Cmtimoe/m tx(W 9 à- 11711 P% A"I-j wm MW Chrisuw Company gu2g,,, ............... $1995 ................ý295 .............$495$1095 Men's Lm dw Befts ............. $1495 $1995 Boxed ge Sets ........ ý495_ & MM-N MOP£ GlFrS UNDER $20 Brand New Fashions ?g Ofd FuÏonedPrixs 2260 Lakeehore RCI. East, op DAesho R n n a DOwntown Oakville Bjqý r St_ 22338e33 Bloor St. West, to re or West Village, Toronto r 30 ý: est e 'a OPEENN 77 YS WEED S U W1D Ilag oronto DAYS WEEKNIGHTS UN1111LL 99 PPMM Mler Al these courses, the Iiost- ess slipped away and, from the kitchen emerged, with the piece de resistance, the plurn pudding. Ignited, the blue flame danoed about tbe beavy speckled bail, topped with Christmnas bolly. In addition te the plurn pudding, there were minoemeat pies, cranberry pies, puddings and bon bons from whicb te choose. After this lavish indulgence camne decanters of wine, hot-spiceti apple cider, plates of roasteti chest- nuts, raisins and coffee. In Canada, the traditional Victorian Christmas dinner was influenoed by Queen Victoria and bier fainily, but also very much by what was available locally and by the dominant nationality in the area. 'lbday, our traditional festive fare bas been pared down considerably Wbat makes traditional foods so irresistible ia tbe taste and smell that links one holiday te tbe next and one generation te anotber mak- mng the boliday table a constant in our lives. 7krkey filling An original recipe from Ladies Home Journal, Dec. 1890, pg. 27 lIb one pound of finely crusbed ligbt bread, add b aif a pound of fresb, butter, baif a teaspoon of minced-up celery, a sait spoonful of cayenne peppei, sait and pepper te taste, and one fourtb of a pirit of sweet creara. Mix witb three pints of fresb oysters, from whicb tbe liquor bas been drainai and every atem of sheil remnovai. Mix weil and stuf the turkey, sewing it up carefulfly. Toim on its back. Place the legs and piffions in a natural position witb a strand of wbite thread. Rub ail over witb soft butter, sprinkle witb sait and pepper, dredge well with flour and set it inte a baking pan. Put it in the oven, pour inte tbe pan one teacupful each of water and oyster liquor and one teacupful (a standard measure will do) of butter. Let it roast slowly until thorough- ly done, but not overdone. Baste fi-e- quently witb the gravy in tbe pan. Stewed aysters From the Ladies Horne Journal, Deoember, 1890, pg 27 Before cooking oysters, carefuly remnove ail particles of sheil. Put one gallon oysters with their liquor inte a granite saucepan, sait and pepper te taste, add tbree quartera of a WAREHOUSE SALE Manufacturcd items at factory outiet prices Order your fresb wreaths/garlands/swags. Samples on display. Custom made gift baskets. Sewa ,Friy Deombef 4th Dadylé a.m. - 7 p.m. , Sat. & Sun. 11-5 p.m. HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION 0F ONTARIO 10 flI]UIIL.................................. Chris.................................................. I - Old-fashioned recipes flot for the diet conscions j -iý ,RCPý 1 *Fq pound of very nice butter. Oysters n m e ý a id t '.'of1ujftu~r if" a> want them in perfe!ction. Frequently stir them and, when thoroughly heated tbrougb and begin teoeok, stûr in one teacupful of fres cracker dust, finely pounded. As soon as tbey are done, whicb le as soon as they plump out, remove them fr-om the fire. Too much cooking, like too littie butter, will ruin the oyster. While cooking, stir often from the bottom of the saucepan, otherwise they will burn. Christmas Plum Pudding 1icup ground suet 1 cup raisns 2 cups dry bread crumbs 112 cup chopped nuts 1lCup sugar 112 cup mMI 1 beaten egg 112 tsp. soda i tsp. Cinflmon 1/2 tep. cloves 112 tep. ail spioe 1/2 tep. sait Mix ail ingredients well and pour the batter into a greased pudding mold. Cover. A tin can may be sub- stituted, if filled two-thirds fil and properly greased. Cover with a lid or with foil held securely in place. Steam for two hours in boiling water. Be sure the water la kept boil- ing. Unold and serve hot with a sprig of holly mn the centre. Fromntte Gift of Christmas Past - A Return to Victorian 71-aditions 1y Sunny OWeil Improving your odds IE GIFT OFFER agis Canada's wihpr0aeo