16 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, December 1, 1998 Da telin e Tuesday Dec. 1 Help for Parents, a parents' sup- port group, meets at Pinelands Presbyterian Church, 5270 New St., in Burlington at 7:30 p.m. The non- denominational, self-support group with trained leaders helps parents of children in trouble at home, at school or with the law, or are abusive or tak- ing dmugs. Caîl 1-800-488-5666 for more information. The Milton Fibromyalgia Support Group meets at St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St. E., at 2 p.m. For more information, caîl 878-4371. Free workshops on writing restumes and cover letters and find- ing access to the job market are offered at the Milton Resource Centre, 310 Main St. E. The weekly 'Create/Clean Up Your Winning Resume' (9:30 arn.) and 'Compose/Clean Up Your Dynamic Introduction Letter' and 'Find Out How You Can Access 80 Per Cent of the Job Market' (l p.m.) workshops are about three hours in duration. For more information, caîl the centre at 876-9828. Registration for the winter session of Milton Public Library's preschool programs begins and runs until Sunday, Dec. 6. Tales for Twos is a program for children aged 2 years with an accompanying adult. Preschool Storytime is planned for children aged 3 to 5 years. The session starts January 12 and continues for eight weeks. For more information, cail Jais Marshall at 875-2665. The Milton Community Resource Centre now accepts registration for P.A. Day programming Friday, Dec. 4. The cost is $22 per child. Caîl Pam at 876-1244, ext. 18, for further details. Spaces are limited. Wednesday Dec. 2 Free workshops on interview skills and marketing yourself are offered at the Milton Resource Centre, 310 Main St. E. The weekly 'Learn How to SelI Your Skills (9:30 a.m.) and 'Market Yourself with This New Strategy' (1 p.m.) workshops are about three hours in duration. For more information, cal) the centre at 876-9828. Thursday Dec. 3 Room at the Halton Regional Police station on Childs Drive from 7 to 8 p.m. The crime-fighting committee, which seeks new members, works in parlnership with police to create a bet- ter environment in which to live and work. For more information, cal) the Milton village constable at 878-2401 or June Leonard at 878-9133. The Women's Sacred Circle Dance and Singing Group meets at Hugh Foster Faîl at 7:30 p.m. For more information, call 878-4952. The Milton Millennium Community Residences Corporation holds a general meeting at the Milton Seniors' Acivity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., at 3 p.m. To attend, cal) 876-4539. Friday Dec. 4 'Me Campbelivifle Working From Home Club meets at Ebenezer United Church, 12274 Guelph Line, for a social evening. New members are welcome. For more information, cal Don at 854-2475. .Friday Dec. 4 - 5 The Milton Community Policing The 820 MEiton Air Cadets holds a Committee meets in the Community fundraising sale at Mfilton Mail. For sale are calendars, plaques, coasters and mouse pads - ail relatîîîg to avia- tion with emphasis on the AVRO Arrow. Saturday Dec. 5 The Streetcar Museum, 13629 Guelph Line, hold the Evening Light Show from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Admission, which costs $5, includes unimited rides. The Halton chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star hosts the Christmas Holly Tea from 2 to 4 p.m. at the St. Clair Masonic Lodge, 6321 Hwy. 25. The event features tea, sandwiches and sweets for $3 as well as crafts and draws. Everyone is welcome. Sunday Dec. 6 The Streetcar Museum hosts Santa's Christmas Special from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event features rides on a variety of restored streetcars on a route decorated with lighted displays, Santa's workshop, apple cider and chili. Admission, which includes unlimited rides, costs $650 for adults, $550 for seniors and $450 for youths aged 13 to 17 years. Children are admitted free. 'Songs for tlie Season' is the theme of' a concert presenitcd by The Mysteries and the HoIy Rosary Parish Choir. The concert at the Martin Street church starts at 7 p.m. Tickets range in price from $8 per person to $20 per fainily. Tickets are available following each mass or by calling 876-4215. Proceeds go to the St. Vincent de Paul Society and the purchase of hymnals for the parish. Under the direction of Judy Hunter, the St. Paul's United Church Choir presents 'Carols by Candleight' at 7 p.m. A donation of $5 goes toward the St. Paul's Lift Project. For more infor- mation, call 878-8895. The Halton Youth Symphony and Halton Chamber Orchestra invite the public to help them celebrate the sea- son through an alternoon of enter- tainent. The combined hoiday con- cert takes place at Aldershot High School in Burlington at 3 p.m. Tickets, which cost $10, or $6 for stu- dents and senior citizens, can be pur- SpecW~ late open1ng, Thur, Dec. 3rd & Fr1., Dec. 4th ltfl Spm NO Qf.S.T. & G.S.T. (excptions flu 1oeyý %l gou. 9alen Collectibles) &t Crispins in Carnpbellville Corne and browse - Our store is brlmming wth beattifulhdecorations, unique gfts, fabulous frtais. iens, gourmet foosan Sde ofail sorts PERSMI LED 5FA8U$9£1$ NEWLIF lRSSOi ASWR 1 AUTO IFRO FIl ' O I*IR SOLUTIONS 18. Admitted ACROSS .20. Hems 1. Dared 22. Exurb 4. Cheats 23. Acanthi 8. Rah 24. Hashed 10. Emcee 25.1Lapdog il. Bra SOLUTIONS 12. Scops DOWN 13. Hatched 1. Dress 14. Awning parade 15. Hazier 2. Raccoon 3. Dressing table 5. Habitua) 6. Abash 7. Salad dressing 9. Hecht 16. ldeated 17. Began 19. Mauls 21. Haka ~Iathe uor Star _ UtOf Ua/O#I ~b~à~ a#d /elp g a 1999 *.gda /d Veiý 7oiilI Siernvwsg I&dteee eiece 1967 FORD LINCOLN liALIIWILrR MERCURY M T 0 R 3 L1M I T E D 655 MAIN ST. E. MILTON 875-3673 we qQ@ o