22 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 24, 1998 Storm's wrath - from EBBS on pege 3 hanging onto a tree to stop from being washed away." scarred by Mitchs tury. "There were canyons carved by the water, 10 metres (deep), where there used to be flat ground," said Mr. Hanseil. "Whole communities were gone." Mr. Hansell himself was in Managua when he first caught wind of Hurricane Mitch. The 24-year-old physics grad had arrived in Nicaragua last year courtesy of an exchange program between York University and Nicaragua's Uraccon University. He spent two semesters there teaching English. In his free time he picked up Spanish. When the program ended Mr. Hansell moved on - iter- ally. He traveled around, final- ly hooking up with CUSO, a Canadian organization that supplies volunteers for coun- tries around the worid. Through CUSO, Mr. Hansel has been writing a social and economidc report on a region of Nicaragua. Only he wasn't there when the hurricane hit. Instead he was in Managua. "I was about to fly back to the Atlantic region," said Mr. Hansell. "I was told to wait until the storm passed. Instead of a storm it was the hurri- cane." Mitch wasn't so bad to Managua, bringing nothing worse than seven days of non- stop ramn to the capital. Then the stories started to roll in. "I started to hear about the death," said Mr. Hanscîl. "I was feeling uselesu just sitting there." Useless is an uncomfortable feeling during a natural disas- ter, so Mr. Hanseli quickly Cross headquartcrs. Almost a littie too quickly, since mud and flooding had closed the roads, barring the hardest hit areas from relief workers. When the roads opened Mr. Hansell headed for Chinandega, about 70 km frorn the capital. He drove over metal tracks provided hy the military, since ail the bridges had been washed away. "Whole villages were gone. There were no trees," he said. "There was just the smell of rotting vegetation and animais and humants." Once in Chinandega, Mr. Hansell helped distribute food and water. Others were on hand to give needles tol prevent the spread of disease. Around them, the village tried to corne to, terms with the sudden decimation of their lands. "You'd see some people going back and digging for their families," he said. "They just did what they had to do." Back in Carnpbellville for a short vacation, Mr. Hansell will be returning to CUSO soon enough. This urne he'll take wîth him the searing images that corne from following in thse footprints of ahurricaane. "I rernember before hearing about disasters in other parts of the world and it always seemed to be so distant," he said. "But people are ail thse same. Wherever it is, the people are the sanie." Spicing up her school site Grede 4 student Nicole Cedwalleder puts the finishing touches on her part of e murel, edorning the construction site et HoIy Rosery Schooi. Dozens of the students hed e hend in iivening up the projects outer berriers Photo by GRAHAM PAINE HOUSE LEAGUE DIVISION Pro-Novice Nov. 28198 7:00 arn - 8:00 arn White Timbt vs Black Tmbt Tonelli Arena 8:00 arn - 9:00 arn Red Tirnbit vs Green Timbit Tonelli Arena 9:00 arn - 10:00 arn Red Lobster 1 s Litte Firemen Tonelli Arena 10:00 arn - 11:00 arn Red Lobster 2 vs. Bruce oud Tonell Arena Atom Nov. 28198 3:00 Pmn 4:15 prn Ross Din Financial vs. Rebekah Ldge TonellO Arena 4:20 Pm 5:35 prn Clares Golf vs. McCuaig lsurooce Touelli Areoo 5:40 Pm- 6:55 pm Abolue Trnsportation Sricsnvs. Bectu Dickison Touelli Areno Pee Wee Nov. 28/98 8:00 arn - 9:00 amn Abtnut Transptflabon Serices vs Micbaelt OPtcal Thomptun Moual 9:10 arn - 10:10 arn Prudential Vendes Reaty vs. Key Contre Thomptor Memnorat 10:20 arn - 11:20 arn Dcs & Dento nvs. Brians Auto Thompton Menrial Minor-Novice Nov. 29/98 3:30 prn - 4:30 prn Shuppers Drug Mail s RoMax Touelli Arona 4:30 pm - 5:30 prn Austin Noble v. GnId Cnnnoctinn Tunolti Arona Major-Novice Nov. 29/98 5:30 Prn - 6:30 Pm Canadian Tire vs Grrud Tunelli Anna 6:30 prn - 7:30 pm Austin Noble vs Gld Cunnoction Tovolli Arona Bantam Nov. 29/98 6:00 prn - 7:20 prn G. Cntrols vs Kucilot Thonpson Memonal 7.20 Pmn - 8:40 Pm Wimpys Dinr vs. Marmac Talr Srvces Thnmpsnn Meronal 840 Pmn- 10:00 Prn Mitasn Dodgo -Jep s. Charlie Ftzwtskyts Thumpton Mrotal Senior Nov. 30/98 730 pn- 830 Prn Tearn 1 vs. Tearn 4 Tunelli Aronu 840 pn- 940 prn Tearn 5 vs Tearn 6 Tolir Arena 950 pm - 1050 prn Tearn 3vs. Tearn 2 Toselîr Arooa o"- w 111-1111a le ROUPSON ROAD. UNIT #6, MILTON 4r*às~tw 100 Nipiesing Road, Unit9, Mton (905) 76-464 MILTON MINOR HOCKEY SCHEOULE r-