Page 4. The laShoppfing Newa, Tueaday, Decemiber i1998» It Maylmot it Under Your Irso, t But WelII DeBlvor Il for Free'. Why not buy a loved one a Good Nightsepmsiay ltus easy wit Royal Mlatresfctoiy diret pnMm PLUS DONT PAY A DIME ilMAarch 1919* Ortho Pillowtop Twin 2 Pc. Se t Pocket Coul Firm Twin 2 Pc. Set I3 $.399 $»=«t$-49 .;,doubl e $499 double ie $9 qusen set- $599 qenst-$9 vigset - $899 cîng set - $99 ~'15 Vear Warranty 25 Vear Warranty ILKTRIC ADJUSTALI MNS Enjoy shgefllaoit $ E U otan a4aa lma m 897by Ryl famu iae fnonly question on WM ibe, -Why d"11I0e0os oner ROLL-A-WAY $99 3M1 rcka ge also *OÂC. MInPur SM0. TaxesEsonipi.Some malilciiO f - d fetinvery apply. Asic for mmal ~flYAL Sce Guatdi FOR SALE: Golf set. 8 Golf Works cutom men'a rigbt hnd iWons, 3-PW. Uaed. Forged perimeter weighted heada. Carbon shafta. Firm r lex. $175. 876- 4030. -1 IUTCHENI BATHROOM REMODELLING European crafisman- ship. 30 years experi- ence. Custom cabineta & counter top. CaIl Bill (905) 854487l3 I b 'sAyYVOU SAW T N tHE SHÔPPNGr NEWS" MeMILLAN' S s. OEN7 aYSAWE 9 AM - 6 PM 853-0311 FOR SALE: Moving. JOE'S CARPET Anti,îquegoncee WAREHOUSE SIS OB. Wod of- Manniaugtnn vlnyl. fec table & inatching $17..50 sq. yd. intalled end table $751pr. 878- & up. No PST/GST. 5280. -4 Cail 878-4280. SCO0RES WELL DRILLING & PUMP SERVICE Well Tests & Cleaning, Complete Submersible & Jet Pump SystemsJ 264 Bronts St. #10 e 878-4515 FOR SALE: 1985 BILL'S CLEANUP Nissa King Cab pick- SERVICE up truck, cap, 147000 Cleanup. Haul to dump. km. Needa tome wotk. Residential & comumer. $800 OBO. 519-853- cia. Lawn cutting 2797. -4 available. 878-5309. I Custom Kftchna and athroom Cabinets, Wall Units and GeneralI !nenovations. PAIJLO LICENSED HANDYMAN CONTRACTING Renovalions, ladoor! Outdoor. Framing, Drywall, Taping, Painfing, Siding, Eavestrough Cleaning, - *U ' , a oMkort Lzuartoed!iiielcug *QuahtyGuarated! 1 8821 <bot M h use Do"va) (et App im Us>(ZOmIPlazaet Naah Rd) (a e imc> ANTN WOR WNTE: tufed STAN'S YOUR FOR SALE: Head tac- WRORD WA SNTEDteffed H ANDYMAN îng skis with matching W N E 875-E0687G . SonebteHdghgYou name t! lIlI do it' poles, length 200 cm. * 87-o87 ClIDe 75OS. ReaaonabUe rates. For Tyrolia 490 bindings & SE IL ____________________________expert carpet cleaning Koflach boots, ise 10- & repairs calU Stan 112, sharpeed & mady 878:033 876-3203. 10 go. AsZing $195' ..l87-O- 1. ; i- .. .. _ FOR SALE: 1987 Olds Cutlass Supremne. needs some work. Good for 2nd or winter car SI1,000 OBO. Triah Romance print, Sea. Treasures. Lady's 1/2 ,,cart oiticrelscondc MATH TEACH5RFLREOOaçaiLLsovIaJc uJ.In part-ime maring. Trac erice. Dr ring with matching pkm scalfor details fiewood available. wedding band. 876- 876-3524 Deivered. 876-1629. 1016. - MWIN SEASONS RECREAION LTrD. 8U14 WkMa Clwwhlil 81W., 781 Main St. E., Unit 8 NniI, 0ONLOP lkO iMiflon, ON L9T 3Z au.: (M) 7-2963 Mas:(905) 693-8120 Far (M) 79&M99 Far (M6) 69348123 IkwnmIUwGKENT VAIK EY ~sipad &efhcStfor... e ejs4UMouU"SS .wmta.Mme u ed - ..4W P.... iAÉd g -4 SEAT SALE Freabeai up your dinettdldining room chairs! Roll eida. rom $18.95 ea. seat. Fabric & labour included. Fielda Quality Cutomn Upholtermng, 632-9M9 SPRAEIALI Sales and mIna Mlbon of garage dooms and automalie openers. Repaira and adjusa- ment 10 ail makes. llighly qualifled. Reasonable rates, Tom McClatchie, 335-2657 ELECTRICUN ResidentiallCoiflmer cial. Reasonable rates References. Cail Bill 978-6055 1.MILE WETE 0F ACTON 4 SNOW TIRES FOR SALE: 1989 PERSONAL FOR SALE Honda Accord Ext 2 SHOPPING (No Rima) door, champagne col- Plus shopping for busy M+S 195 65R 15 or, 5 spd, 1 W, AC, ex- men & women. shut-ins Motomaster GTR cellent condition, & seniors who need OiiIy 12,000 km. on original owner, only gsfts, grocery or cloth- tbem. Excellent tires, 115,000 km. rust ing -- plus. Caregiver sinular to Blizzaks. proofed; new aIl ses- relief & housecleaning. Came offa Grand Arn son tires; new exhaust; Reasonable & nego- $190 OBO. 905-631- AM/FM cassette; ask- tiahie rates. References s. 9201 afier 7 pm. and ing $5.600 certified. available. Cail Linda il weekends or leave Tom or Jessie 905- 854-2759 for free message. 854-3403 evenings. consultation. 24 Hour Emrgency S@Mu EAGL] sRUK _ _IR Recore * Repaire aoTanks. Chî lraStokes * Ueaara * Custom Exhaust Pipe Bendlng. _______________ cHeavy Equlpm.nt Truckts end Farm- Tel (95)75-290m40Mr-a rie *Automollve - Drive-in Service. Fa <905) -4f UnIt ,M lon 555% MA N STREET EAST; UNIT 10, MILTON ,m =ON. LOT 3H51- TERRY KUING (905)878-19801 Imm" Mac Moffat 18s 1bapn n Un oi TU(905) 88-426 IMikuON'LT2X5 Fx (MI5)878-1324. JOHN'S RV CENTRE & CAR SERVICE *ALMAMS.A .v .MpAMa "'LMO'naed =Sm- LP. Gaz DUeel ONAN 5.I.chcc cf FV P.,ii à Accest. inccc Stor. GenSets 905"7&4765 103 SteelesAV*. WUntt a à 9 weatOnOPP etalon ýL4) .............................