaYin Courtesy inuttie