Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Nov 1998, p. 34

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-r 22-The Canadian Champion. Tuesday, November 10, 1998 If you have any quesions these professionals can answer, please write to: 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 GREG J. LAWRENCE e. sc., D. CH. 'L'~,> ~~11*FOOT SPECIALIST / ÇHIROPODIST MONEY B..,BS..,MS..,CS..,DP.SO.AD.350 Main St. E., 1~]CO N CEPTS Individuals, Couples, Çhildren & Familles G 1r*tw A nPrio L7Ge 4W4, FINANCIAL PLANNING CENTRES 11084, 5th Line, Milton, Ontario m(905) 702-1611 Financiai Planning - Retiremrent Planning Elmyne M. Tanner (905> 854-0801 GrgJ arne Member of thec Ontario Society of - Mutual Funds - R.R.S.P.'s - G.I.C' s- R.R.I.F 's Lu Mulligan, CFP, RHU n.Altbeugh my 10 year old daughter has many friends, dues B.d sehe OtaCho College o Chiropodiatstyinurne TxShltr extremely well lu school, and appears well adjusted, sheanThOnaiColgofhrpdst TI:(0)86 94 Fx:95)7-23 prefers te spend time by herseif doing solitary activities. A Foot Specialist is an individual who treats any foot related Te(9587- 40 Fx(9 )8693 What should 1 do? condition. People with Diabetes are more likely to, develop prob- 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T i P9 A: First, I would have to know the auswer to, a number of questions lems with their feet. Not only does a Foot Specialist take care of Q: Wbat's thse best way to prepare for the future? such as: has she always been ibis way. or has there been a sudden theae probleme, we also perform screening to help prevent any change in-hehaviour, has something happened that you are aware of, complications. Individuals who are diabetir should get their feet such as a death in the family, that she might be grieving. Is it possi- screened on a yearly basin, if no problema currently exist. A: People often get senious about their future after a major bie that something has happened that you are flot aware of, is there event has happened: the mortgage is paid off, kîds have something going ou in the family that she feels sets her apart front Screening of the foot consista of assesament of the circulation, left home, a loved one's death, forced early retirement. others or that she is ashamed of, such as divorce, alcoholism or fami- nerve testing, orthopedic assessment and footwear assessemnt. These are the ktnds of events which cause us to re-eval- ly violence? If your child has always been this way aud you eau Event if no problema extst, a Foot Spectalst can be a good source uste just exactly whcrc we are and wherc we want 10 be answer "no" to the rest of the questions, we are prohabty safe in ofifrainrarigpeein.eowthrarafegig.Aiacallncnralyep.Isrvsacm moviug aloug to the next hune of thinkiug. You say ahte is well o nomto eadn rvnin eoteeaeafwgig iaca lncnral ep tsre on adjusted, so 1 arn assumiug that she is flot paiufully shy or insecure. questions regardirtg Diabetes. Let's test your knowledge. bination "road map" to your destination and "blue, print" Possibly tht ftnds the pursuits of ber peers to lack in creativity sud 1. Poor blood aupply is common in people with Diabetes who: for building your assets. stimulation - iu other words, she quickly gets bortd with them. If so, this nouds like a young girl who is a free thiuker sud dots not feel a a) are older b) umoke Before you rush out to get a financial plan, it is impor- ueed t, follow tht pack. This is a positive, as it is this pack mentality c) have hihcholesterol d) have hihblood pressure tant to decide juat what you are lookîng for. Attend thtlasadolescents into experimental drug, alcohol sud sexual bea ior1 amn gueusing that sh scniet needn n o )hiha highte financial seminars. Meet with financial planners. Ask afraid of "missing out". She likely accepts herself and dots flot need for more than 10 years them how they are different from others. Ask questions: others to make her feel acceptable. What does their finished plan look like? What do they 2. If you find an ares of your foot that is hot, selI? How do they gel paid? 1 would continue to encourage her to join in some group activities, this might mean that:Oneyuhvfodafnniaplnngrgiatn hoth structured sud nou-structured. Where postible, turoîl her inOneyuhv odafinclpanngraiztn groups that are a little older rather thsu youuger than herself. Find a) there is normal b) there iu poor blood with thse planning tools and husiness methods that you activities that are more specific to her talents sud inttrtsts sud more blood supply supply like and a financial planiner whomn you trust, you are likely to have other serious minded participants, c) infection, stress or fracture ready to start. Get to, know them and get to, know how What you do M~ wsut to do is give ber the message that she is flot Anwr .Alo h bv.2 .they will help you. O.K. as she is, or that you are disappointed in ber. Lastly, you may Ases1 l fteaoe .C like to bring her in to set me 2 or 3 times for su objective, quick If there are any groupa, companies, schools or clubs interested in GTPOESOA DIE asesetadayipesosta a éi.a presentation on any foot related topics, please rail our office. GET PROES ION L DIC Ela'ne Tanner is a Certified Social Worker in private practice in north Milton. The clinic offert extended heurs. No referral is neoesuary. Cail ivofey Conlcepts If y ou have further questions or if you wouid like te arrange an appointment. Meute catis are alto available. FOR MORE INFORMATION: 876-0940. please colt (905) 854-0801. Conifideniit guaranteed Dr. TongJ Wan'e F9~ HALTON HILLS Tooth Tei k To¶ advertise SPECHCETR Towne Dental Group l s a ic in 106 Guelph Stemet, Grorgeto w, Outans., L7G 3Z5 Milton, Mail - 55 Ontario St. Tri: (905) 873-8400 Fax: (9<05) 873-8158 Tony H. Wan 87 -1 81rr . ,Q have noticed that 1 often mispiace rny car keys and B.Sc., D.D. S. (905)8 61 86A S n forget people's names. Arn 1 Iosimg my rnemory? Diet Soit Drinks Il A: As we age. decline in our memory skills in botis univer- Beware what it can do to your teeth! Jthings. When we are younger we do not associate for- Pepl thn juifc ie oa cnann getting where we Ieft our car keys or somneone's name People ~~~~ ~ ca l 0hn 0htsnede oa otî l with serious declines in our memnory abilîties. However, sugar that ît will flot contribute to tbe develop- older adulta are mucis more likely to think that similar mnoftohdecay. What you may not realize is lapses in memory are an indication of memory decline mhtent oft drnsoothllcue sm hdm or somnething more serious sucis as Alzheimer's thatdie sot drnkscanstii case s mch dni 'II i0~Disease. However. forgetting is a normal part of aging age to teeth as a regular soda. To enhance flavour J J* f.and there are many things we can do to improve our lost by flot using sugar, diet pop uses larger W~7,e'memory. Writing dlown important messages, a direction amounts of phosphoric and citric acid. It îs the to1 somneone's home, phone numbers or appointruents on aista a daaeenamnel that protects your a calendar is a powerful memory tool. Put frequently acid tht ca daageused objects, such as keys or glasses, in the samne place teeth. When the enamel is weakend, you are more I I JI L I U t I each lime so that you can aiways go to that one place likely to get cavities, cracks and develop sensittv - and find tise missing object. "Remember to remember - it t cold. This is especially thse case for peopleé ~ ~ j paying specific attention to a person's namne or details ity Ilo n of a big event will help you to remember tie namne or wearing orthodontic braces, making their teeth r m ui m m w edetails at a later date. Attention is an important part of even more prone 10 decay. j. I * U M . DLremembering because you focus on specîfic informa- 'w. t ion that will help you to remember. Aside from aging, Any highly acidic drink can cause trouble includ- tere are alto many factors in our lives that impact on ing pineapple, orange and other fruit juices and a1t memory. Some of these factors include adequate nuti- sodas. A taîl glass of water following the con- tion, side effects of medication, hearing or seeing difficulties (it is bard to remember information when sumption of tbese drinks will help, but the best M J ~ E Eour brain does not receive a clear message) fatigue and way to reduce your risk is to brush your teeth. l 8 2 4 neurologic&1/diseases. it is important to be aware of fac- tors in your life that can affect your memory and know If you think you may be experiencing this oral that there is often something you can do to improve problemn, see your oral health professional. T O if tyour memory. "Remember it takes more than a good memory to make good memories!" ý(îàLlý "--- V--c ý-

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