FOR 'SALE:'Yamnaha *FOUNO: Somiething of» senor saxophone, like value. Cal to identify. new. $650. 87 8-1125. 878-4675. -1 FOR SALE: Little FOR SALE: Lowrey Tikes large activity Magic Genie 88 organ. Reg gym with slide $50. Exc. coud. $300 OBO. Pub 8784015. I18540460. -1Tvý 6,W. A O1N0tNA11OS 1J- Residential & Commercial for filI Painting, Stucco* Drywall for Drop Ceiling , Steel Studa, Rec Rooms Chi (905) 876-4023 Ma lm, FOR SALE: Bondwell FOR SALE: 1986 dra lap-top computer. Best Dodge Ram van, fuil Car offer. 876-4264 after 4' size, 12 person, as is p.m. _-1 $700. 845-9331. CIa FOR SALE: 1988 FOR SALE: 1988 Hw Volkswagel, gond Taurus. Good englue pro coud. As is $700. 875- & transmission. $600 H* 2636. -1I OBO. 905-825-3894. i Installation of aluminum ava CUSTOM &vnyl sding, soffit, Tei MAE fascia, 5" trough, be /AiUMN M windows, Steel & 45 Sales & Service. Financiug available O.A.C. Gi, RR#6 MILTON SI FOR SALE: Newb prints. Limited nuro-, bered editions. Strike Two, Coachas Corner. $200 OBO. Each icely framed. 876-0105. -1 QUALITY RECONDMONED APPLIANCES Wanhera. dryera, fridges, stoves. Buy or ahi. Full warrant)'. Please come viit ou showroom. 875-154 FOUR SALE: .Super single waterbed, needs, heater, $50. 876-2229. - FOR SALE: 1987 Honda Civic, 160,000 km. Good condition. Great winter car. Certified. 876-2980. -1I FOR SALE: Piano FOR SALE:,Grey &1 1890 Arion uprighs white Furby. $500.' pino Good condition. Batteries iucluded.1 $90.Cal 875-0365. 257-3207.1 4 e JAYCO MAINTNANCEsk.18 *PanuIng Caipentsy & Tlm Wouls B athroom Renovatlons Pmanlg &. Vents ]B O O * itlen Renovatlons Pumblng & Eleessical FOR WINTEK B asenetjApts Applauce hstallatlons DIITUnAA umA1 IA Jim (905) 878-6478 DRAT niiU' I~YIU MAN & TRUCK FOR SALE: 1987 JunIs removal. Fall Honda Accord Hatch- ( 0 ) 7 - 2 2 dlean-up. Treea & back, grey, 192,0001 hedges trinmed/ km. Very weîî main- I BARRY McKINNON remioved. Demolition. taued, will certify1 FulIy snsuied. $3,200. Bnian 339-'* FOR SALE: Broad- FOR SALE: Hloover John Nel 4650848 3644. looro wth underpad, wetl dry vacuumo, new g0 yards, munt condi-, $115. Collectora od ion, ight grey. Seil beer cana, best offer. $550 OBO. 634-1947. 332-4355. ___ 7 Ai-: I have several thousand yards of new rStainmaster and 100%/ nylon carpets. Will do living room and hall for $34900. Price includes carpet, pad and installation (30 sq. yds.) Cali Steve 639-2902 FOR SALE: Shoe sale nearly new Evan ticone classica sire 8B, 3" heel. 10 pair, make offer. 878-483 1. FOR SALE: 1986 Plymouth Reliant SE:. PS, PB, A/C, 145,000 km. Excellent condi- tion $1.400. 905-825- 9959 . . .,, FREE: Neutered German Shepherd. I year old. Country or faim home preferred. 878-1477. -I FOR SALE: Full sire pool table & bail $50. Basa box $100. Boys Ambush bike, good condition $50. 827- 5748 eveainge. -- FOR SALE: 1988 Honda Civic Hatch- back DX, new clutch, rad & recens braIses. $1,500 as is. 876-0638. FOR SALE: Lady's X-countîy ski boots, size 39 (approx. sire 8).' Worn 3 hours. 693- 0287. -1 FOR SALE: IBM computer 386 & laser printer including soft- ware & desk $800. Eu- cyclopedia Brittanica $800. CaIl after 6:30 pm. 905-825-3818. FOR SALE: Sony Play Station with 2 controllers, memory card and 15 gamnes. Worth over $1.000. SelI for $500 tirm. 847-6044. FOR SALE: Oaks veneer china cabinet w/ display ight $60. Oak veneer wheeled- TV stand w! opening cabines $15. CalI 827-. 6722. FOR SALE: Oak Iveneer entertaiumeut Icentre .$50. 6+2 ahelf Iblack bookease set I$55. 2 black, wooden chairs w/ wicker seal $1/r APLIANCE622 POLEMS? r *ozone fiendly service .Quaiity work guaranteed 'Repaira to ail makes -New & used parts 'Recoudi- tioned appliances. Please comne vis oui showroom. Appllance BAILEY godywOrkg mnc. For ail your auto body lrepairs! 1N 151 Nlplsslng Rd. tmirO QUnit 4 & 5, Mlton FOR SALE: Keumoit FOR SALE: Fold-up R, stove & fridge, almond treadmili, great coudi-. A $100 each. Over the tion. Fisher Price tool yt range microwave $50. beuch. Remote car, etc. Fl 876-3357. 876-4394. -1 FOR SALE: Sears FOR SALE: 1985 electronic portable Topaz, 104,000 km. lu typewriter, like new runniug condition. b $40. Mason & Risch $800 OBO as is. 876-h piano $850. 878-8967. - 4267. -1 FOR SALE: 1988 FOR SALE: 83 Maz- Ford Mustang LX. da 626 LX 86 ENG. 5C Auto, PS, PL, needs spd., 4 dr., loaded,c work, $1,000 as is 144K. Exc. $1.100. OBO. 847-6588. 847-0178.R FOR SALE: 1992 FOR SALE: 14K gold0 Ford Ranger Pick up and platinum 3 pieces 1 longbed V6, automat- diamond and citrinen ic, rear ABS, certified set. App. $11.000. SelI $4,000. CalI 844-9766. $5,500 OBO. 634-c 1947.E FOR SALE: Lîne. FOR SALE: Golden T.C. 1983, low mile- krudtbe age 140,000 km. Little oaeon tbe work needed. $1.800 chairs, buffet $1.200. OBO. 637-2222/ 634- Victoian sofa $600. 6 1947.drawer desk $60. 257- 1947.1803. FOR SALE: 14 fi. FOR SALE: 10 fi. rod drapes, color: natu- pocket sheers, color; rallbrown, dry-cleaned ecru, dry-cleaned $40. $55. 10 fi. drapes, col- 6 ft. rod pocket sheers, or: natural/brown, dry- color: ecru, dry- cleaned $45. Cail 827- cleaned $25. CaIl 827- 6722. 6722. IS THERE A BABY IN YOUR FUTURE? Halton Region Health Dept. 'Healthiest Babies Possible' prenatal program is acceptiug registra- tions for 1998. Info from Acton 519-853-0501; Georgetown 878-8113. Early registration is encouraged. THURSDAYS The Victorian Order of Nurses hold a foot care clinie at Milton Activity Seniors' Centre (OId Alleudale Manor), Ontaro St. at Childa Dr., 1-4 p.m. The coat is $15 and is by appointment by calling the Centre 875-1681. LAST MON. MONTHLY The Victorian Order of Nurses hold a foot care clinic at Milton Distric Hospital Emergency Dept., 6-8 p.m. The cot is $15 and is by appoint- ment by calling Oakville 827-8800 2ND WED. MONTHLY The Victorian Order of Nurses hold a foot care clinic as Bruce St. Apsesments, 1:30-4 p.m. The coat is $15 and is by appointment by calling Oakville 827-8800. 3rd TUESDAY MONTHLY The Canadian Organic Growers, Wentworth- Buîlington Chapter, meet at Grace Anglican Church, 157 Mill St. N., Waterdown. Info, Kuet Koster 335-5226. "SAY YOU SAW rr IN THE SHOPPING NEWS" Comimunity Events TO DEC. 6TH egistration for the winter session of Milton blic Library's pre-school prograras. Taies for vos is a program for children 2 yrs. plus au -companysug adult. Pre-school Storytime is , ic for Jlrcn r> i SsîsThessirons sui i.12 & cotues fr ur 8 v.ceks, No registration )r Babysime as this time as the winter class us led and there is a fail waising list. Registration )r Babytime will be in the spring. SAT., DEC. STH sristmas Holly Tes, 2-4 p.m. as St. Clair lasonic Hall, 6321 Hwy. 25 South. Tes, sand- ches & sweets $3. Crafts & dîaws. Feature aw, Royal Doulton figurine, 'Christmas urols'. AIl welcome. LINE DANCE CLASSES anses are being offered as the Masonic Hall, ly. 25 South from 7:30-9:30. Every 4th Wed. oceeds are donated to the Milton District [spital Foundation. Info 878-5163. KILBRIDE PRESCHOOL OPENINGS I1bride Area Preachool han limited spaces still vailable. Half-day fun programas on Tues. & surs. morsinga 9-11:30 or afiernoon 1-3 for pre- hool children. Located at Ella Foote Hall ehind Kilbride Public School. Info, Hope 876- 570. TO MARCH 27TH dult pleasure skating as Exhibition Park, i'elph, 8-9:50 p.m. sponsored by Silver Seven casera non-profit adult skating group. Fun, exer- ise, music & friendship. Info 822-6049 or 877- TUESDAYS [ilton Toastroasters meet atthse Canadian Legion ial, 21 Charles St., 7:30 p.m. Guests always velcome. Info contact Las Polcz 878-1394. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY se Farm Museum is an aushentic operating armstead dating to the pioncer era, locatrd in 1ilton & is looking for volunteers t0 give their ime & expertise. Administrative support assis- unce is a particular need. The volunteer would sswer & direct phone calls to staff, grees & rect visisors & provide information to the public rgarding Museum events. Assissing staff with ,mputer word processing, booking & confirming :hool programs & scheduling volunteers are ilso needed. Other opportunities: Gaîdeners, yrounds keeper assistants & interpreter's assis- ance. Info, caIl theVolunteer Centre 632-1975. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS NEEDED ed Cross is in need of volunteer drivers due to >panded service which now includes ail of North ialton (Milton, Georgetown, Acton & surround- ug areas). The client lias is getsing longer so help sueeded from shose who may have some free mne. Red Cross wilI reimburse drivers for sheir sileage expeuses. Info, caIl Aun 878-6323. AFTER SCHOOL SOCIAL SKILLS PROGRAM REGISTRATION Registrations are now being accepted for the After School Social Skills Programn for ages 6-12 ears as Milton Community Resource Centre. Programs underway. lufo 876-1244, ext. 18. 31W WEDNESDAY MONTHLY Mlilton Wheels to, Meals luncheon as the Milton Seniors Centre. Transportation & assistance can ec arrassced for those who require is. Cost $5 for hot meal. Info, 878-6699. FRIDAYS The Milton Chapter of BNI meets as the Bavarian Chalet. Meetings tant fromt 7-8:30, visisors wel- :ome. For info call Melissa 875-3237. NEEDED!!! Red Cross is in ueed of volunteer drivers. Due to sur expanded service which uow includes aIl of NJorth Haiton (Milton, Georgetown, Acton & sur- roundiug areaa) we find ourselves with a shortage of volunteer drivera in each of tise 3 areas. As our client list is longer, the group is lookiug for help from those who may have somte free time. Red Cross will reimburse drivers for their mileage expenses. Info, caIl Ann 878-6323. HOSPITAL GIFI' SHOP Support Milton District Hospitai Gifi Shop. Gifis for alI occasions. They te)' so be different. Open on a volunteer basis. Cail 878-2383, ext. 2329. AIl proceeds go to buy equipmeus for the hospi- tai. DONATIONS NEEDED Wauted, exercise equipmeut as donation to "Youth Ceusera". Healthy habit for children. Donations will be picked up. Cail 875-4646. FREE CAR PICK-UP The Kidney Foundation wiîl pick up your uuwanted vehicle free of charge and give you a tax receipt. Monies raised wiIl fund medical research, patient service & public education pro- gramns for kidney patients in the area. Caîl the' Kidney Car Hotline as 1-800-565-5511 for detaila. TUESJTHURS. OR WEDJFR. Arthritis pool therapy program 1998, held at the Milton Leisure Centre I11-noon. 6-week sessons. Continuous throughout the year, for both sexes. For information call 878-1331 or 878-4406. 2ND WED. MONTHLY The Victorian Order of Nurses hold a fot care clinic as Bruce St. Apartments, 1:30-4 p.m. The cost is $15 and is by appointment by calliug Oakville 827-8800. MONDAYS 1:30-3:30 P.M. M.I.N.T. job search group meets as 123 Main St. East (St. Paul's United Church). New members always welcome. Looking for volunteers t0 book speakers, look after coffee & facilitate discus- sions. lufo, Karen 876-2893. THURSDAYS Overeatera Anonymous mensa, 10 a.m. as Bethel Christian Reform Chureh on Hwy. 7 East, Acton. Info 87"5245, 878-1039. e o tsore * *l *soIrIl fo t So I Mito, N la e P SzaA* n O (905) 878-3361 eogtwO (5983]41 e