tranquillity and country spiendor. A cup of hot chocolate awaits everyone upon their retum. Advanced group book- ings can be made by calfing 854-2276. TUNE UP and Book your servlci oppointmsnt todOyl ,Apîstama as & t ght trucks Sot 8:00- 12:00 noon PACKAGE INCLUDES: qis - (B Oil and julter change. Check I Inspec tare wear and pressure I Inspeci distrihuior cap, for flud leaks Tire rotation rotor and wires " Battery load/charging test i nspect transmission fluid i nspect %wtndshield wipers, "~ Coolant level and freze point level. power seering fluid washers,jets and bladea (B Pressur tet cooling system. level (if applicable), brake I Washer fluid top-up respect elated boses and damps fluid level, clutch flutd level Inspect exhausi sysem *~ Inspec ail brakes for (if applicable) i nspect sprtngs and wear % and condition (a Inspeci drive beli condition shock absorbers *~ Inspect brake calipers, wheel (excludea timng belt) l Inspect ail lghts and bulbs cyltndera and parking brake I napect and lubricate door .às,, arches. handies Each & Every Day I1 Oit & Filer Change only... 1 itaxHnas only please ?=;;ý - - - - - - - - Appmi aai ai,â.a*aid t'Ofla.,,d O.3 S ai998 lV mSSlSSA&UGA & (9) EONDAo IMOMME3L"" THC>OMIr 2380 MotOlwaY BIvd. ERIN MILLS AUTO CENTRE 828-1 650 - ý Photo by GRAHAM PAINE A grand gîving Rita and Mark Curtis (Ieft> present a choque for over $5,000 ta the Milton District Hospital from their September Michael Burgess concert. Accepting on the proceeds were hospital toundation chair Heather Penman and auxillary member Rita Ward. Att DDODIIIILPRUCTSq VI AY M AS A-IS HEE