RES - The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, Novombor 17, 1998 C.,harleston Homes introduces River Walk Fine living in a fabulous country setting Welcome to RiverWalk by Charleston Homes, a residential communi- ty wbere tradition is more than a nernory, where bornes with a relaxing style and cbarring architectural details are nestled in a quaint village set- ing. Perfectly located in tbe hamiet of Rockwood - designated an Ontario Heritage and Conservation District - Charleston Homes is putting their expertise in building custom homes into a collection of country manor bornes. Nestled between Guelpb and Acton, Rockwood is blessed witb an abundance of natural resources - soft rolling hilla, quarries, foresta and Quick 1Tips to Keep Wood Floors Looking Like New (MS) - These quick ipa and lots more information on shopping and car- ing for bardwood floors can he found on tbe Harris-Tarkett Web site, httpl/www.harris-tarkettcom. Stop dei at the door - (irit, gravel and dit are enemies of a floor finish. Keep a proper doormat at al outside entrances and a walk-off mat inside eacb entry to eliminate dirt and grime. Vacuum or abake out these mats reg- ularly. Vacuum witb a vengeance - Vacuurn regularly witb a vacuum sweeper. Do not use a hester-bar bead or attschrnents intended for carpet. Avoid housebold dust treatrnents: these rnay make your floor slick or dulI tbe fin- ish. For a more tborougb cleaning, use fie cleaner or refreaber recomrnend- ed by your manufacturer. Neyer use water or oil soap-type products on your bardwood floor. Wipe up spilîs before they spot - Urethane finiabes are easy-care, not no-care. Use a darnp clotb or paper towel to wipe up spilîs before they dry. Follow fie manufacturer's recomniendations to rernove sticky spots or beel marks. Get fumniture off the floor - Round-headed chair glidea and narrow wbeels on furniture legs can scratch or dent your hardwood floor. For fumni- tare that sits on the floor directly, use cornmercially made felt protectors or fumiture coasters under al table and chair legs. Extremely beavy items like pianos should bave weigbt disbursed a eacb leg by using weight cupa. Give pets a pedicure - No mater bow large or small your pet is, keep its nails trimrned. Pets with long nails cani scratch and dulI fie floor finish, requiring additionsl maintenance or premature recoating. Also, make sure your pets are bousebroken. Pet urine will leave s black stain that will not sand out. the Eramosa River. The town hoasts a ricb istory that cas stili bc seen in the sbops alonga Main Street. Today, as it was centuries ago, Rockwood is borne ands haven to those wbo appreciate the natural beauty and tranquility off Upcountry living.c Charleston Homes pays tribute to Rockwood's past with a tboughtfiilt and sensitive new corniunity of 52 country manor bornes. President of Charleston Homes, Charlie Kuiken, helieves in giving eacb borne mdi-f vidual character and giving eacb custorner personal service so tbeir bornei feels perfect for tbem. "MTe whole borne buying process sbould be enjoyed by the custorner. They sbould feel like their borne is being customn built juat for them," he1 says. That is the banda-on approacb and attention to detail that bas given1 Charleston Homes a prestigious reputation in tbe Guelpb and Georgetown ares. With a background in customn built bornes, Kuiken bas been involved in tbe building industry for more than 20 years and bis staff bave a combined 100 years experience. RiverWalk is really a dream location, with soaing cedara and a gentle stream right in your own backyard. Tbe bornes back on to a hrail tbat meanders along tbe Eramosa River and into the town of Rockwood. You'll appreciate the natua beauty and the srnall town anospbere that lets you get to know your neigbbors. And, you can enjoy the cbarrn of small town life with ail tbe arneniies of a city juat around tbe corner. Just a 15 minute drive from Hwy. 401, Rockwood is minutes frorn Guelph and boasts recrestion activiies sucb as golf, cross-country skiing and swirnming nearby. TIbe lofted bungalow bornes of RiverWalk include many quality-craft- ed, custorn details that add to their beauty and cbarrn. Exteriors feature reclaimed brick, scalloped shingles and a careful architectural style that preserves the colonial, historic look of tbe town. You'U also find an inter- lock brick driveway, walkway and patio wilh a fully landscaped yard. Traditional style continues througbout tbe interiors witb colonial base- boards, trirn and doors and other features you'd expect only in a custom borne. RiverWalk offers six modela to choose frorn ranging in size fromn 1,425 to 1,630 sq. fI., prices start at $173,000. The Old Mill, a 1,610 sq. fi. model, is irnpressive with an open design and soaring vaulted ceilinga. An exquisite covered porcb welcomes you into the borne wbere you are greeted by a gleaming ceramidc ile foyer. Continue mbt the Great Roomn with its vaulted ceiing and sliding doors that lesd onto tbe back patio. A cleverly designed kitchen features ample storage and couniter space as well as a breakfast bar that is open to the Great Room. The master suite witb vaulted ceiling and tbree piece ensuite is also on tbe main floor. You'll appreciate tboughtful feamues such as the bis and bers clos- ets with rirrored sliding doors. Ihe laundry and powder roorn complete tbe main floor. The second floor loft can be designed for your cboice of use. Its large 505 sq. Il. space could be a second bedroom, hobby roomn, or study; this is a borne that changea to fit your lifestyle. Visit the bornes at RiverWalk, you'll appreciate ail that they bave to offer. To get to RiverWalk take Hwy. 25 north frorn Milton, continue on Hwy. 7 to Rockwood. Tbe Cbarleston Homes sales office is the large stone building on the rigbt, just before tbe river. Cati Dick Marvin or Deborab Gibson at (519) 856-4389 for more information. I Campbellvllle Realty Iol 90 Mal. ShootNorth, cuophIMivio IÀ e. (GelphUne blok uuth i 401) CLASSIC CENTURY HOME JUST LISTED ... $214,900 on approx. 112 ace mature lot con- Country sotting ln town, loVoiy wonionhIy localsi min. forth of 401 spiit-levoi homo surrounded ai Guelph Lino. Ha$ 4-largo boi- with tati truos and prk-iand ln moins, houulllul formai iving/In- a quiet area 01 Oldoe Milton, leu marns with utaln glass Win- comos with a soparato in-law iaws, oak floaus, 96"colings suite, main fi. famlly rmt. wlth woad-buralng Ipi. antique mande in. ' e cthodrai coilingu, Main loor don, famliy & iaundry hrwo lus8apine roams. ln-ground pool, ibl.inch ardw lva ioam r aincos garage. ASKING ONLY $269,00. c.CtSyvaltiwn. COUNTRY MANOR HOMES. IN A PERFECTLY NATURAI SETTING Gustom-crafted quality- Spacious, light-filled, wide designs 4"Flex-space" layouts - lofts, main level master suites, vaulted ceîlings - Walk-outs, private ravine setting Gharming heritage community $172,900 For more information caîL 519-856-4389 Sales Centre Hours. Sat. &Sun .-8p.m.