The Canadian Champion, Friday November 19, 1997 -19 Council won't take sides ini school closingfights e from BACK on page 3 Merry is in, also took up the gauntlet for the small school. "I'd like thse board, when they're making their decision on Percy Merry, to not for- get that it is more thars a school. Don't for- get it bas a 200 acre park setting," he said. "Don't forget there are no portables there. Don't forge thte massive growth that is coming to Milton and north Oakville." AIl schools have compelling arguments against closure, said Mr. Maiboeut. "ItS flot just one school on the chopping block," hie said. "We're basically igh- lighting one school over another and I don't want to do that." Ms Pickering will be taking hier fight, minus the letter of support from counicil she asked for, to a November 30 public meeting at Milton District high achool, starting at 7 p.m. The board's final decision on closure's should be made by December 16. Ch..,Jlance to win new book A new hardcover book, which features 160 spectacular photographs of Halton' s watershed, bas become a popular Christmas gift. And now you, the readers, have a chance to win this unique book published as a fundraiser for the Halton Region Conservation Authority. The book titled Halton: Rising, Wild antd Beckoning, also includes 16 coloured maps showing scenic drives and trails and a large fold-out map that cars be used as a field guide to find and explore natural areas. The Canadian Champion, along with thse Conservation Authority, would like to hear from readers about their favourite experi- ences at one of thse region's conservation areas. In 50 words or less, tell us what you enjoy most about our conservation lands. Perhaps you met that someone special while hiking at Crawford Lake or maybe you first leamed to ski at Kelso. Whether it's a funny or poignant story, we want to hear about it. Gary Hutton of the Halton Region Conservation Ares will be selecting the top three entries from Milton, Oakville and Burlington. The contest deadline is Friday, Dec. 11. The winners will be aisnounced December 18. The authority oversees various facilities around Halton, including many locally. Mail or drop off your submission to Conservation Contest, c/o The Canadian Champion, 191 Main Street East, Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (or fax to 878-4943). PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE ao o RECONSTRUCTION 0F GUELPH LINE FROM 250m NORTH 0F No. 10 SIDE ROAD TO 220m NORTH 0F No. 15 SIDE ROAD TOWN 0F MILTON, PR-928B&C The Regional Municipality of Halton is proceding with the preliminary design to reconatruct thc Guelph Line to a two lune roadway within the above-noted Project limita in order to provide improvements to roadway gcomctry. sight distance, aafety and pavement structure. Separate northibound and aouthbound left tum lunes are plunned for as the intersection of No. 15 Side Road. Construction will be phased over a two year period and is tentatively scheduled for the years 2000 and 2001. A Public Information Centre will be held: DATE: TIME: uesday, November 24, 1998 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. LOCATION: Nassagaweya Community Centre 11264 Guelph Line, Milton The Public Information Centre will be an informaI meeting wberc interestcd members of the public will be able to drop in as Uieir convenience to discusthc project wiUi representatives of Uic Region. This meeting wiIl be of specific interest to those owners and tenants wbose properties front onto Uic Guelph Line or are near Uic intersection of Guelph Line and No. 15 Sideroad. If you are unable to attend Uic Public Information Centre and wish to provide commenta or receive further information about this project. please contact: Mr. T. Finelli, Design Supervisor Regional Municipality of Halton 1151 Bronte Road Oakville ON L6M 3L1 Tim Stuart, P.Eng. Niagara Region Office Manager Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited 36 Hiscott Street, Suite 200 St- Catha~rines ON T JR 1CR Ext. 76o5 at. .ll ..ra Iq From Milton 905-825-6030 905-682-0212 From Georgetown 905-878-8113 JOAN EAGLESHAM REGIONAL CLERK et, ý -ý .. 4 .7 - , , , -, , , . .- "Il ý -1. 1 - 1 -f- .0P, .4 - -- -, .,- , , ýý, 2 ý ý, -, * . - ý,jz z 9 % *2 -Z & 1 1