~8T0DTAL P Skin &Body APamper Someone Special with A Christmas Gift Certif icates 4"A Day at the Spa" Manicure, therapeutie pecicure, spa facial, 1/2 hour anti-stress treatment, eyebrow shaping, wash, eut and fimshed style .... $1~7 4 AO 14.0 4Manieure, therapeutie pecicure and eyebrow shaping...................... $4O g 74) Uhrne n and enter our draw for: I k n The Canadia ln Champion, Tuesday. November 17, 1998-17 iLetthle VBobFIsming's Gold by the Grainm9Lx For ail your jewelry needs Thursday - Saturday visit Kalena's at 136 Main St. E. or cati for other appointments. Quliy - elr a Get.avns mGomu. -tiamone G UUTe mistonesU e erl usoeRne 258 Main St. E. 878-9711 *QUALlITY WORKMAUS11P .20 YEARS EXPERIEIUCE >' IO4TêCUAGES V SPORTS MEMORAIIUA, W MEDALS VRERS 1MIýRRQRStMADE TO eASURE, ALL SHAPES & SIZESJý ue9Frame +AIrt 875-0971* 50 L AU RUER AVE. MILTON, LAURIER PLAZA <i.WY. 25, JUST NORTH 0 F DERRY RD.) ,I:4 ~ .¼'»' ~ ~ 4 -~--IwÀJ Begkn. 1 ýv