~*,* aipj~~ .Christmas 1998 SALEENDS N yqXS DEC 12/98 I E~ LA VA WA VS lW * M AVAILABLE! S R S M SAVE UPI7 50% OFF9 Ha/ton chair brings seasons greetings The holiday season is upon us. At this busy time of vear it is important to pause and look at our lives thanks to the blessings we have. It is also important to refleet on the past year and look ahead to 1999. Halton Region has earned an excellent rep- utation for many innovative initia- tives. In addition to the fine work our outstanding empîoyees do on a daily basis to ensure the safety and excellent quality of life i Halton Region, I would like to take a moment to look at some of the good things that make Halton the best place in the world in which to live. Heaithier children Halton's health department has been busy working to make our community a healthier place. In the fall, a new Halton-based prograni called Healthy Babies, Healthy Children was launched. Under this provincially-funded prograni, the health and well-being of newborns is tracked from birth and, in some cases, pre-natally. The prograni wil allow for more home visits Wo faini- lies requirmng help. Giving parents the skill, knowledge and support Wo become better providers, will lead Wo healthier children and productive adults. A Substance Abuse Prevention Tool Kit was reoently established. t was initiated Wo address the issue of substance abuse and youth in Halton. The tool it is packed wdith ideas and resources for youth and parents and can be assessed elec- tronically at substanceabuse- .region.halton.on.ca. Halton's Public Works Depart- ment bas been busy with many interesting and exciting projects. In November, Bill Jones, one of HalWon's construction technicians, was recognized by regional counicil for bis work in helping Wo design and implement a new computer software program called The Public Works Management System. This systemn bas streanilined the entire construction bidding, tendering and payment process for the region and has been recognized by other muicipalhties. HalWon was recently commended by the Ontario Sewer and Water- main Construction Association for its comniitment and support of the Healthy Communities Ftesolution - a resolution made up of two sim- ple elements: dlean water and sewage. This year the HalWon Non-Profit Housing Corp. received two Oak- ville Urban Design Awards for inte- grating affordable housing inW an established low-density, upscale neighbourhood. The Award of Excellence was given for Bray's Lane and Golden Briar Heights. The Royal Bank renewed its financial. partnership with HalWon and formed. a partnership with the provincial and federal governnients Wo allow local business access W a variety of sophisticated business information products. The sponsor- ship, implemented in 1997, pro- vides financial assistance Wo the Business Development Centre. Government partners Another exciting development is Halton's Business Development cen- tre, which was recently chosen as a site for Canada Ontario Business Service Centre (COBS). COBS sites allow business operaWors Wo access business, marketing and regulaWory information by computer. In HalWon, we continue Wo place emphasis on our goals Wo become more efficient and work Woward a seamless administration with our government partners. It is imipor- tant that we continue Wo progress by benchmarking ourselves against others. Halton Regional council, Wogether with our HalWon govern- ment partners, continues Wo work Wo ensure "made-in-HaWnü" solutions Wo protect and preserve the quality of life we have come Wo enjoy in our community. Season's greetings Wo each and every one of you. May you have a safe and prosperous 1999! 9fom s~a, e"J mrg df«ieownwdý 4 q4tt. 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