Province putting up $30,OOO for pond fix By KAREN SMITH The Champion Efforts to restore the weed- choked Milton Mili Pond received a kick-start Friday when the Ontario government handed over a cheque for $30,OOO. Tfli Minîstry of Natural Resources has contributed the funds to help dredgc the historic downtown waterway. Halton North MPP Ted Chudleigh hand- cd over the money and noted that the con- tibhution was "a tremendous boost for the people of Milton." He called the funding "a solid start" toward drumming up enough money for the overail task.- The remainder of the $400,000 estimat- je ed cost will reportedly be raised by local i citizens, businesses and charitable founda-E tions through the Milton Mill Pond Committce, a subcommittee of tic Miltond Downtown Business Improvement Area. t A breakthroughc Pond comnilttee chair Pat Duignan saidu the funds represent a breakthrough for thep hard-fought project being organized in conjunction with the Town.r "We're very grateful to get that," sheg said. "It's very good to be recognized by a governimeflt agency." Reviving the ecology of the sediment- filled, 10-acre pond should attract invest-1 ment and economie opportunity t0 the coret of thc growing town, Ms Duignan said. Eurasian milfoil - an aquatic weed Uiat1 chokes thc water, making fishing and boat-1 ing impossible while ceating an unpleas-1 ant odour - bas taken over the pond. Originally six metres deep, the pond is1 now only two metres at its deepest point1 due to the sediment. The focus of the two to thre-year pro- Mitch helps by multicuil Halton' s Multicultural Council and Spanish Speaking Association are asking area residents to contribute financially 10 victims of Hurricane Mitch. The hurricane recently cul a path of destruction along Uie coast of Honduras, Nicaragua and other Central American countries - causing close to 9,000 deaUis. The counicil has opened a relief fund Pat ugnan cect will be dredging the lake and rcbuild- ing the fîsh and wildlife habitat, Ms Duignan said. Charitable status bas been sccured for the project Uirough Uic Town. This allows tax receipts to be issued for donations. "Schools, community groups, sports clubs and farm associations will be invited t0 participate during différent phases of the project," she said. "We are also considering a contest 10 rename the pond now that the mîlI is gone." Ia trust The $30,000 was handed over 10 the Town, which is keeping alI donations in trust. Ms Duignan said Uic committce plans 10 hold an open bouse in late January or early February 10 launch the fundraising cam- paign. The Mill Pond was-created in Uic 1850s to serve as Uic water power for Martin' s Mill. In the laIe 1 960s it was donated 10 Uic Town by Robin Hood Milîs 10 serve as a park. tilR wanted tura1 group Uirough Oakville's Royal Bank, located aI 1005 Speers Road. Cheques should be made payable to Uic Halton Multicultural Council Relief Fund. Donations, which are tax deductible, can also be mailed to Uic Halton Multicultural Council, 635 Fourth Line, United 48, 1Oakville, Ontario, L6L 5W4.