24-The Canadian Champion. Tuesday, December 1. 1998 Class ified CL4SSIFIED c~iles tone HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 900 AM 500 PMHEN![qllllil -~ Se Todys Cam foitrour new Milestones section. To annone io e. eventcaU The Champons Classified Wnoneor Department at 875-3300. j-(appy Sweet 5ixteen Pr Emily DAWKINS, Paul à Cathy are thnilled ta announce tme amrvai o Matthew Jacob an Octaber 29 1998t318 am. weighng7Ibs. 3 axa. A n11e bramher for Katelyn and Tyler Specasi thanks ta Dr. Kasiarealo, Dr. Chung and ail af the wonderful O.B. nurses for their exceplionai cae and attention t Miltan District Hospital. BEL, FrancesVronica - At AilKendl n Mion an Thursday, Novernber 26th, 1998, Frances Bell tormerty of Midiand, beloved vite of the lte Robert Bell. Laving aunt ot Robert and his vite Betty Ann Bell ot Mldand, Frances and ber husband Conrad Sweet ot Miln, George and his wffe Daramhy Hemmand 0f Klingstan, Robert and his vite Susen Hammand cf Whltby, Sandra and ber husband Steven Redshaw f Knata, Raderici and his wife Carai Hammond of Bramptan, Susan and ber husband Gerrard McCarthy cf Westpart, Raiph Johnson f Peterborough and Margaret Hammand cf Ottawa. Sadly missed by meny greet nieces and nephews. Cremnalian hes tek- en pace. A Memanal Service viii be heid an Friday, December 4th. t 2:00 P.M. et Catvery Beptist Churcb, Midand with Intement ta foi- law in Lakeview Cenietery, Miiand. In lieu of Bowers donations ta Humane Society wauid be epprecieted by the tamiiy. Arrangements mhraugh mhe J. Scott Early Funerel Home, 21 Jemes St., Miln. JIm Strain 190 Ontario St., Milton 878-6522 Monuments Marlwrs e'Bronze Markers CWmMIeerLttenn MOMULLEN, Keth Daniel - (Septem- ber 4th, 1935 - Navember 30, 1998) At the Milton District Hospital on Monday, November 30th, 1998, "Our father with truiy an unconditionai love", Keith Dan- lel MMulen, age 63 yeara, beioved husband of Carolyn McMuiien af Camp- beliile. Loving father ot Betty McMulien and her husband David Smith and their chiidren Christopher and Tamara, Michael McMullen and his chiidren Crys- tai, Candice and Ashiey, Stephen Mc- Mullen, Keith William McMulen, Patricia and ber husband Joesoph Fontana and their children Robert, Carissa, Kathleen, Daniel and Nicole (deceased), and Ja- son McMulen and is son Jacob. Dear brother af Ken and is wife Jean McMui- len and Dave McMulen. "Wben we were bam we cried and people rejoiced, when we wiii die, people wiil cry and we witi rejoice". Resling at the J. Scott Early Fu- nerai Home, 21 James St., Milton tram 2-4 and 7-9 p.m., Tuesday. Funeral Service wiii be held on' Wednesday et 2:00 p.m. Interment Hatan His Memon- ai Gardens, Burington. ---------- ------ GRANT, Shirley - In laving memory af a beloved wite and mather, December 2,1997. Slow were her fatsteps that walked the way, As thaugh even her walk told his i5 yaur last day. A sigh af resignatian that she whispered sa 10w, As she reached the last place she wauld ever knaw. Sulent gaadbyes and kisses ta thase she laved and knew, Regrets and rishes, hopes and dreams of things she wautd nt see or do. Her file finished at a moment when we were nat ready ta let go, Sweet memaulies, tears and heartache are ail that we now know. Ail of Our love, Ken, Trecey, Kelly, Kerry, Scott, John and grandchildren. LYONS, Alien Homes - In laving memnory of a wonderfui husband, father and grandiather wha passed away December 1. 1995. A milaon limes we needed yau, A milan imes we cried, If lave could have saved yau, Yau neyer wauld have died. Ifs ionely heme withaut yau, We miss yau mare esch day, Lite is not the same ta us, Since you were taken away. They say Uime heais ail sorraw And heipa us ta, forget, But so far lUme has oniy proven Hare much we miss yau yet. tl brake aur hearta ta lose you But yau did nt go alone, For pari af us went with yau The day Gad called you home. Lovingiy rernembered, forever ln our hefrte, Mle Shirley, children and grndchiidren. HALTON SPORTSMEN'S CUSTODIANIJANITOR 5155 Steeles Ave., Milton requiredtfuiitime. $10.00 o~ou haur. Appl ihrsm TURKEY ROLL ta Durantes, 8473 Hwy. ~~ 25, North 0f 401, Milan. Friday, De. t 8 p.m. Ask for Dennis, 905- Shuffle Bus (rom Canadian Legion 878-7200. - IMPROVE your job chances. Gel massive -b ob ueadfse AUCTION SALE lion fax yaur resume ta THURS., DEC. 3 AT 6:00 PM Greg (905) 702-0521. At Hume's Auction Fana, 9313 4th Une, 3 mles noudieset of Miton. MILTON Colaur & Inciuding Fumiture, coins and gemstanes. Sound require a mature student for delivedles SHERWOOD à GORDON HUME and ta wark in aur Elec- AUCTIONEERS 9"8-4878 tranic Store. Apply in persan 1: 18 Thompsan Cad(comerof Thomp- FINAL snawmabiie suc- son & Main>. ilp ueen Anne, Cherrwo, Dining ra se.Brand new, still packaged, coat $11.000, sacrifice $4500. 905-567-4042. ACCESS THE INTER- NET ($10. manth, 30 hri/mth.) ($20 mth., 100 hrMm)(2 month, un- limited> Caîl for detaile. 877-6002 Castle Newe- warking Imc. BED, backi wrought iran canapy, Queen arthape- dic mattress/frame. Ne- ver apened, coat $1,200. Sacrifice $490. (905) 567-4042 COUCHES, .chairs, lampa, dresser, cabi- nets; ruga, paintinga, lithos & statues; 20'din- ing table; bililard & shuf- fie tables; unversel gym; punching bag; ber stoals; vine press & more ....ieave message (905)510-448. FREE Estimates..Gat wabbty chairs weak apringa tired laakin9 woad inishes? We do t al. Custom waad reitn- ishing and fumiture re- pairs. Fields Custom Fumiture. 9-9 daiy. 875- 4427. KNG BED. X-thick Orthapadic Piliawtap, set/& trame, ahIl n pas- tic, coat $1,500 sali $625. (905) 567-4042. 'PUT PORK in your -freezer fresh tromn the praducer. Great Pricef Menrybraok Faim. 878- 6237. AUOPOTITYSAE Due o rcetUNaio ocldelr Dhup reqres ntepaonadealer- Sales Conirsultaontseuranpiritne, SnaliiCngsuat ou exar apmust, andperilncesot ecearea fulitran Engpried. Pltneas oard reu ton in Srvie.PeaSeüaund e ne PareLnotauneruySle Pa.1rginon, ON, y Sles45 Fax- 877-0380 E-mail: parklm@aztec-net.com - mlt«oyT Ucenced Automotive Technicien required immediateiy. Apply ta: Jack Jones Georgetown Toyota 877-2296 M iesiseauga(905>874-4276 WANTED WELDERIFITTER Required for steel fabrication plant in Milton. Applicant must be highly organized with previous Mig and Arc Welding. Resumes only. (905) 876-3163 Peiiutech Eovreiueau UmItsi, enviranmental consulting tirm requires a tuli-timne: ADMINISTRATIVE RECEPTIGNIST n our Oakvilie Office. We are seeiing a moivated, computer literate individual wilh strong communica- tion and multi-taling skils. Proicient in Corel Suite 8, Paradas tor Windows with Spanish as a second Ian- page being an asset. Please send, fax resume wiih saiary expectations ta: 768 Westgate Rd., Unit 5 Oakville, On 16L 5N2 Fax (905)-847-3840 dephn..adh kAUMI We lhank il cmdidiles for appiying, however, only thase applicanis under consideration retti ha contacied $20HR TO START DORYPENSO (Fuily Experienced) Required for busy Collision Centre. Full unibody repair expereince mandafory. Full-tiffW full benelits & bonuses qUM2 m'IV FULL T1ME TEMPORARYMILTON Due ta matemity, the Purciiasing Department, of a National Steel Tube Distributar requires an or- genmed, seit-motivated and retiable persan. The canddate must be able ta manage multiple tasks at ane Urne and must have strang and accurate camputer skills. Fax Resume to 878-8085 The Farnily Place bas openinga for Supply Staff who provide relief for our regular staff. Experience with children in a group set- ting la a necessity. CatI Kelly 878-0121 Blue Beacon Truck Wash la now hirlng Full & Part-Uime 8amn - 4pmn and 4pm - l2pm. The succestul applicants must be able ta work weekends. Starting wage la $7.0O/hr. with bonus incentives everaglng your wage up 10 $8.50 - $9.00 per haur. No phone calis please. Please epply in persan behind Flfth Wheel. 1