Ç Christmas 1998 UIIJL >Tis the seasono t Iight Halton oesidents celebrate dhe season by illuninangdte night By Shelty Sanders Greer Last Christmas Eve, rain put out the glow of luminaries (candies in paper bags) lit in Fairway Hills in north Oakville. When the main stopped, the evening of Christmas Day, the 1,000 candles were finaily lit and the tra- dition was able to continue. This year, which wiil be the eighth year for the luminaries, res- idents are hoping for a dry Christmas Eve. "T'he weather kept a lot of people away last year," says Gerry Sibbald, who, with bis wife, helps organize the luninaries. "On a moce evening it is buniper to buniper with cars coming to look for two ta three hours." The original idea camne fromi an Aneican faniily who bad moved to this prestigious neighbourbood on the edge of the Glen Abbey Golf Course. The Resident's Association took to the idea and paid for the candles, paper bags and sand used as an anchor. With 100 homes in this neighbourhood, 1,000 candles are needed. Ordinary paper lunch bags are used, with the tops folded down to make a collar. Two inches of sand are put in the bag, and then a candie is.placed in the sand. Ail of the materials are paid for through association dues. In the past, Sibbald has folded ail the bags, divided them into parcels for every home, and then distributed them. Homeowners are responsible for their own homes, and Sibbald would take care of comnion areas. But this year, he is having an operation in early December and will be using neighbours to help. "Some people arenthere and some don't celebrate Christmas," he explains. "If some- one is flot here, we ask a neighbour to light the candies." This way the chain is not broken. Word of the luminaries lias spread. From about 5:30-8:30 p.m., a steady stream of cars drive by to look at the lights, which wilI last until midnight in good weather. "When carscome through. we ask that they turn off their Iights," said Sibbald. "Headlights lessenthe eflbct of the luminaries." Above, Marlene and Gerry Sibbald of 1389 Green Eagle Dr. in Oakville started a trend in their neighbourhood. The street is often aglow with lumi- naries. The Sibbalds are holding the bags and can- dles they will place along street curbs. Left, the Village of Bronte glowed last weekend thanks ta hundreds of luminaries. Lou Bernard lights one of t/w luminaries, which have become popular. "i S~ ~ k' h Il ~' I I ktvodo l DgalPCS 13r per 35 Monfh 350 rehîtMM- Per Mot 90 coNTtAC. With every new Flex or PCS Activation bring in this ad and receive Your Choice of a Roots Watch or Minolta 35mm Camera! Panasonic enPowr Pager Great Gift Idea for the Gra tcigIncludes 3 months' Entire Familyl GtStuf ochekig! Unlimited Numeric Service, Don't pay for 90 days Stu&e for theinoeMdi OR $5990 xt $20 Activationa Fee lExtra Persnal Communication Centre 3500 Firview Street 333-4183 Special Bonus!! Saturag Dec. 5 onlg, get a $10 Bell Canada pre-pid phone card with every purchase of a pager *Lease te Owui for $12.491mo. *Plus Progrmmiug Credit of $200' Cellular Conces,- Personal Communication Centre Burington MA 681-6525 - --~--~~--~- 1 l, 1 111 LI lç