RE8 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, December 1, 1998 MILTONS A MTOAN IAN OLIVER Advertsing is accepted cri the condition that, in the event Publisherof a typographîcal error, that portion of theo advertising Buls e gi space occupied by the erroneous item, together with a rea- General Manager: BillBei sonable allowance for signature, sut fot be charged for, bt Real Estate Rep. Kathy MLean the balance ot the advertioement sutl be paid for at the Pubtisheci by: The Canadien Champion, applicable rate. The pablioher reserven thre righata catego- 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, rize and reject advertioing. In thre event of typographicat 8782 41 Fx: 905)876-364 errar, advertioîng goodo or services at the wrong price, 878-341 ax: 905)876-364 gouda or services aay not be sood. Advertiing os merely an offer to seit and may be withdrawn at any trne. Prodaced or behaif ut the Oalvile, Miton ad Ditict Rea totale Board. 4 JOYCE SCOTT REAL ESTATE INC. JSRI Test Your f ire Safety IQ (NC)-Fire is the third leading cause of accidental death in Canada. Do you know some basic facts that could protect your family and your home? Test your tire safeoy IQ oi tihese questions. 1. You should install smoke alarms: in the kitchen outside the bedrooms on every level in your bouse Answer: b and c. The Safety Council of Canada rec- ommends smoke alarms be installed outside each sleeping area and on each level of your home (includ- ing the basement). They should be located on the ceil- ing at least 4 inches from the nearest wall (to avoid dead air spaces caused by turbulent bot air), or high on the walI. Wbhat are the mont common causes of home fires? Cooking Faulty electrical wiring Careless use of matches Smoking ail of the above Answer: e Human inattention or carelessness is behind most home fires. once the fire has ignited, the furniture in tihe home generally burns first. The najority tif injuries and fatalities frorn tires are caused by smoke inhalation froin burning furnishings and other contents. Fire-proof homes are virtually impossible to achieve because of the contents we bring into our homes. The structural elements in the home, such as whether the home has wood-frame walls or steel-frame walls, are flot a major factors in home fire safety. 3. You should %place your smoke alarms: once a year every 7 to 10 years eveey 15 years Answer: b. Smoke alarma do flot last forever. It is estimated 1 out of every 3 smoke alarma is no longer reliable after 10 years. At least once a year, you should try your alarm to make sure it will stili detect smoke. 4. Wood-frame bouses are safer than steel-frame bouses in flou situations. True False Ce Neither Answer c. The National Building Code IN of Canada requires the proper use of con- struction techniques and materials to ensure that ail structures meet identical minimum flou protection standards. While it is true that wood bumns and steel doesnft, under a short exposure to heat, steel can quickly lose its structural strength and melt, with the resuit that roofs and walls may collapse. Wood retains its structural strength under extreme heat for a longer time. 5. On average, you have 10 to 15 minutes after a fire starta to leave your home safely. True False Answer: b. A fire in a living room can produce ife-tbreatening conditions in a - ~ bedroomn in 2 minutes or less. As soon as you become aware of the flou, alert other occupants immediateiy, and leave the premises. Caîl the fire department from a neighbour' s home. Fire and fumes spread more rapidly when doors are left open. The National Fire Protection Association recommends sleep- ing with your bedroomn door shut, to gain a few precious m-inutes. 6. You should test the battery of your smoke alarm: every month every six months Answer: a. There are now more homes in North America with smoke alarms that donft work, than homes without smoke alarms. The Safety Council of Canada recommends testing the battery every month. Make it a habit each time you flip your calendar over, to push the button on your smoke alarms. Ltd. Good sources of more informaition are the 94 National Fire Protection Association Web site at www.nfpa.o rg , the Fire Prevention Canada Association Web site at, or you can contact your local fire chief This article was prepared' by the Canadian Wood Council. muffl