Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Nov 1998, p. 12

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12-The Canadman Champion, Fniday, November 27, 1998 - E.C. D!DRY 1aigH SCHOL Dateline Drury - Friday, November 27, 1998 by Jesica Wetttead and Katte Murzun Even lhougb November 10s suaiiy conidered ao mii, uneventfîsimonfb, ibero are s0h11 lots of oxciing thingu happening t E. C. Drury. Aifhough flu sports have come to an5end, inIer sporting evenîs are jut beginning. The girls voleybuii teamu, bofh senior and junior, have started 10 prepare for their upcoming season ifb practîces begînning eariy Tuesday morning. Drury retiers began their seasos wiih iheir f irst competition lasI eekend. Tbe team ma very succesuful wiih the cadet team piacing irai in their division and the junior team finishing sec- ond. Drury congratulafes the team for a greai slurt to their 1998-99 seasos. The annuai E. C. Druty Music Marathon iii be taking place, tonight, beginnisg at four asd ending lomor- ro, Salurday, November 28, t 10 lu the moring. The purpose o the event is to give music studesîs extra practice ime 10 prepare for -upcomisg concerts and compelitions and 10 have fu. Individuai music ensem- bles iii have designated pructice imes aI internaIs lhroughoul the nighl. When musicianu are sot rehears- ing fhey wil have the opportuniy 10 relax, eal, pay games or match movies. Aller a rocky start, the 1999 yearbook committen iniaiiy lu up and running. Students cas purchase a copy of Ihis year's yearbook beginning this meek for $25. Any local businesses ishiug 10 heip sponsor Ihis year's edition by placiug an ainertisement lu the book can contact the schoo's mais office at 878-0575. Ou lhe academic front, this pasl Wednesday drama and art students ventured 10 Torono 10 iem the Van Gogh exhibil aI the Art Galler-y of Onario and to experience fine musical theatre through a preseulalion of «Fame t the Royal Alexandra Theatre. Also, a reminder - Friday, December 4th is designaled an a Professional Denelopment Day, heretore classes mil ot be conducted sud parents shoutd expect their kids home for the day. Have a areat eekend and me iii see you back heire next meek for more insight mbt Drury litef 1I Whydoot0 drvig ouse sy he' " " ,Yong rivrs Mavhe it's because Young Drivers lias thirty years of __isrctors over the past 10 years.I experience teaching collision avoidance. And lias achieved Registration to the coveted 150 And over haîf a million graduates, coast to coast. 150jIS 9001 Quality Assurance Management And more than a million dollars invested in dri- ' P~>7 Standard. ver training researchi, plus another million invest- No matter what they say, no one else is anything é»I oin nnul recertificrtion ro2rams for our "~ like Young Drivers! DECEMBER 28, 29, 30,31 9:00OAM - 3:45 PM 4 DAYS Cu Ilialillai FJjrJANUAKY ---P 2 WEEKENDS 9:00 AM - 3:45 PM L =s 875-0480 Young Drivers of Canada www.youngdrivers.com That's what parents arefor. -à%BAHA'I REDEMPTION Wobch 'Moving Forword" - a foucinafIng documefltOry on Vision TV about Baha'is workI nl social and economIc deveiopmern n th Rupununi Amerindian region col Guyana. Wed., Dec. 2 at 7:30 pm and Thura. mornirtg, Dec. 3 LOCAL: 878-0011 R.EGIONAL:............... 1-800-433-3284 NATIONAL:-.............. 1905-889-8168 GLOBAL:................. www.baai.org ................ or www.onecotunry.org Grace Anglcan Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church om the Hll 878-2411 1ev. Dr. Mark McDermott SUNDAY SERVICES 8M00am. - Holy Communion 9:10 arn. - Informnal Eucharit 10:30 s.m. - Sung Eucharist Nusery Program, Church School & Coffee Hour WEDNESDAY S10:00 amn- Holy Communion Wheeluair accora lbrough pardng lot dtisr -I H OLY RO)SARY PARISH bttpJtww.gsintie.lOlwb5mPtollyroury-m.hbl 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 mâtrtin Street Mass at 5:30 pm Saturday 9:00 arn, 10:30 arn & noon Sunday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY MISSION Milton Heighta Mass at 10:30 a.rn. Sunday ST. PETER'S CHURCH 9th Line & Britannia Mass at 9:00 a.rn. SundaY S Rev. Earl Talbot PP celebratifl our 6th Ânn:veraarY I v 123 MAIN ST., Milton uaptist Church 900 Nipissing Road 875-1626 Rev. David Houghland (Interim) Church School 9:45 a.m. Worship il1:00 a.m. Wheel Chair Access mww.mriticatcom/pubime/mbc M ILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-2022 10:00 a.m. - The Lord's Supper il1:45 a.m. - Sunday. Sohool - 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. u Prayer and Bible Study 4 "Behold the Lamnb of God, w" ch akelh away the sin of thue world." John 1:29 MILTON, ONT §vu Minîsters: Rev. Bob Hyde c 1,U 1%Drector of Music Corne tb p Judy Huner SUNDAY, November 29, 1998 10:.30 arn WORSHIP and Church School Classes SERMON TITLE: NEW IMAGES FOR THE WORLD Advnt 1 - Communion wih Extended Table Nursery Care available Vst our NEW Woite: http://www.globalserve.net-stpaulsmiltorvf Sorvno ee acs- d ni osruto Sunday, November 29, 1998 9:45 ar. TRAINING IN TRUTH Sunday School for Alil Ages 10:.45 a.m. THE APPOINTMENT WITH GOD Paster Rogg wtl be efaring an IIusratedi sermon enttiet UHWEING H#EIVE'5 APPLAUSEn Nursery Care: (Ages 0-2) Jr. Chdrens Church: <Agea 3-5) Kids Church: (Grades 1-6) 6:30 p.rn. EVENING EVANGELISTIC RALLY PanIer Range iii be sheisgaa message eoullait "HOLY GHOST REVIVAL" Jr. Chidrens Ctourch: (Agea 3-5) Kitis Church: (Grades 1-6) -a- G OU ICEM-MfJ1 HOW TO FIND US! I~1~ VIOTONY BIBLE OHUOCH Have you ever wondered why you are here on eartb? Have you ever wanted to make a difference in the lives of others? succensful in ail areas of your life? .f so, then 1 would encourage you tea jein us at iictory Bible Church where you can be equipped hrough its ministnies to have a lîfe that is fulfilling. VBC is a church where Christianity is not a religion, but an opportunity to have a -elaionship with God and His word that wil change lives for etemity. 10:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP, MILTON LEISURE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM) (sepurute services for chittiren 9 yeurs anti roder) Living A Victearious Life By The Word 0f God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Emuit: cboyce@interhop.flet MILTON BIBLE CHURCH meets at Milton Seniors Activity Centre, 500 Chids Drive 10:00 arn - M.B.C. in The WORD How to find us1 11:00 arn - M.B.C. in WORSHIP Tuesday - 7:30 pm M.B.C. in Training 1ilZI1 Dr at 900 Nipissing Rd. & Thompson Pastor: I__ Rev. James A. DeMarshUD 876-3586 Im GRADE 6"A" gNEWS MILTON DiSTRICT aigu SCHGG Grade "A" News at MDHS Sy J cqu(clne Bass and Marissa CheSks,ýi Weicome back 10 another week tif Grade"A" News.Wr a r peased ts say ihat Coma un iy Day ai thra Mîlfan Mali wa. à big succets. Lots of the peuple from tbe community came out and ail shometi greaf Christmas spirit! As you aiready know, lire MOHS Cheeriraders hati a table utt1his event where they mere self ng raffle tickets for a chance te mn ose nf the fabaloas prizes. n case ou are viondering, the iucky musner hasnt bren announceti yet becuse the dramw wIll ot be taking place until December 13. The Cheerteaders bave aireudy raised about $175 und bopetuily mifi make more as tickets are nom on sale to suuenîs und staff bore ut MDHS. A portion ut proceetis miii be donatri to Cystic Fibrusis research sn honsur ut a fnndiy remembered cheenleader, the laie Alicia Gabriet. Su csme and support this gsod cause and show seme Christmas spirit. Wr miii assounce the minner, so be sure to read ant i id sut, affer ail it couli ho pouf Speaking of Cbristmas spirit, Ruduiph mas npotted roaming near the Cheerleader's table os Saturiay ut the mail with bis reti note sbining brigbtlp. Weil wr thought it mas Fludoipb, until we set a dloser look anti discon- ered that il mas reaitp Mms. O'Reillyf Way te go anti thanku for sbnming su mach spirit! As meit as seiliog raffle tickets, the cheer- leaders mut aise be haoing a Christmas Bake Sale un Fri., Dec. 2, se remember peur mnney, Yaml Speaking ut cheerleaiers, me are happy te anneance that the team captains have bren picked. This peur tbey miii ho Nancy Cotten asti Leab Reiuits. Their tiatiet consisi ot erganizing things sucb as taniraisers anti other enents, notifying feiiom tram mem- bers about practice f ime changes and basicafip muking sure that tbings ras smeetbiy. Tbey alto leati mara-upo ut practices and se tt be gusi rate-maints for the retstftbe tram. Nommvie meuh tike to gior yoa a yearbuou ptate. tf pu burrp, $28 milI get ou a bruni spankin' new'98-'99 yeurbeok with year nume embusurd in getti lrttering on the bettem rigbt banti corner et the tront coer. If youbave alreaip bengbt year peur- book, tient fret; peu cas stilltatue ativantage ot this coul offer for enly an eutra $3. Hurry tbougb, since the ortier has ta be in by rutiy December. Listes te the merning annauncemento for turtber tietaitu. Nom time fer seme goo eetiotr the students. garsu mhat December 4tb is? Yap, if's our tirst PA Day efthe yearl Se memem- ber te strep in anti eniep peur tiay. Thanku fer reading asti remember ta check as eut again sent meekl m -F- -r 1 -L ý a 1 m

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