Thse canadien CamponTufldY.DefeAibS l'lm8-1 Backlash develops after woman complains about Christian group's school fundraising - from SLAMMED on page 8 failed to schedule a meeting to explain their policies and procedures regard- ing fundraising drives involving reli- gious organizations. "Members of religious minorities and secularista should flot have to be placed in a position such as the one the Federation of Muslim Women finds itself in, whereby the blamne is placed on those who promote adher- ence to existing rules, regulations and policies, rather than on those who vio- laIe them," Ms Bhabha wrote, ini a let- ter to board Director of Education Dusty Papke. Ms Bbabha was vaulted into the spotlight after she wrote a letter urg- ing Linbrook to pull out of a programn called "Operation Chrstmas Child." As part of the program, students and their fanijlies filled up shoeboxes witb toys, school supplies and helpful everyday items like toothbrusbes and soap, to be delivered to children in poor iand ,ý ai torna .if oCntral and South America and Southeast Asia. The boxes were to be given to a Christian relief organization known as Samaritan's Purse, which says it spreads "the word of Jesus' love". Ms Bhabha suggested a program with a decidedly religious slant should flot be supported by the public school board, which serves a multi-faith pop- ulation. Did not conform Board officials agreed the program did not meet board and provincial guidelines and laws regarding reli- gious activity in public schools. Tbe boxes will still be distributed, but through a non-religious organiza- tion rather than by Samaritan's Purse. Sean Canmpbell, the Canadian direc- tor of Saniaritan's Purse, said tbat the organization delivers the boxes to ahl children in an area, without discrimi- nation based on race or religion. Literature explairuog thc rmeanrrg of Christmas and the birth of Jesus is dis- tributed with the boxes, with the approval of local authorities. Won't apologize "I'm not going to apologize at ail, to anybody, for my beliefs in a Christian holiday and a celebration of a Christian holiday," said Mr. Campbell. "I feel that Christmas is about the birth of Christ and if we are going to be giving gifts to children in celebration of the Christmas holiday, we have the privilege to explain why we are giving those gifts." This is not the first time Operation Christmas Child bas corne under scrutiny for its religious overtones. Mr. Campbell says concerns have been raised in the past, but suggests people wbo feel uncomfortable with the prograin shouldn't take part. "For every one letter from parents who are concemned, we receive dozens co letters frorn the other sicle, he said. "If we are making people teed uncom- fortable by talking about our relation- ship with God and the love we feel so strongly, then please, don't partici- pate." "But I find it ironic that a Muslim here would have a problem with this when I have a Muslim princess in Jordan whio is a direct descendant of Mohammed and she is a strong sup- porter of the programf," he added. Missing point Ms Bhabha says Mr. Campbell, as well as others, have simply missed the point. "It's against the law, it's as simple as that," she said. "Our children have rights and their rights are protected under the laws of Ontario. We would bave done the saine tbing if it was a Jewish group, a Muslim group or a Hindu group." "(Sarnaritan's Purse) can do what- -Were flot objectiner to rnissionao work at ail. They can collect as muci, as they want in churches and in com- munity centres, but just flot in the wa' it was done in Linbrook school, under the laws of Ontario." Mountsberg Ch-',Lristmas Mountsberg Wildlife Centre hosts its annual Christmas and Nature event Sunday, Dec. 6 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visitors are invited to take a hike along a quiet forest trail, warm up with a steamiùng mug of bot chocolate and try their hand at making tree orna- ments. Mountsberg is on Milborough Line. juat five kilometres west of Campbellville between Hwy. 6 and Guelph LUne. .0 "*0gin Tansortation tde Notceof uiceeings O eme 19 REGONAL ROADS 51à.25 CORRIDOR STRATUGES (Fornmevy Hwys. 5 & 25) Maltas Council has intated thse preparation of a comprehensive Corridor Strategy for each of these roads. The aeglm oniRad 3Sà 231 CvIdsw Stvteo have a number of key components as follows: " Safety Audit (wong wftt U. Hat.. Moge"aPolicel " Traffic Operatians " lrban Design and Developmest " Engineering Assesament of Roads and Bridges " Financlal and Implementation Plan 11M. Boimone" Rmi3S(11W.> )C.eourlr Sbatogp Mill four e n t otiens UnlnOakvIosMd *"dTransportatiogI n Pla U nning5> Coand Trsi.t)g eUfusa3 .t.. Wt bue iisst.oeola OakuIUU Ami btw.onBd""& na"uD om y Remsla t". ¶"wof Ehion. it is essential that these Corridor Strategies be prepared wth thse direct participation and involvement of thse general public, road users, abutting landowners and residents of nearby neighbourhoods. There are two public meetings scheduled for this study ln December to present prellmlnary results, findinga and options. W.du..Ylday, D... u2, 19» aison Reglonal Centre Auditorium Regional Road 25,north of thse QEW, Oakville Tu.0fy, Dcasumb 3.ý19»0 Brant Iills Çommunity Centre - Activity Rm 2330 Duncaster Drive, Burlington nellis.Lacslow 70-80 . ..Op" ou"n 8800 - MB0 p.uR Pnso.atkom à o tions 830 - 9830 p.-. Wemhop To contact the Study Team and/or place your name on thse mailing lit, please caîl: m. Nika Dulssy, P.Eng Totten Sims Hubickl Assaciates Phone 1-800-668-1983 Fax 1 -905-668-0221 Email: Mwr. Dvid McClary Reglon of Halton Phone: 905-82 5-6161 -Ext.7207 Fax: 905-825-8822 Email: HALTON FUNCIIONAL ROAD NTWORK a NORTH HALTON TRANSPORTATION STUDY Halton Region, in canjuniction wiith te municipalities of Halton His, Milton, Oakvilie and Burlingtan, has initiated a review of the raie, function, needs and service level of major roads in the Region wth the objective of determining the mast cast-effective way of managing the road system. Part of this study wili also address specific transportation problems and solutions wthin thse Region, particularly in the area north of Regional Road 5 (Dundas Street). Public input is a very important part of this study and the study process is designed ta provide the public, stakehoiders and lnterest groups witli the opportunity ta interact an an on-going basis with the study team of Regionai staff, municipal staff and consultants. The purpase of thse second series of public meetings is ta seek input on thse alternative transportation solutions, long term roadway improvements and future functional road classification. Thse meetings will be held at thse followlng locations: TU-"> y.D.cmb.r 1. 19»3 Georgetown Cultural Centre 9 Church Street, Georgetown Milton Lelsure Centre 1700 Main Street East, Milton ne* LectieuS: 600 p.-. - mmu 7800 pam - PrenatU folIsmd by .voekshop W.d."..dy.onuoe2. 1i» Halton Regional Centre Auditorium Regionai Road 25, north of QEW, Oakville Brant His Community Centre - Activity Rmn 2330 Durncaster Drive, Burlington M1W etS LctIons TsOO p..6- Opo. Ha... DiupIys 1 Pv...ualon To contact the study team and/or place your name on the mailing list, please cali or Write ta: Mr. John Sutherns, P.Eng McCormick Rankin Corporation 2655 Norths Sheridan Way Mississauga, Ont. LIN 9j2 Phone 905-823-8500 Fax: 905-823-8503 Email: Regios of aton 1151 Brote Road, Oakville, Ontario 16M iLI Phone: 905-825-6161 -txt.7632 Fax: 905-825-8822 E-mail: SSunnunnA... Milton Lolsurs Cnte These studies are being undertaken as a Master Plan in accordance with the "Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Road Projects". Public Input will be docurnented in the Master Plan report which will satisty Phases 1 & 2 of the Class EA. The programs for the public meetings listed in this advertisement have been co-ordinated to provide the public with the opportunity to obtain information on both studies. VIS11 ()Lll- ý%(1b SIIC' dacao a