Young will take on Carr as one ri ding disappears The closest potiticat race in Oakvitte may occur before the next provincial etection. Thanks to provincial riding redistribution, Oakvitle wiil be represented by only one seat in the provinciat tegisiature instead of two. Two weeks ago, Oakviiie Soutb MPP Gary Carr indicatcd be wouid seek the Progressive Conservative nomidnation for the new Oakvitte riding. Halton Centre MIPP Térence Young bas announced is intention to win the samne nomination. At present, Mr. Young' s riding encompasses parts of southemn rural Mitton. White both Tories, Uic two members have exibited différent stytes in Uic legisiature. Mr. Carr bas been described as a maverick Tory and bas spoken out against is own party, and even voted against the provincial downtoading tegistation. Mr. Young, on the other band, bas remained a strong supporter ot Tory government poticies. -I want to finish the job we have started," said Mr. Young. "It is our govemment' s goai to make Ontario Uic best ptace to live, work, and raise a faxiIy in Uic wortd." Mr. Young igbtigbted Uic accompllshments of bis govermment. "Emptoyment is up. Housing starts arc Up. Consumer confidence is Up," said Mr. Young. "TMe number of people dependent on sociat assistance is down. Interest rates are down. Our deficit is down. ln fact everyUing that should be up is up. And every- Uing that sboutd be down is down." The ncw rnding was created as a rcsutt of Uic Fewer Politicians Act, whicb reduced Uic number of MIPPs in Ontario from 130 ta 103. No date bas been selected for Uic riding nomination meeting. Ail the rigjht stuif. Just the rught- price. le, 3S0L, 190-HP V6 Engin. * Sequential Multi-Point Electronic Fuel Injection e Uquid-FlIIed Engin. Mounts s Pr.mium AMFM/CD with cassette e 6 Speakers with 120 Watts e Automatic Climat. Control A/C * Sport.lTaned Suspension e 8-Way Power DrIvers Seat * Anti- Lock Braking System e* Wactlon Control System AIT only) e Power Windows, Door Locks and Mirrorse Dual Heted Outslde Mirrorse* Omise Control e Nissan Vehicle Immobiizer System e Ful-Sisa Spore Tire wth Matching Rim e Halogen Headlights e 3-Point Rear Seatbets e Dual Airbags e Variable Power- Assisted Rack-and-Pinion Steering * Power-Assised 4-WIieeI Disc Brakes e Pipe-Style Steel Side-Door I Guard Beams è Front and Rear SpIash Guards é Viscous Uimited-Slip Differential* . Power Trunk Release. er - .1-- . -1:e *Heated Front Seats * 16" Nioy Wheels * Fog Lights e Keyless Remote Entry System* Anti-Theft Marmn System s Biack-on White Gauges é Velour Sport Seats * Homeink Universal Garage Door Opener 0 Duel Iluminated Vanity Mirrors e P215155 R16 Performance lires a Variable Intermittent Wipersé Body-Colour Grille and Door Handles e Chrome Taipipe Finisher é Leather6Wrapped Steering Wheel -00 38722 ride 1U0-8702 fe b a l j' @ RW tWf The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, November 17, 1998 -19 Dateline e from DATELINE on pagel hosts the Annuai Bazaar and Bake Sate kit 9ý; If) i Ln I ifi eitti lfff, sà f 1"i auction, white etephant table, bake table, otd jewclery and Cbristmnas decorations. Maple Hiti Trce Services hosts its annu- ai Firewood for Food Drive. I exchange for a non-perishabie food donation, or a new toy donation, thc tirm offers frec fire- wood. The event runs from 9 arn. through 3 p.m. Maple Hill Tree Services is on Nintb Line a mile south of Derry Road, on the west side. Ninth Line is the Mitton- Mississauga border. Pick up trucks are welcome at thc firewood for food swap. Sunday Nov. 22 T'ho - t(-&n-Peel hranch of the Ontario Genealogicial Society irocts ith ltower level of Chinguacousy Branch Library, 150 Central Park Dr., in Brampton at 2 p.m. The guest speaker is Brian Giichrist who discusses 'Anatyzing Your Evidence'. Visitors are weicome. Monday Nov. 23 The Halton Hills Quilters Guild meets at Centennial Middle School in Georgetown at 7:15 p.m. For more infor- mation, cati 878-3787. ______ PUBLIC INFORMATIN CENTRE ~ RECONSTRUCTION 0F GUELPH LNE FROM 250m NORTH OF No. 10OSIDE ROM) TO 220mn NORTH OF No. 15 SIDE ROM) TOWN OF MITON, PR-92B&C flic Regional Municipality of Halton in proceeding with the pretiminary design to reconstruet the Guelph Line to a two lane roadway within the above-noted Project limnits in order to provide improvemrents to roadway geometry, sight distance, safety and pavement structure. Sepamate north- bound and southbound tefftutm lanes are planned for at the intersection of No. 15 Side Road. Construction wilI be phased over a two year period and is tentatively scheduled for the years 2000 and 2001. A Publie Inormation Centre wiil be held: DATE: TIME: Ibesday, November 24, 1998 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.. LOCATION: Nassagaweya Community Centre 11264 Guelph LUne, Milton 'Me Public Information Centre will be an informai meeting where interest- cd members of the public wilt be able to drop in at their convenience to dis- cuss the project with representatives of the Region. This meeting will be of specifie interest to those owners and tenants whosc properties front onto the Guelph Line or are near the intersection of Guelph Line and No. 15 Side Road. If you are unable to attend the Public Information Centre and wish to pro- vide comments or receive further information about this projeet, please contact: Mr. T. Fineii, Design Supervisor Regionat Municipaiity of Haiton 1151 Bronte Road Oakviile ON L6M 3L1 Ext. 7615 From Milton 905-825-6030 From Georgetown 905-878-8113 mnn Stuart, P.Eng. Niagara Region Office Manager Totten Sims Hubieki Associates Limiùted 36 Hiscott Street, Suite 200 St. Catharines ON L2R 1 C8 905-682-0212 I JOAN EAGLESHAM REGIONAL CLERK WHY PAY FOR WHAT YOU DON'T WATCH? If you're looking for an affordlable alternative ta cable or satellite TV, take heart. Because with L00K you can enjoy digital video and sound quality for as little as $19.95* per month. But beyond 100K's not-so-basic Basic Package, you'îî neyer pay for what you don't watch, because with L00K, you actually choose which specialiy and'Pay TV'channels you receive. Digital reception equipment is included in your monthly subscription PLUS you'll get 30 DMX CD-quality commercial-free music channels at no extra charge. Just give us a call. 1 800 356-LOOK TAKE CHARGE 0F TV. TAKE I Standard installation just $12995. *Plus fax. And thotsit.