12-The Canadian Champion, Flday, November 13, 1998 Dentures Don't [ast Forever The denture is the mast abused pros- thetic aid ta aur well being. They are mixed up with aid sets, warn ill matched, braken and stuck tagether incarrectly, warn in twa or three pieces, flushed dawn tailets, Iost at sea, thrawn at immavable abjects, eaten by dags, stamped on and used for whitling by retiree's. The emergence an the scene in recent years of the Denturist has meant a dloser and more individual concept of patient - professional relationship. With this individual attention, less dentures will finish up in the battam drawer. How Should 1 Clean My Dentures? 1. To keep your dentures dlean, you should dlean them after every meal. They should be brushed, inside and out, using Iukewarmn water and a mild soap or a denture tooth paste. 2. It is wise ta brush them over a sink or basin fui of water or over a damnp- ened towel. Either method wiII cush- ion the shock should you drap them. 3. Most important be sure ta have your dentures and oral tissue checked yearly by your local Denturist. Milton Denture Clinic Garry T. Trenton 876-2000 "... indigestion in relation to lactose and gluten intolerance!" Simply put, indigestion is not a physical reac- tion after a large meal. Rather, indigestion is a destructive reactian after consuming a large meal. Digestive problema are thus not caused by the food we eat. In my opinion, the main cause af digestion problema la that we eat beyond aur Gad given capacify ta digest the very food we eat. Problems such as lactose infolerance and gluten intolerance are impocted by poor diges- tion. Many people lose some or even ail of their ability ta produce lactose in their intestine. n specific terms, tactase is an enzyme which s required ta break dawn lactose ta sugar in the amail intestine. An absence af lactose in the amail intestine resuits in lactose intolerance. The significonce af lactose infolerance lies in the foct 1ha1 when either lactose or milk sugor is not digested due ta tack of lactose, these undi- gested sugars remain in the intestinal tract for a long period of time. This wiIl lead ta fermenta- tion via intestinal bacteria. This in turn will be the cause of such symptomsaos gas, abdominal bloating, cramps and diarrhea. These are signa indicafing lactose infoerance. If you suspect thaf you are suftering tram lac- tose infolerance, if la beat fa avoid ail dairy prod- ucts. It should be noted heme that lactose reduced milk, such os 9a%, has still 10% lac- tose remaining and this could present o problem for sensitive people. Gluten is a profein found in seheat, rye, barley, oats, triticale (a cross between seheat and rye) and spelf. Indigestion of gluten couses gastroîn- festinai disturbances including diarrhea, gos and steatorrhoa (excessive fat in the feces). Gluten irritafes Use intestinal lining of sensitive people, and this in turn interferes with absorp- tion of nutrients and seafer. We should support the body with o digestive supplement ta improve the body's capacify ta digest and absorb ail nutrient intake. Beverly Hils Weight Management Clinics Marlon Heeîy R.N.C. 875-2889 TIRED? OVERWEIGHT? FORGETFUL? ACHING? Wbat Is rldoloy The science ci rldol based on the anaiysis ofone of te most complicate tissue structures of the hurnani body the iris, the coloured part of the eye. Suds an analysis provides insght Into the strenfiths and weaknesses throughout the Antomy of th. oye. body. Marlingu ln the eye represent a detailed picture ai the integrity of the body, its constitutional strengths, areas of congestion or toic accumulations, nutrtionai deticiencies, etc. Greg Thouapson Ph.D., CI., M.H. 160 Main St., Milton 878-2297 Oood wHa«lhpull Activities and information fer heaithier living Join us at our next DIABETES CLINNO Wedn.sday, November l8th 10:00 a.m. te 4:00 P.M. Did you know that about 5% of Canadians have been diagnesed with diabetes? Join us te Iearn about the different types et diabetes, and have your bloed sugar level tested by a registered nurse. Find out the warning signs ef diabetes, and se much more! MILTON MALL 55 Ontario St. South 905-876-0644 'garim«nlie R~Ih the cool wlnter mnh upan us, it s time ta prevent our skln fIi rom becamlng dry, tight and dehydrated. Body & Sle affers VVin-depth knawedge and expertise ln hydratian ond skin pra- tection. Our onka Facial derlved tram Paris is offered A LA CARTE, which means we con custamize a persanal treatment accarding ta your skIn type. Here, aramnatherapy piays an Important part ln cleans- ing the skIn and reiaxing the mmnd. From premenstruai ta extremeiy sensitive skin, fine Unes, sagglng, dehydratian, age spats even smaker skin. Yaur skin con be characterized by its jhickness level af firmness and hydratian. Yaur stress level and the enviranment Influence yaur needs. Cansuit ane af aur esthetlcians ta abtain an ln depth diagnosis and persanaiized pragram. Julie ar Sandra invite yau ta book yaur appaintment taday. only YN$400* PARISReg. $55.00 .12i;i.. q«.iad W.IgIm Leui of 2 Ihi. a wek SN«u allmy IuIamed Food PnWg'.. For a ¶u Omeu neCumo $deaf md IffeMeifer c i ges "& frkee consultafion calt: 75289 ljtMASSAGE THERAPYdI Registereci Massage Tberapîst *Expres Nov, 15 905ý 875-0508 YOWJRE AN EXERCISER. Whether you're a marathoner or a weekend athiete a massa gebefoýre or affer exorcise wiii increase your flexiiliiy andtkep you imber. OUTSIDE SPORTS. Getting ready For tiie snow? (Siiing, snowboarding, hockey) Prevent Ihose injuries before they happen, or corne in afterwards and relax those aching muscles. HOliDAY STRESS. If Family gatherings send you up the wail, treat yourself to a massage. You deserve iti 55*O TRI.S.S..U I #1 F . 0HAVW Y01ÀA DOgeAlgyVHgc A5OM YOtÂg LOOSP, ft4'TRS?' *Same Day Relines *Lest Dentures Made in 24 Heurs *Soft Rubber Liners *Repairs *Free Consultation Dentures should beg checked danytime Iooseness or sorness develops The Denture Speclalist GARRY T. TRENTON, DENTURIST 153 Main St. E. 876-2000