6 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 24,1998 SCOMMENT PL Kids getting shot-changed It's galling for Catholie high school students to watch what amounts to the first haif of the school year severely compromised. Across town, their public school counterparts enjoy an atmosphere of relative peace, and have access to a full range of extra-curricular activities.J REPRI" V* ! But in the Catholic system, kids are getting short-changed. It's hard Ro uPR un m @ # to see it as anything but intransigence at the negotiating table. There are no after-school sports in the Catholie high sehool system right now, and no plays are being staged. There are few signs that the situation will change in the near future. Last week, a Bishop Reding student led the charge t0 jump start meaningful negotiations. It's ironic to see, teenagers lecture people lwice their age as to responsibility. Kids are, unfortunately, pawns used to pressure the opposite side in these talks, whether anyone will admit it or not. Unhappy students make for unhappy parents. Both sides count on those parents to make their feelings known -- and hope that the weight of such displeasure faîls mostly with the opposing faction. The fact is, the situation has deteriorated to the point where some- body in one camp or the other should seize the initiative, show leader- ship, even if it means conceding a point. (' Gel things moving now. SO UR READERS WRITE Sincere thanks from r. S oughton Dear Editor: 1 would lik tri take this opportunity to expressmy thanks for the honour thec Milton Men's Slo Pitcli League bestowed upon mne and my wife aI the banquet receontly. The John Glover Award lias always been very special to the. league. andt o be put on the teamo of players 'who have becot lonoured intheuicpast as especially tourihioag 10 me anod shocud speak for îtselL. 1 have eajoyed participating on nay teauts andi serving on thne executive in the, pasL It lias meatat a lot 10ume lo go out evety week antd sp thie gtys. Remember, if you v part in how th leagin< make it an enjoyable guys, you have, realiy in domng what pasl exe ers bave donc for you. Be proud of the fact have given of your tir coa enjoy their time. Thanks agaim ieinti lime wit Dear Editor: ouneer anti take A provincial bold meant Milton e is tain andi try tri and Mohawk Raceway didn't get a time for al 180 charity casino, but now through a corne a long way back-door process, the track can octvsanti play- install up to 1,200 arcade-style gambling machines and virtually no Milton citizens had a say or ,t that you at least even knew this was about to occur. ime s0 that olliers Sure the meeting to discuss the matter was open to the public but how in the world con you hold a Mike Soughton public meeting if you don't tell the MIfton public you are having a meeting? That was the game plan pursued by Milton council on o subject that bas both long andi short-term effects on every citizen in Milton. LJJPION The Town sent notification t everyone living within a few hun- dred yards of Mohawk, which met with provincial law, but they Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Cutedian Champion, published every Tuesday and Friday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 at 191 Main St. E., Miton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), os one of Tme Metroland Prlnting, Pubtishing & Distributing Ltd. graup af lob- Q'7Q'>~A1 urban companles wfilct Includes: Ajax / Pickering News (905)878-234.. 1 Advertser; Allistan Herald/Courler; Barrie Advance; Brampton Guardian; Burlington Post; City Parent; Cllingwaod / Wasaga Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Connectlon; East York Mirror; Etobicoke Goardian; Georgetown Fax: 86-2364 Independentl Acton Free Press; ington Tthis Week; Lindsay This AdvertîsingFa:862 4 Week; Markham Economist & Son; Midiand / Penetanguishene Classified: 875-33oo Mirror; Mississauga News; Newmarket I Aurora Era Banner; Northumberland News; Nortfh York Mirror; Oakville Beaver; Orllia Ian Oliver Publisher Today; Oshawa / Wtiliby/1 Carington I Port Perry This Week; Peterboraugh This Week; Richmond Hiii I Thornhill I Vaughan NeD Oiver Associate Publi.oher Liberal; Scarbaraugh Mirror; Uxbrldge I Stautfvilie Tribune; Bilii Begin General Manager Todlay'o Seniors. Rob Klly Eitor Advtrtisîng is acctpttd on the condition that, in the mvent of a Rob ell Edtortypographicat error, that portion of tht advertislng space accu. Karen Crosa Circulation Manager pied by the erraneous Rtem, tagether with a reasonabie atiowance TeiCamua Ofice Manager for signature, willt not be charged for, but the balance af tht Teri advtrtistment I h paid for at tht applicable rate, Tht pobisher mtm Coile Production Manager reserves tite rlght ta categorize advtrtisemtnts or dectino. missed out on good manners, a sense of propriety anti common sense by not notifying everyone that bad expressed an interest in Mohawk becoming a casino. Unlike our town council, Halton Regional Police have asked if allowances have been mode for extra policing and appropriate funding. No answer was apparent, so 1 guess Milton ciizens wilI have to bear the cost. This will undoubtedly affect ser- vice clubs andi charity groups' fundraising efforts through basses at local bingo. A plan was being worked out but dieti when charity casinos dieti. Who now is going to replace the haîf million dollars that our baIl clubs, service clubs and even Milton hospital raise and share with the community? Many, if not ail these questions could have been answer.ed in a public forum but our town counicil electeti not to pursue that avenue even when presenteti by a motion to do so. Other municipalities have by- laws and tax considerations to ben- efit their town and our mayor and counicillors Challinor anti Penman attendeti a briefing on these mot- ters. Why not hold a public meet- ing to learn the benefit of their knowledge? Ontario courts have ruled that 2,400 machines at Woodbine con- stituteti a casino and it was not allowed. We say 1,200 slot machines open 24-hours-a-day ai Mohawk constitutes a casino and a major change in bond use which the provincial govemment has said con only be approved by a local refer- endum. We not only ditin't get a referen- dum but our counicil didn't even consult us. We shaîl appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. Patrick Kelly Milton Ratepayers Association Tax situation really doesn 't make any sense Dear Editor: tripling their taxes will very quickly put tbemn out of Halton bas asked for on exemption from Ernie Eves' business? proposaI of the 10 per cent cap for aIl small businesses Small business people are grateful for Mr. Eves' ond in the 905 area. Mel Lastman's "common sense" approacb to busi- If they obtain this exemption then it means that ness. small businesses in Halton will be bit with 100 per L. Infuso cent and over tax increases. Weston, Ont. I realize this does not mean ail businesses will face this increase, but wliat about the small businesses that Fa fttrsto the ditor to will face these crippling increases? The people work long, bard hours toying tri make a 8 & 43Or drop tbn., off Ini living by providing a service tri the community. . Don't the. powers that b. realize that tioubling or kf m i< 't,1 1 aî S. . Siots on their way unless we can help it, Ssays upset ratepayers association member TUE CANADIAN Cw-