The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Nov;emhber 17, 1 998-7 Preschool spaces avallable KilbrIdArea pehooI s«W bas spaces availale a.m. while the afternoort session runs from 1 to 3:30 for their half.-day prograrns on Tuesdays and p-m. Thursdays. To register your child, or for more information. Mormng ulasses are held between 9 and 11: 30 cail Hope at 876-4570. Prepare yourself for another long and ExpressVu 3500 System 'Z cold winter. Snuqqle up ta great television viewinq with Bell Express Vu. With cinema-quality $ picture and CD-quality sound, you $ 4 Oeg can create a theatre experience without leavlnq the comfort of your home. Plus with over 100 channels, therels somethinq for the whole $4 9 9?ae family ta enjoy on those cold, frosy nihts.Less proqramminq credit if (up to> Express Vu ,3500 System r edsNo 3/9 * Ov ~O O~.Aftr proqrammîng credît ctnm.qaily 1~tIW i'fWoonth min. monthiy payment on Vu *. ~ miuw aasu~iCredit Card (OACI. ~r~puoaa ~q~ ~ ea.aiiqbstallation soid separateiy. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Musically mystified ï C hildren's entertainer Jim Parker drew rave revmews from his young audience Saturday at St. PauI's Unted Church. Among his starry-eyed onlookers was (inset) three-year-old HoIIy Gardon. ......... AITfENTION ACURAIHONDA OWNERS; To better provide winterMi..... service for your Acura or Honda. 32 Ivonte V Lt.I ~ (Across fromi the liquor store) v SO~95i servce / Patf ,V Centr DNsIiIu "1 OnApproved Ceit on your adoSflack Credit Cana. $25 per monts minimum payment tor ExpessVu 3500 system (basea on current prcng pogamming package. Cedit mli Se applea 0000 remttance ot pogammîsg coupon(s) ieS aist invonce tram ExpessVu. Initial pengrammîng package chosen mast be sed tan danation at ceait. Credit cansot be combined wth any otber olter ttProgamming ana installation sald separately See store ton cnnnplete details, a