Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Nov 1998, p. 8

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GRADE 66A99 NEWS M1ILTON DISTRICT HIGEScH L Jacquelîne Basa s Grade "A" News at MDHS By Jacqueline Bass and Marissa Cheskey Il has been a pretty busy week here ai M.D.H.S. Firsi of ail, we have a correction from test week's article about cheerteading tryouts. They Will 5h11 be held on November 111h, but the ime is 4:00 p.m. t0 6:00 p.m. Speaking of the cheerleaders, lhey are particlpaing in a fund-raiser 10 help support Cysic Fibrosis research as well as the leam. They would like 10, ask the community 10 coniribute ail of their A&P, Ultra and Dominion grocery receipis. 'But where?" you may bu asling youraelf. Well, A&P has made this quite easy for us. After shopping ai A&P, you can imply deposil your receipt in a box specifi- cally for this purpose. Jusi drop Rin the Milton District Cheerleadera loi. Ai the end of the year if we have ssve $45000000 in receipta, the cheerfeaders wvill receive $1,.000.00 torrn A&P - WOWI Milton Districts grade ten business casas has been busy visiting local busnesses 10 gel ada for the M.D.H.S. 1998-1999 yearbook. There has already been a great response. We would lie t10 thanir the Milon business communiiy for iheir support and enthusiasm. Yearbook sasies are sti11 taking pace here ai school and will continue for the nexi couple of weeks. Il is only $25.00 10 purchase one and il is a greai way 10, support the achool. The more sasies thai are made the bigger and better the yearbook wil be. This will aiso heip 10 bring bacir colour pages in the yearbooic. the order must be placed soon which means thai sales muai be wrapped Up shoriiy; so dont miss out and maire sure ail you students ai MD. gel your copyl For any parents wishing 10 buy copies as gis, contact Mra. O'Reilly ait e school. For many students a dreaded ime of yesr is approaching quiicly. That's right - mid-ienn reports wAi bu dastributed on November 121h. They will bu sent homne with the aludents, mit mailed. Folowing, on November 191h, sa ParentsNight for Grade Nine 10, OAC sludenta. I any of the parents wish tb speair with any of your sonldaughter's teachers this is the night to do so. Calling ail singera, actora, dancera and basically ail baented peoplel If tfiêa sounda lie you then why not corne oui and audition for Spoilight 198. For anyone who doesn't irnow, Spotlight 96 la a talent night, which ahowcaaes the talented aludenia 0f M.D.H.S. Auditions Mlil bu heid on November 191h, so Igel your act logether and come on cuti For furiher details, listen 10, the announcemneris and we will ieep you posied as well. We know ihaitis mey have buen a pretiy hecti c week for meny students and leachers ai Miffon that studenis wil bu understanding of the situation and make i as easy a transition as possible for any new leachers. This will shlow things 10 gel bock 10 normal for everyone as quiclcly as possible. Thank you and have a great weekend! Datetine Drury - Friday, November 6, 1998 by Jessica Wellstead and Katie Murzin Welcome to tis week's edition of Dateline Drury! Last week at Drury students got int the Halloween spirit: On Wednesday October 28, ail homeroore classes siarted the day off by prepaning entries for our Student Councilas annual pumpkin carving con- lest. The theme for this year was "Famous Faces.» The highlights include the "Kisa" pumpkin, the 'Monica Lewinsky" pumpkin and the "Snoopy" pumpcin. Congratulations to ail those classes who enthusiastically participated; certainly this day offered Drury arlists a rich opportunity to display their talenta, which judging by the carvinga they did with reliah. The Halloween Danoe waa alao a great auc- oess with best coatume awards going to the toga-clad seniors! 0f course, the traditional ghoula and goblins were also prominent at this earf y, but festive Halloween celebration. A apeciaf thank you goea oui to ail those parents who volunteered their time as cliaperones to make this dance possible. This past week has been a week of discovery of personal strengths, weaknesses and goals of Drury students. On Wednesday, November 4th, grade nine students were given the opportunity 10 expeni- enoe the world of work as part of "Take Vour Kida To Work Day 1998. This day provided a chance for students f0 appfy the akilîs they leam in class to the real world. It also helped students to understand more clearly what their parents do everyday. Another relevant issue to Drury students this week was the distribution of midterm report carda. For somne this was a reward for their effort given during the first hait of the semester. For others however this was a reminder 10 focus more and dedicate more lime 10 their future projectal Hopefully only a few punlshments came as a result of these marksl As we ail know, Wednesday, November il la Remnembrance Day. E.C. Drury will be paying tribute t0 Wh oe, diig oressy hyrejs k oung DriversD r'~isi~'YcuînafDrivers bas thirty vears of instructors over the past 10 years. experience teaching collision avoidance. b)q- And has achieved Registration to the coveted IS0 And over haîf a million graduates, coast to coast. e 4tP 1SO 9001 Qualiiy Assurance Management And more than a million dollars invested in dri-1 Standard. ver training research, plus another million invest- No matter what they say, no one else is anything ýLA ;ni qnA1~**-'~----~-niiql rpppertification promrams for our yI" like Young Drivers!___ NOVEMBER 10 TUES. & THURS. 6:30 PM _ 9:40 PM 4 WEEKS 875480 (~ ] www.youngdrivers.com DECEMBER 28, 29, 30,31 9:00OAM - 3:45 PM 4 DAYS Young Drivers of Canada That's what parents are for. 19 1 eu in animai JL m 1

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